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Your search for "*" yielded 529485 hits

Adsorption of alpha amino acids at the water/goethite interface

The adsorption of amino acids onto mineral surfaces plays an important role in a wide range of areas, e.g., low-temperature aqueous geochemistry, bone formation and protein-bone interactions. In this work, the adsorption of three alpha aminoacids (sarcosine, MIDA and EDDA) onto goethite (alpha-FeOOH) was studied as a function of pH and background electrolyte concentration at 25.0 degrees C, and th

Improvement of arabinoxylan isolation from barley husks

A method of extracting arabinoxylan from barley husks has previously been developed, but was found to suffer from three problems, namely: starch was dispersed in the aqueous phase during steam pretreatment, the yield of extracted arabinoxylan with high molecular mass was low in the steam pretreatment step, and there was high filtration resistance in the clarification step. This paper presents poss

Physical activity and lymphoid neoplasms in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and nutrition (EPIC)

Background: Lymphoid neoplasms are a heterogeneous group of cancers that originate in the lymphatic cells of the immune system. Several risk factors have been identified or suggested, but they all account for only a small proportion of the lymphoid neoplasm incidence. It has been hypothesised that regular exercise may modulate the immune system and thereby reduce the risk of developing the disease

Cerebrospinal fluid tau and amyloid-β1-42 in patients with dementia.

Progressive cognitive decline in combination with a cerebrospinal fluid biomarker pattern of low levels of amyloid-β1-42 and high levels of total tau and phosphorylated tau is typical of Alzheimer's disease. However, several neurodegenerative disorders may overlap with Alzheimer's disease both in regards to clinical symptoms and neuropathology. In a uniquely large cohort of dementia patients, we e

On the speed of convergence of Newton's method for complex polynomials

We investigate Newton's method for complex polynomials of arbitrary degree d, normalized so that all their roots are in the unit disk. For each degree d, we give an explicit set S-d of 3.33d log(2) d(1 + o(1)) points with the following universal property: for every normalized polynomial of degree d there are d starting points in S-d whose Newton iterations find all the roots with a low number of i

The complex aerodynamic footprint of desert locusts revealed by large-volume tomographic particle image velocimetry.

Particle image velocimetry has been the preferred experimental technique with which to study the aerodynamics of animal flight for over a decade. In that time, hardware has become more accessible and the software has progressed from the acquisition of planes through the flow field to the reconstruction of small volumetric measurements. Until now, it has not been possible to capture large volumes t

Identifying dietary patterns using a normal mixture model: application to the EPIC study

Background Finite mixture models posit the existence of a latent categorical variable and can be used for probabilistic classification. The authors illustrate the use of mixture models for dietary pattern analysis. An advantage of this approach is taking classification uncertainty into account. Methods Participants were a random sample of women from the European Prospective Investigation into Canc

Predicting fear of crime: A test of the shadow of sexual assault hypothesis

Criminologists have indicated that gender is one of the strongest predictors of fear of crime. The leading explanation for gender differences in fear of crime levels is the shadow of sexual assault hypothesis, claiming that women’s fear of sexual assault is one of the most salient factors influencing their fear of other crimes. Using a sample of 1,051 university students, this study examines the p

Detection of warning surfaces in pedestrian environments: The importance for blind people of kerbs, depth, and structure of tactile surfaces.

Purpose. The overall purpose was to study whether and how persons with blindness detect warning surfaces with a long white cane in a real pedestrian environment after following a natural guidance surface to the warning surfaces. Of particular interest was the importance of kerb, depth, and structure of the warning surfaces. Method. A concurrently mixed methods approach, with a combination of obser

A comparative study of the effect of gold seed particle preparation method on nanowire growth

Highly controlled particle-assisted growth of semiconductor nanowires has been performed for many years, and a number of novel nanowire-based devices have been demonstrated. Full control of the epitaxial growth is required to optimize the performance of devices, and gold seed particles are known to provide the most controlled growth. Successful nanowire growth from gold particles generated and dep

Amorpha-4,11-diene synthase: Mechanism and stereochemistry of the enzymatic cyclization of farnesyl diphosphate

Recombinant amorpha-4,11-diene synthase from Artemisia annua, expressed in Escherichia coli, was incubated with the deuterium-labeled farnesyl diphosphates, (1R)-[1-H-2]FPP, (1S)-[1-H-2]FPP, and [1,1-H-2(2)]FPP. GC-MS analysis of amorpha-4,11-diene formed from the deuterated FPPs shows that the deuterium atoms are retained in the product. Furthermore, analysis of the MS-spectra obtained with the d

The diffusion model and the social-hierarchical process of change

This article presents some critical comments on the use of Rogers' innovation-diffusion model, which is often referred to in health promotion research as an explanation of how behavioural changes occur over time. The analytical focus is on the belief that there is a social pattern in the process of diffusion, so that higher socioeconomic groups lead the way in adopting ‘preventive innovations’, an

Size characterization of a charged amphiphilic copolymer in solutions of different salts and salt concentrations using flow field-flow

The aggregation behavior of a charged amphiphilic graft copolymer, prepared from poly(styrene-co-methyl methacrylate-co-maleic anhydride) and poly(ethylene oxide) monomethyl ether, was studied using flow field-flow fractionation (flow FFF). This method determines the hydrodynamic size of aggregates. The polymer was shown to have a complex aggregation behavior in aqueous solutions containing salt.

Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript: distribution and function in rat gastrointestinal tract.

Cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript (CART) peptide, originally isolated from brain, is also expressed in the peripheral nervous system. The distribution, origin and projections of CART-expressing enteric neurones by immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization in rat gastrointestinal (GI) tract were studied. Possible motor functions of CART were studied in vitro using longitudinal muscl

Bacterial magnetite in Swedish varved lake-sediments: a potential bio-marker of environmental change

Detailed mineral magnetic measurements were carried out on three varved lake-sediment sequences in Sweden, which extend to ca. 7000 BC. The comparison of the magnetic properties of the organic rich varved lake-sediments with their respective catchment materials indicates that the magnetic properties of the sediments are dominated by relatively high concentrations of single-domain magnetite magneto

Women's informed choice of prenatal diagnosis: early ultrasound examination-routine ultrasound examination-age-independent amniocentesis

The antenatal clinics in the catchment area of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital, Lund, were divided into a study group and a control group. At the study antenatal clinics during a 15-month period 1,004 pregnant women received a written and verbal information that a routine ultrasound examination during gestational week 18 should be considered as a prenatal diagnosti