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E-legitimationsbedrägerier: Balansgången mellan förtroende och vilseledning

Studien omfattar bedrägerier som utförs via den svenska e-legitimationen BankID. Konceptet social engineering presenteras i denna studie och används som en förklaringsmodell för att kunna utforska huruvida BankID-bedrägerierna faller inom ramen för SE. Vidare diskuteras ett antal mänskliga faktorer som har en påverkan i dessa sammanhang, vilka är målgrupp, medvetenhet och tillit. Genom en intervjuThe study covers fraud that is carried out via the Swedish e-ID BankID. The concept of social engineering is presented in this study and is used as an explanatory model to investigate whether the BankID fraud falls within the scope of SE. Furthermore, several human factors such as target group, awareness and trust are discussed to understand what type of impact they have in this context. An interv

Förädling av vildsvinskött genom torkning

Tanken med examensarbetet var att skapa grund för en framtida torkad produkt baserad på vildsvin. Vildsvin är idag en outnyttjad klimatsmart resurs som det finns gott om i våra skogar. Idén med att göra en produkt av vildsvinskött kom under vårterminen i kursen produktutveckling, som ingår i utbildningen Livsmedelsteknisk. Vildsvinsköttet är ett magert och näringsrikt kött. Enligt VärldsnaturfondeThe idea behind the thesis was to create a basis for a future dried product based on wild boar. Wild boar is today an untapped climate smart resource that there are plenty of in our forests. The idea of making a product from wild boar meat came during the spring term in the product development course, which is part of the Food Technology program. Wild boar meat is lean and nutritious. According to

Self-Service Business Intelligence: Towards a CSF Model for SSBI Success

Utilizing Business Intelligence (BI) technologies is becoming increasingly important in order to make data-driven decisions enabling organizations to stay competitive. However, with long lead times, organizations are not able to take those time-critical data-driven decisions in order to stay ahead. With the introduction of Self-Service Business Intelligence (SSBI) systems, more and more organizati

Kronvittnessystem - En främmande fågel i svensk rätt? - dåtid, samtid, framtid -

Vid straffmätningen ska domstolen, utöver brottets straffvärde, i skälig om-fattning beakta omständigheter som saknar samband med straffvärdet men som har samband med gärningsmannens personrelaterade omständigheter efter brottet. Dessa omständigheter stadgas i 29 kap 5 § brottsbalken och kal-las för billighetsskäl. Om det föreligger en omständighet bland billighetsskälen kan det medföra strafflindThe court must, in the meting out of punishment, in addition to the penal value, consider reasonable circumstances that has no connection to the penal value, but which has a connection to the offender's personal circumstances after the crime. These circumstances are regulated in chapter 29, section 5 of the penal code and is referred to as the equitable grounds. If there is a circumstance amon

Olagligt åtkommen bevisning i svensk, amerikansk och kanadensisk rätt

I Sverige gäller principen om den fria bevisprövningen. Förutom ett fåtal undantag och en generell avvisningsregel i 35:7 rättegångsbalken finns det i princip inga begränsningar om vad som får åberopas som bevisning i en domstol i brottmål. Det har heller inte ansetts oförenligt med lag att ta upp och pröva bevisning som åtkommits på ett olagligt sätt. I USA och Kanada förhåller det sig annorlundIn Sweden, the ruling principle on evidence is that it is allowed to admit almost any type of evidence before a court in a criminal case. There is a few exceptions and general exclusion rule in 35:7 rättegångsbalken, which is used mostly when evidence is clearly not needed in the trial. It is considered possible to admit and use evidence that was gathered through a breach of a constitutional right

Fri och villig? - En diskursanalys av frivillighetsrekvisitet i våldtäktsbestämmelsen ur ett genusrättsligt perspektiv

Den 1 juli 2018 trädde en ny lag om våldtäktsbrottet i kraft baserad på frivillighet. Överväganden kring ett införande av en samtyckesbaserad lagstiftning har pågått och omdebatterats under lång tid och två gånger tidigare har frågan utretts i 1998 års sexualbrottskommitté och 2008 års sexualbrottsutredning. Efter lagändringen 2018 är det tillräckligt med avsaknad av frivillighet vid deltagande i The 1st of July 2018, a new legislation regarding rape came into force, based on consent and voluntary participation. Considerations regarding a consent-based legislation has been ongoing and disputed, not least during the last century and twice before the question has been investigated in the 1998 sex crime committee and the 2008 sex crime investigation. Since the change it is no longer required

Säljarens upplysningsplikt vid försäljning av en fastighet

Den primära frågan i uppsatsen är om säljarens upplysningsplikt gentemot köparen för fel vid försäljning av en fastighet går att definiera; för vilka typer av avvikelser har säljaren en upplysningsplikt och finns det situationer då en upplysningsplikt alltid uppstår? Upplysningsplikten finns inte uttryckligen formulerad i lag. Indirekt går det däremot att utläsa en upplysningsplikt i ett fåtal laThe primary inquiry in the thesis is whether the seller's disclosure obligation towards the buyer for property defects can be defined; For what types of defects does the seller have a duty to provide information and do situations exist in which an obligation to provide information always apply? The duty to provide disclosure is not expressly stated by law. Indirectly, on the other hand, it is

Körledaren som sånglärare – en intervjustudie kring körledarens ansvar i koristers röstutveckling

