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Your search for "*" yielded 526724 hits

The Moral Status of Non-Human Animals

In this essay I have explored the subject of non-human animals moral value. I have argued for the idea that they indeed do have a moral value in and of them selves, that we are to respect and account for in our everyday decisionmaking and behavior. I have then tried to argue for a multi-factor moral theory, presented by Lori Gruen (2010), that classifies interests so that the interests that are mo

Kanji : the Structural Variations of Radicals

The main purpose of this thesis is to investigate and analyse some of the radicals utilized in the kanji of the Japanese language. These are radicals that have more than one variation of their shape and may be positioned in different locations within the character, at times depending on the structural variation of the radical. The radicals will therefore be analysed in order to try and discover if

Between East and West : Turkey's foreign policy in a multi-polar world

The AKP ’s proactive foreign policy and the decline of EU-Turkey and US-Turkey relations, along with Turkey’s strengthening ties with its Eastern neighbors, has sparked a heated scholarly and media debate about the axis shift of Turkish foreign policy—from the West to the East. The purpose of the present thesis is to analyze if the arguments of the axis shift supporters are grounded enough to prov

From Sweden with Love: Turkish Migrants in Sweden and their Social Remittances

The aim of this thesis is first to contribute to the theorising of the so-called ‘social remittances’. This entails an attempt to put together the reasons that qualifies the flow of social goods from migrant destinations to sending communities as remittances, as well as an endeavour to contribute to definitional clarifications on what constitutes the different natures, levels and types of these re

Study of an electron-muon resonance in a R-parity violating supersymmetric model using ATLFAST-II

Supersymmetri (SUSY) är en av de teoretiskt bäst motiverade modellerna för fysik bortom standardmodellen (BSM), och en lovande kandidat för upptäckt vid Large Hadron Collider (LHC). ATLAS-kollaborationen har utfört omfattande sökningar efter SUSY-signaturer med hjälp av data från proton-proton kollisioner i LHC, tagna under 2010, 2011 och 2012 års tid vid energier på 7 TeV och mer nyligen 8 TeV. DSupersymmetry (SUSY) is one of the best theoretically motivated beyond the Standard Model (BSM) scenarios, and a favored candidate to be discovered by the experiments at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The ATLAS collaboration has been extensively searching for SUSY signatures using 2010, 2011 and 2012 data from LHC proton-proton collisions at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV and recently at 8 TeV

Role of Media in Struggles for Recognition. Case of Internally Displaced Persons in Azerbaijan

Internal displacement is a relatively new issue in the international agenda, in general, and in research, in particular. However, due to the steady increase in the number of displaced persons globally, this problem becomes more and more visible. This study sees internally displaced persons as marginalized and subaltern group, which is, however, potentially able to start struggle for recognition, w

Rättssäkerhet versus effektivitet: Om privata aktörers brottsutredningar i upphovsrättsliga fildelningsmål

Fildelning är ett vardagsbrott för en stor andel svenskar, trots lagstiftningen på området. Rättighetshavare har inte alltid själva möjligheterna att beivra brotten, av anledningar som främst handlar om polisväsendets bristande resurser och reglerna mot brottsprovokation. En ökad tendens att för rättighetshavarna att vända sig till privata företag som utreder fildelningsbrott märks tydligt. De priFile sharing is an everyday crime for a large number of Swedes, despite prohibiting legislation in the field. Copyright holders do not always have the possibility to prosecute the crimes for reasons primarily connected with the police’s lack of resources and the rules prohibiting entrapment. An increased tendency for right holders to turn to private companies in order to investigate file sharing c

En ny författare har gjort entré: robotförfattarens inträde i det svenska kulturlivet

This paper examines a new form of literature, namely robot-authored literature, and its status in the Swedish society with a certain focus on the cultural field. Combining a qualitative method with a quantitative, I have interviewed four different persons with different point of views and responsibilities concerning robot-authored literature. I have examined the status of the robot-authored liter

Transient photocurrent measurements on Polymer Solar Cells

Organic solar cells made of polymers are an attractive alternative to the conventional solar cells which are commercially used today. The polymer solar cell is cheap to produce, due to the high absorption coefficients which limits the needed thickness of the material and due to the simple manufacturing process, which doesn’t demand high temperatures. However, the efficiencies of polymer solar cell

Governing Human Rights for Peace in Bosnia-Herzegovina: Civil Society Organizations' Perceptions on the Role of Human Rights in Conflict

