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Genetic plant diversity is crucial to meet future challenges through plant adaptation to new biotic and abiotic conditions. To date, conservation strategy focuses on an ex situ (off-site) approach whereas the importance of in situ (in-site) conservation has been stressed to increase the public engagement and facilitate the gradual evolutionary adaptation of the material. This essay focuses on the

CEO compensation and its relation to firm performance

Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to examine how the pay-performance relationship behaves for firms listed on the Stockholm Stock Exchange large cap list and attempt to draw inferences about how nation-specific aspects characterizing listed Swedish firms affect the relationship. Method: The method is a regression analysis using regressing performance on pay along with the control variables fir

Meröppet eller personallöst? : En diskursanslys av diskussionen i svensk och dansk dagspress om de obemannade biblioteken

Our master thesis concerns the discussions of self-service libraries in Swedish and Danish daily press. Our research questions are: What attitudes and perceptions can be observed in the media coverage of self-service libraries in Sweden and Denmark? Which values are conveyed as the governing in the introduction of self-service libraries? How does the media coverage reflect the role of the libraria

Familjeklass - en för alla, alla för en? Insatsens påverkan på barnet och dess omgivande system

Abstract Authors: Emanuel Franzén, Eva-Lotte Frost Ottosson Title: Family school – one for all and all for one? The effect of the intervention on the child and on its surrounding systems. (Translated title) Supervisor: Maria Bangura Arvidsson Changes within society have compelled Swedish schools to shoulder a greater responsibility for the children’s social development and problems. Family sc

Tjejer och killar i skolan - en studie i mellanstadielärares syn på avvikande beteende

The purpose of this study was to examine how boys and girls are selected to participate in social group work in school. More specifically it sought to analyse what kind of gender discourses arise when teachers discuss girls’ and boys’ problematic behaviour. Four teachers who work at a school in a large city in Sweden were interviewed. They work in grades five and six and collaborate closely with t

Synen på unga mäns utsatthet i hedersproblematik

The perception of young men's vulnerability in the honor context Despite its existence, physical and sexual abuse of men is rarely addressed in media or research. When men are put into a context of honor, they are often seen as perpetrators, which problematize the view of young men as victims another dimension. Thus young men and boys in honor structures are faced with a dilemma when they in

Corporate environmentalism and its practical implications for managers- A case study about manager`s environmental work at Skanska

Key words: Corporate environmentalism, ecologic-economic decision-making, CSR worldviews Purpose: To explore environmental decision-aming processes at managers at Skanska, also with regard to enviornmental decison-making conceptualizations in theory. Method: The research of the thesis is based on a qualitative approach through the use of semi-structured and open interviews. Furthermore an interpre

Lätt att läsa, svår att lägga ifrån sig. Om att översätta böcker för lässvaga ungdomar

Uppsatsen baseras på översättningen av två böcker skrivna för lässvaga ungdomar, Death Leap och Babyfather. I uppsatsen beskrivs arbetet med källtext, översättningen och de problem och ställningstaganden som dykt upp samt den revisionsprocess som krävts för att få till färdiga översättningar av texterna. Böckernas lättlästa drag undersöks och uppsatsen diskuterar också hur översättningarna kan ellThis essay is based on the translation of two books for struggling readers, Death Leap and Babyfather. The essay describes the on-going work with the source texts, the translation and the problems and choices connected with it, as well as the revisions needed to create the final translations of the texts. The readability of the books is examined and the essay also discusses how the translations ma

Dissociation - En kvalitativ studie om begreppets användning och användbarhet inom allmän vuxenpsykiatri

Dissociation är ett begrepp som används mångtydigt för att beteckna ett eller flera fenomen. Psykologer inom allmän vuxenpsykiatri i Skåne intervjuades om deras förståelse och användning av begreppet i relation till deras arbete med patienter. Studien syftade till att undersöka begreppets användning i en klinisk kontext som inte specialiserat sig på traumabehandling. Ansatsen var uttalat pragmatisDissociation is a term used ambiguously to describe one or several phenomena. Psychologists working in general adult psychiatry in Skåne were interviewed about their understanding and use of the term dissociation in relation to their work with patients. An aim of the study was to describe the use of the term in a clinical context that does not offer specialized trauma treatments. Another aim of th

Att inte hälla salt på jordgubbarna: Systematiskt säkerhetsarbete och säkerhetskultur inom en sjukhusorganisation

Syfte: Syftet med denna uppsats är att skapa förståelse för närvaron och skapandet av ett systematiskt säkerhetsarbete och en säkerhetskultur inom en sjukhusorganisation. Uppsatsen kommer att fokusera på två organisatoriska nivåer, administration och professionella utövare, inom ett sjukhus i södra Sverige och studera deras förhållningssätt och arbete kring systematiskt säkerhetsarbete och säkerhe

EHEC och gurkor: Vem kan man lita på? - en kvalitativ studie kring kommunikation och konsumenters köpbeteende vid ett livsmedelsburet utbrott.

