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Sven Nilsson och Skånes postglaciala fauna

Lundaprofessorn Sven Nilsson blev under 1800-talet internationellt känd inom så skilda ämnen som geologi, zoologi och arkeologi. Denna kontrasternas man, beskrivs som brilliant men temperamentsfull och snarstucken, med stort självhävdelsebehov, en svaghet för det sensationella men samtidigt mycket känslig för kritik. Hans faunahistoriska forskning var banbrytande och många av resultaten är aktuell

Conceptual Spaces at Work in Sensory Cognition : Domains, Dimensions and Distances

This chapter makes use of two data sources, terminological schemas for wine descriptions and actual wine reviews, for the investigation of how experiences of sensory perceptions of vision, smell, taste and touch are described. In spite of all the great challenges involved in describing perceptions, professional wine reviewers are expected to be able to give an understandable account of their exper

X-Stop Versus Decompressive Surgery For Lumbar Neurogenic Intermittent Claudication: A Randomized Controlled Trial With 2 Years Follow-Up.

ABSTRACT: Study Design. Prospective randomized controlled study.Objective. To compare the outcome of indirect decompression by means of the X-Stop implant to conventional decompression in patients with neurogenic intermittent claudication due to lumbar spinal stenosis.Summary of Background Data. Decompression is the golden standard for lumbar spinal stenosis nowadays but afflicted with complicatio

Mellan gåva och marknad : handel, tillit och materiell kultur under vikingatid

Popular Abstract in Swedish Frågan om marknadshandelns karaktär har aktualiserats genom de skandaler inom företagsvärlden som media har lyft fram under senare år. Dagens situation väcker frågor om den handel som förekom i äldre samhällen? Existerade marknadshandel till exempel under vikingatid? Om så var fallet hur uppfattades och hanterades marknadshandel i detta samhälle? Handelns roll för det The view of the exchange and trade that took place during the Viking Age has varied considerably. This variation is obvious from a scrutiny of how one and the same place, Birka, is described by different scholars over a period of a hundred years. Two very polarized pictures of Birka appear: A town with a mostly free market-oriented trade or an emporium with an administered commodity exchange contr

Prevention of paraquat-induced apoptosis in human neuronal SH-SY5Y cells by lipocalin-type prostaglandin D synthase.

Paraquat is a widely used herbicide that is structurally similar to the known dopaminergic neurotoxicant 1-methyl-4-phenyl-pyridine and acts as a potential etiologic factor for the development of Parkinson's disease. In this study, we investigated the protective roles of lipocalin-type prostaglandin (PG) D synthase (L-PGDS) against paraquat-mediated apoptosis of human neuronal SH-SY5Y cells. The t

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Abstract in Norwegian En oversettelse av Romanos' mest kjente julehymne. Oversettelsen ledsages av en redaksjonell innledning og en innledning av oversetteren.

MAX IV Emittance Reduction and Brightness Improvement

With MAX IV construction well underway and beam commissioning expected to commence in July 2015, first studies have been launched on improving the optics of the MAX IV 3 GeV storage ring with the goal of further reducing the emittance from the baseline design (320 pm rad) towards 150 pm rad while improving the matching of the electron beam to insertion devices to further improve the resulting phot

On the error probability of general trellis codes with applications to sequential decoding

An upper bound on the average error probability for maximum-likelihood decoding of the ensemble of randomL-branch binary trellis codes of rateR = 1/nis given which separates the effects of the tail lengthTand the memory lengthMof the code. It is shown that the bound is independent of the lengthLof the information Sequence whenM geq T + [nE_{VU}(R)]^{-1} log_{2} L. The implication that the actual e