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Your search for "*" yielded 532576 hits

Validation of the Italian Version of the Caregiver Abuse Screen among Family Caregivers of Older People with Alzheimer's Disease

Introduction. Elder abuse is often a hidden phenomenon and, in many cases, screening practices are difficult to implement among older people with dementia. The Caregiver Abuse Screen (CASE) is a useful tool which is administered to family caregivers for detecting their potential abusive behavior. Objectives. To validate the Italian version of the CASE tool in the context of family caregiving of ol

Feasibility of energy justice: Exploring national and local efforts for energy development in Nepal

The energy justice framework serves as an important decision-making tool in order to understand how different principles of justice can inform energy systems and policies. The realization of the urgency of providing modern energy technology and services particularly to rural areas has prompted both the Nepalese government and development institutions to focus on community-run renewable energy faci

Complex methods of inquiry: structuring uncertainty

Organizational problem spaces can be viewed as complex, uncertain and ambiguous. They can also be understood as open problem spaces. As such, any engagement with them, and any effort to intervene in order to pursue desirable change, cannot be assumed to be just a matter of ‘complicatedness’. The issue is not just a need to cope with dynamics of system. It is also the perceptual ‘boundedness’ of mu

Multi-injection rate thermal response test with forced convection in a groundwater-filled borehole in hard rock

Convection is shown in earlier studies to improve the thermal contact between heat exchanger and borehole wall in water-filled boreholes. This study investigates the effect of convection on the required borehole length for a ground-coupled heat pump installation. Artificial convection was induced by an ordinary groundwater pump during a multi-injection rate thermal response test (MIR-TRT). For com

Competition between managed honeybees and wild bumblebees depends on landscape context

Honeybees might outcompete wild bees by depleting common resources, possibly more so in simplified landscapes where flower-rich habitats have been lost. We tested this by experimentally adding honeybee hives to nine sites while ensuring that ten additional sites were free from hives. The landscape surrounding each geographically separated site either held low (homogeneous landscape) or high (heter

Reconstructing Recent Work on Macrosocial Stress as a Research Program

We reconstruct recent work on macrosocial stress (Chou, Parmar, & Galinsky, 2016) as if it were an instance of a research strategy that tests point-alternative hypotheses within a full-fledged research program. Because this strategy is free of various deficits that beset dominant strategies (e.g., meta-analysis, Bayes factor analysis), our article demonstrates one way in which the confidence c

Diagnostic agreement and interobserver concordance with teledermoscopy referrals

Background: Malignant melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancers are among the fastest increasing malignancies in many countries. With the help of new tools, such as teledermoscopy referrals between primary health care and dermatology clinics, the management of these patients could be made more efficient. Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic agreement and interobserver concordance achieved when asses

Human Lifeworlds : The cognitive semiotics of cultural evolution

This book, which presents a cognitive-semiotic theory of cultural evolution, including that taking place in historical time, analyses various cognitive-semiotic artefacts and abilities. It claims that what makes human beings human is fundamentally the semiotic and cultural skills by means of which they endow their Lifeworld with meaning. The properties that have made human beings special among ani

The dark side of business travel : A media comments analysis

The publication of 'A darker side of hypermobility' (Cohen and Gössling, 2015), which reviewed the personal and social consequences of frequent travel, led to considerable media coverage and sparking of the public imagination, particularly with regards to the impacts of business travel. It featured in more than 85 news outlets across 17 countries, engendering over 150,000 social media shares and 4

Sorting red blood cells by their dynamical properties

A combination of mesoscale hydrodynamic simulations and microfluidic experiments are used to explore the use of cells' mechanical and dynamical properties as biomarkers for separation. Dynamic behaviour of red blood cells (RBCs) within deterministic lateral displacement (DLD) devices is investigated within various array geometries and for different viscosity contrasts between the intra- and extra-

Applicability and midterm results of branch cuff closure with vascular plug in branched endovascular repair for thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysms

Objective: This study assessed the applicability and outcomes of the closure of unused cuffs in branched endovascular aneurysm repair (b-EVAR) of thoracoabdominal aortic aneurysm. Methods: We reviewed b-EVAR procedures at a tertiary referral center to identify patients who underwent incomplete branching and needed closure of the unused branch cuffs. An electronic database and intraoperative and fo

Microfluidic separation of parasites and parasite-infected cells from blood for the diagnosis of leishmaniasis

Microfluidic techniques were applied to the separation of parasite and parasite-infected cells from blood to facilitate the detection of leishmaniasis, a disease representing a high burden in the developing world and for which new diagnostic tools are urgently needed. Leishmania mexicana promastigotes were successfully separated from red blood cells in a deterministic lateral displacement device.

Detailed characterization of plasmids carrying resistance genes using optical DNA mapping

We present an assay, based on optical DNA mapping in nanochannels that is capable of characterizing the plasmid content of bacterial isolates resistant to antibiotics in a fast an detailed way. In a single experiment we determine the number of different plasmids in each sample, their size, as well as a barcode that can be used for plasmid identification and tracing. In addition we demonstrate that

Incidence and prognostic significance of isolated trisomies in adult acute myeloid leukemia : A population-based study from the Swedish AML registry

OBJECTIVES AND METHODS: To ascertain the incidence/clinical implications of isolated autosomal trisomies in adult acute myeloid leukemia (AML), all such cases were retrieved from the Swedish AML Registry.RESULTS: Of the 3179 cytogenetically informative AMLs diagnosed January 1997-May 2015, 246 (7.7%) had isolated trisomies. The frequency increased by age (2.4% at age 18-60 years vs. 23% at >60 yea

Extracellular Matrix Modulation Is Driven by Experience-Dependent Plasticity During Stroke Recovery

Following stroke, complete cellular death in the ischemic brain area may ensue, with remaining brain areas undergoing tissue remodelling to various degrees. Experience-dependent brain plasticity exerted through an enriched environment (EE) promotes remodelling after central nervous system injury, such as stroke. Post-stroke tissue reorganization is modulated by growth inhibitory molecules differen

On the renormalization of contact interactions for the configuration-interaction method in two-dimensions

The configuration interaction (CI) method for calculating the exact eigenstates of a quantum-mechanical few-body system is problematic when applied to particles interacting through contact forces. In dimensions higher than one the approach fails due to the pathology of the Dirac δ-potential, making it impossible to reach convergence by gradually increasing the size of the Hilbert space. However, t