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Design for Desirability: A Collaborative Innovation-Initiative between New Zealand Design Academia and Industry

This chapter outlines an innovative and collaborative design research project that connects New Zealand SME manufacturers with advanced design thinking about affective design. This project was developed and implemented by the centre for affective design research (Affect) at Massey University. Design researchers and five NZ companies have collaborated to foster ‘design-for-desirability’ thinking an

Bone integration of an injectable calcium phosphate based bone substitute

The bone formation and bone integration in calcium phosphate (CaP) and CaP with 20% calcium sulfate (CaS) were investigated. In the study, six adult, loop-eared rabbits were used and bone harvest chambers were implanted bilaterally in the proximal tibiae. It was found that the front of bone formation follows closely the front of material resorption without interposition of fibrous tissue. The resu


Recently, semiotics has begun to be related to computing. Since semiotics is about the interpretation of signs, of which language is a chief part, such an interest may seem quite reasonable. The semiotic approach is supposed to bring semantics to the computer. In this paper I discuss the realistic in this from the point of view of computers as linguistic systems, that is, as interpreters of descri

The FERRUM Project: oscillator strengths of the iron group elements: Fe II

We report on an international collaboration, the FERRUM Project, whichaims at extending the database of experimental oscillator strengths foriron group elements and possibly evaluating theoretical andastrophysical data. The selection of individual projects is made withrespect to their relevance for abundance work and plasma diagnostics inastrophysics. In this paper we present recent measurements o

Performance analysis of the improved seeing limited mode for the Euro50

This paper presents an analysis of the point-spread functions (PSFs),which may be expected in the so-called improved seeing limited mode forthe Euro50 (Extremely large telescope with a 50 m aperture). This modecomprises adaptive control of the deformable secondary mirror of theaplanatic Gregorian telescope configuration using guide stars in a widefield. I may result in efficient compensation of tu

Human conceptions of the rise and fall of civilizations

SETI, our hopes or fears of a future contact with ETI, is a modern expression of an unending human obsession with the rise and fall of civilizations. People across the globe from our earliest sources to our contemporary culture have tried to understand the beginning and end of history, the creation and the doom. Factor L of the Drake Equation could in other words be understood in a longer historic

A minimum distance analysis of a certain class of two dimensional ISI channels

In this paper we perform a minimum distance analysis of a class of two dimensional intersymbol interference channels. In particular, some important cases of multitrack multihead magnetic recording systems fall into the studied class. Previously, Soljanin and Georghiades have studied the same problem as we do. The results derived in this paper are more conclusive and they improve upon theirs. The f

The measurement of light

In this chapter various thermal, electronic and chemical devices are described, as well as well as the construction and calibration of a spectroradiometer. A separate section is devoted to the measurement of very weak light, such as the ultraweak luminescence from living cells.

Vardag i olika världar : Om dementa och vårdbiträden på tre gruppboenden

Popular Abstract in Swedish Hur ser vardagen ut för äldre demenssjuka människor? Vad händer när dementa och vårdbiträden dagligen möts i nära och intima relationer? Denna avhandling ger en ingående beskrivning av hur vardagen gestaltar sig på tre gruppboenden för dementa med utgångspunkt från hur dementa och vårdbiträden faktiskt handlar i olika situationer. Ett försök görs att ge ett förståelsepeThis thesis is about the residents and employees at three group homes for older people suffering from dementia. The empirical data comprises princi- pally of participant observation and interviews with caregivers. The aim of the dissertation is to describe and understand what happens during daily life at a group home for elderly suffering from dementia. The ambition is to understand the patterns o