Bakgrund: Uppsatsen grundar sig på konsumentbeteende kring köp av färska grönsaker samt trovärdigheten i media och myndigheters riskkommunikation i samband med EHEC-utbrottet i Europa våren och sommaren 2011. Studien utgår ifrån konsumenters bild av deras köpbeteende under och efter den aktuella händelsen och hur media och myndigheters kommunikation har påverkat dem i sin uppfattning av utbrottet.

Albania - Targeting Foreign Direct Investments To Extractive Industry Through Fiscal Policy

Abstract This study aims to study the policies and measures adopted in order to attract FDIs to the extractive industry and to maximize their effects on the Albanian economy. Emphasis is put on fiscal policy and the allocation of tax revenues received from FDIs in the extractive industry. To conduct the study I have used theories explaining the reason behind FDI decisions and the mainstream theori

"A Drug-Free World" Rationality & Drug Control

This paper aims to illuminate the strategies of international and national drug control. As globalization affects the global drug problem and the possibilities of controlling the same, an effective drug control at the international level is highly important. The Swedish drug policy is considered good through international standards but it is based on restrictive policies aiming towards a drug free

En studie av den idiosynkratiska riskutvecklingen på OMX Stockholm.

This paper uses a quantitative method of analysing if the idiosyncratic risk on the Stockholm Exchange has changed over time. In order to do so we divided the risk, measured as volatility, into three different risk categories, idiosyncratic-, industrial-, and market volatility. Analysing the result received from the data of 85 listed corporations, that represents the five major sections on the Swe

On the Road to the Automobile Age Sweden 1923-1973

Europe, following the American model, became a Car Society during the Golden Age. In Sweden, mass-motorization spread faster and approximately ten years earlier than in the rest of the continent. This study aims to pinpoint factors explaining this advance. In general, living standards are considered as the determinant of private car diffusion; population dispersion is also assumed to be an acceler

Blanket Retention of Electronic Communications Traffic Data and the Right to Respect for Private Life - Sweden in Focus

Detta examensarbete rör direktiv 2006/46/EG och dess överensstämmelse med den europeiska konventionen om skydd för de mänskliga rättigheterna och de grundläggande friheterna. Examensarbetet använder Sverige som ett exempel, och analyserar främst lagen (2003:389) om elektronisk kommunikation och dess tillkortakommanden vad gäller brottsbekämpande myndigheters tillgång till lagrade trafikuppgifter. This thesis concerns Directive 2006/46/EC and its compliance with the European Convention on Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. The thesis uses Sweden as an example, and mainly analyses the shortcomings in Swedish legislation on how traffic data may be accessed by law enforcement authorities, finding that the regulations under the Swedish Electronic Communications Act breaches Article 8 and 13

Nutritional Information for in-store baked products

Even though sensorial characteristics still play a considerable role, consumers value the presence of information for in-store baked bread. This information permits the consumers to compare between different alternatives that can lead to healthier purchases.

Analysis of design options and trade-offs for road tunnels incorporating suppression systems

The possibility of trade-offs in road tunnel design incorporating suppression has been evaluated. Different tunnel configurations and ventilation conditions considered to identify potential trade-offs, offering options of design alternatives for future substantial cost-benefit estimates. Suppression systems are regularly used in Australia and Japan. The interest regarding suppression systems in tu

Informal payments for health care: A threat to human security?

The field of international security has changed significantly during the last decades. New security issues has risen on the agenda, and the concept of human security has diverted the attention of security studies from an exclusively state-centric focus towards a broader comprehension of who should be protected, and from what. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate an aspect of such a novel s

Has Productivity Contributed to the Economic Growth of Yangtze River Delta?

The principal issue of my thesis is to identify the sources of economic growth in Yangtze River Delta (YRD). Review of YRD post-reform development is conducted. The empirical study examines total factor productivity (TFP) growth, which is decompoed into three parts: technical progress, efficiency change and the scale effect in 16 component cities in YRD. Panel data of 1985-2007 are analyzed using