This thesis investigates local civil society organizations in Bosnia-Herzegovina (BiH) and their perceptions on what human rights are, what causes human rights abuses and human rights violations in BiH, and what role they perceive themselves to have in transforming the current human rights situation. The methodology used was semi-structured interviews collected in the field and later explored wit

"Heterokillar:våga testa att ta den i röven!" - En kvalitativ analys av sexuell normalitet på Ligga med P3s hemsida

Abstract Authors: Lisabeth Carlqvist & Malin Mauritsson Title: “Straight guys: dare trying taking it up the butt” – An analysis of sexual normality portrayed on Ligga med P3’s website. [Translated title] Supervisor: Annika Capelán Assessor: Eva Johnsson The aim of this study was to provide a closer look at how sexual normality is portrayed on the internet, focusing on a particular website ch

Playing the Reality: Screen Projections during Depeche Mode's Concert "Touring the Angel: Live in Milan"

This thesis investigates the video projections that are presented on screens during live music performances through a case study focusing on the Touring the Angel concert by Depeche Mode. The concert took place in Milan and was released on DVD in 2006. Video projections during live concerts combine images that were produced before, such as video clips and still photography, with shots from the sta

A dendroclimatic study at Store Mosse, South Sweden : climatic and hydrologic impacts on recent Scots Pine (Pinus sylvestris) growth dynamics

Tallar Pinus sylvestris som växer på Store mosse i Småland har provtagits. Tolv bestånd från den västra kanten, som tillsammans bildar tre transekter, och tre bestånd från den östra kanten ingår i denna dendrokronologiska undersökning. Syftet med projektet har varit att korrelera ringbreddsvariationer från tallar växande på olika platser längs mossekanten för att undersöka i vilken grad klimatiskaScots Pines Pinus sylvestris from the Store Mosse peat bog complex, South-Central Sweden were sampled from twelve stands at the western edge of the bog, generating three transects, and three stands from the eastern edge. The aims of the project were to correlate tree-ring widths from different locations along the bog edges of Store Mosse in order to investigate to what extent climatological parame

Rättsäkert eller effektivt? – Om Polisens inre utlänningskontroller

Har rättsäkerheten gått förlorad i Polisens arbete med inre utlänningskontroller? Våren 2013 blossade debatten kring Reva-projektet upp och det diskuterades huruvida rasprofilering var något som tillämpades i jakten på papperslösa. Uppsatsen undersöker hur styrningen av Polisens arbete ser ut i detta fall, om rättsäkerheten förbisetts och i sådana fall varför. Det görs genom en idealtypsanalys på

FN och sexuellt våld i konflikt - Förklararingar till sexuellt våld utifrån ett feministiskt perspektiv

Sexuellt våld i konflikt har fått stor uppmärksamhet i internationell media under de senaste åren. Det har talats om sexuellt slaveri, etnisk rensning och systematiska våldtäkter som vapen i modern krigsföring. Syftet med uppsatsen är att reda ut begreppet sexuellt våld i konflikt, hur det används, vilka som utsätts och hur man kan förklara det. I uppsatsen presenteras skillnader i FN och forskare

Rektorns yrkesutövning En studie av relationen mellan rektor och dess huvudmannaskap

Denna uppsats beskriver rektorns arbetssituation i förhållande till dess huvudmannaskap i den svenska decentraliserade skolan. Idéströmningar som New Public Management nyanserar idag i skolväsendet vilket också påverkar rektorns relation till huvudmannaskapet. Undersökningens resultat bygget till största delen på fem stycken intervjuer, genomförda med rektorer i olika skånska kommuner. För att stä

Privat militär och legitima krig - en normativ studie

Irakkriget som inleddes 2003 innebar ett uppsving i användandet av privata militär- och säkerhetsföretag (PMSC). Detta har lett till en breddare diskussion kring de eventuella problem som uppstår med dessa företag. Den här uppsatsen behandlar om användandet av privata militär- och säkerhetsföretag kan påverka legitimiten i krig negativt. Detta görs utifrån användandet av PMSC i Irakkriget. Legitim

Baltic Trade Patterns and European Integration: A study of the Baltic States' integration with the EU and the effects on trade

Analyzing Baltic trade pattern confirms that the economic transition, following the fall of the Soviet Union, largely involves a regional integration process with western Europe. This thesis examines the trade patterns of the three Baltic States (Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania) focusing on the regional integration process with the EU. The objective is to investigate the trade relations with the EU mem