Som sångerska har jag sjungt en hel del i kör, och på grund av det har jag fått möte flertalet körledare. Dessa körledare har olika kunskaper om rösten, och har lärt mig om rösten på olika sätt. Ibland var det felaktig information som delgavs, ibland var det ordvalen som kunde varit bättre, och ibland hade körledaren full koll. Den kunskap som körledarna förmedlar formar sedan koristerna, och då sAs a singer I have sung a lot in choir, and because of that I have met many choir leaders. These choir leaders had different knowledge of the voice, and different ways to approach vocal technique. Sometimes the information was incorrect, sometimes it was the shortage in words, and sometimes the choir leader had complete control. The way the choir leader gives instructions in vocal technique affect

Att rättfärdiga det utomrättsliga: En komparativ analys av hur USA:s framing av utomrättsligt dödande har förändrats från Clintonadministrationen till Obamaadministrationen

The study explores how USA, as a liberal democracy, justifies actions that can be described as extra-judicial targeted killings. The study is based on a three-case study of the Clinton, W. Bush and Obama administrations. The frame theory is used to categories and analyze the official statements, to get an understanding of how the different presidential administrations with the use of words are try

Åtgärder på vems bekostnad? - En studie kring att förstå kriget mot droger i Filippinerna utifrån ett mänskligt säkerhetsperspektiv

This study aims to understand president Duterte’s ’war on drugs’ through human security theory. In order to achieve an analytical framework for human security, two of its subcategories have been used as a theoretical entrance: personal and political security. The study consists of a single case study with an understanding approach to the phenomenon of the Philippine drug war through human security

Palestinian Youth - A study of gendered insecurities and agency

Youth present either a risk or a great opportunity for change. Traditionally youth have been perceived in binary terms of either as victim of wars or as threats to peace and security. The UNSCR 2250 on Youth, Peace and Security presents a shift in the perception of young people, now regarding them as agents of peace and security. This thesis will shed light on young Palestinians through a case stu

Debatten om IS-svenskarna (och deras barn)

This article is the product of a close chronological reading of the debate surrounding the so called ‘’ISIS-returnees’’ in Sweden during the spring of 2019. The debate itself, as well as the situation it concerned, has been treated as a discursive field where a securitization has been attempted and resisted by several actors. The study has found that an intersubjective struggle between these actor

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Is the bottom billion really stuck at the bottom – stuck in poverty without possibilities to escape? This study follows up on predictions made by Paul Collier in his famous 2007- book The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries Are Failing and What Can Be Done About It, in which he states that the following four poverty traps keeps the world’s poorest countries poor: conflict, natural resources,

Tungelstas förändrade landskap - växthus, jordbruksmark och beslutsfattande

In this Bachelor thesis Tungelsta, a south Stockholm suburb, is examined regarding its changing landscape, specifically regarding the greenhouses as well as farmland in its southern area. The goal is to find why, how and in what way the landscape of Tungelsta changes. Tungelsta is part of Haninge municipality and was developed by the real estate company Hem på landet AB, already in the first decad

Quantifying Competition Damages - EU Competition Law and the Right to Full Compensation

Den Europeiska Unionen utgör ett överstatligt samarbete mellan medlemsstaterna och dess viktigaste mål är en konkurrenskraftig inre marknad. Konkurrensrätten utgör ett vitalt verktyg för EU:s upprätthållande av konkurrensen på marknaden och genomdrivs huvudsakligen av Kommissionen. Privata sanktionsmedel, särskilt konkurrensskadetalan, har emellertid fått ökad betydelse. Denna utveckling har resulThe European Union is a supranational cooperation between its Member States, and its main objective is a highly competitive internal market. Competition law is a vital tool in the protection of competition on the market. It is mainly enforced by the Commission. However, private enforcement through competition damages actions, has become increasingly important. This development has resulted in a Di

A review of Sweden’s cyber security actors through the lens of Assemblage theory

Our entire society relies on technologies to function. Critical infrastructure like: water, power, transportation and communication systems amongst other things are technologies connected to the cyberspace. The cyber security is therefore to be considered a matter of national security, hence it also needs to be handle like a national security matter. Many states has come to the conclusion that pub

Who are the enemies? A study on the influence of conspiracy theories on target selection in three cases of Right-wing terrorism

Right-wing terrorism poses an increasing threat to the safety of people all around the world. This thesis examines terrorist target selection processes in right-wing terrorism with the aim of reaching a deeper understanding on how terrorists operate. In order to do so, I have designed this study as a comparative case study, in which three cases of right-wing terrorism have been analysed. Theoretic

Kvarstår könsstereotyper i reklam på sociala plattformar?-En kvalitativ studie om hur skapar sitt budskap med hjälp av influencers

Företag väljer att övergå till en modernare marknadsföringsmetod såsom Influencer Marketing. Influencer Marketing fungerar genom word-of-mouth som är en metod där information sprids från en person till en annan. Studien avser därför att analysera om företag som jobbar med Influencer Marketing fortfarande använder sig av könsstereotypisk reklam för att marknadsföra sina produkter. En semiotisk analCompanies today choose to abandon traditional marketing methods in favor of new and modern marketing methods. One such method is Influencer Marketing which uses a method called word-of-mouth in which information is spread from person to person. This study is therefore aimed to investigate whether the use of gender stereotypical in advertising still remains despite the more modern marketing methods

Malmöpendelns integrationspotential - Om kollektivtrafik och förbättrad tillgänglighet

The main purpose of this paper is to investigate how the new railway line, Malmöpendeln, can break the segregation and improve integration in the city of Malmö. The subsidiary aim with the essay is to further investigate if Rosengård station can lead to a positive urban development and improved integration. The underlying methodology have been document analysis and semi-structured interviews. The