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Short presentation of medieval archaeology at the crossroad of different methodological perspectives.

The structuring of information through search : Sorting waste with Google

Purpose: This study explores informational structures producing and organizing the construction of waste sorting in Sweden. It shows how the issue is constructed by it being searched for in Google and how this contributes to the specific informational texture of waste sorting in Sweden. It is guided by the following questions: Who are the main actors and which are the central topics featuring in G

Individen som medborgare och konsument

- Allmänheten anser generellt att klimatfrågan är viktig, och förklarar sig beredd att agera både som medborgare och konsumenter. Samtidigt varierar allmänhetens klimathänsyn kraf- tigt mellan olika områden. Social motivation är en stark drivkraft som kan förklara allmänhe- tens motstridiga agerande i klimatfrågan.- Positiva argument som förbättrad luft och högre livskvalitet i stä

A snapshot-based mechanism for celestial orientation

n order to protect their food from competitors, ball-rolling dung beetles detach a piece of dung from a pile, shape it into a ball, and roll it away along a straight path [1]. They appear to rely exclusively on celestial compass cues to maintain their bearing [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8], but the mechanism that enables them to use these cues for orientation remains unknown. Here, we describe the orien

Attenuation correction in pulmonary and myocardial single photon emission computed tomography.

Popular Abstract in Swedish I nuklearmedicinska mätningar registreras förekomsten av en radioaktiv substans, vilken tillförts kroppen, via de fotoner som substansen utsänder. I denna studie har använts tomografisk nuklearmedicinsk teknik, SPECT, som ger information om regional fördelning av radioaktivitet i tre dimensioner. Aktivitetsfördelningen avspeglar någon fysiologisk funktion, exempelvis geThe objective was to develop and validate methods for single photon emission computed tomography, SPECT, allowing quantitative physiological and diagnostic studies of lung and heart. A method for correction of variable attenuation in SPECT, based on transmission measurements before administration of an isotope to the subject, was developed and evaluated. A protocol based upon geometrically well de

Dynamically Re-configurable Transport Protocols for Low-End Sensors in Wireless Networks

Small scale embedded systems and sensors have become a booming research area over the past few years. One of the primary concerns regarding such systems is small scale and efficient code to facilitate small memory footprint requirements and low power consumption. In the communications sector there has been considerable effort put into reducing the scale of protocol stacks and making them more powe