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Functional characterization of two novel non-synonymous alterations in CD46 and a Q950H change in factor H found in atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome patients.

Atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome (aHUS) is a disease of complement dysregulation, characterized by hemolytic anemia, thrombocytopenia and acute renal failure. Mutations in complement inhibitors are major risk factors for development of aHUS. The three aHUS patients reported in this study had several previously identified alterations in complement inhibitors; e.g. risk haplotypes in CD46 and fact

Action orientation overcomes the ego depletion effect

Abstract in UndeterminedIt has been consistently demonstrated that initial exertion of self-control had negative influence on people's performance on subsequent self-control tasks. This phenomenon is referred to as the ego depletion effect. Based on action control theory, the current research investigated whether the ego depletion effect could be moderated by individuals' action versus state orien

Exogenously Administered Bombesin and Gastrin Releasing Peptide Contract the Female Rat Urethra In Vivo and In Vitro

Background: Bombesin (BOM) and gastrin releasing peptide (GRP) have been located to the lower urinary tract (LUT). However, there is a paucity of data demonstrating the impact of these endogenous peptides. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate the contractile actions of BOM and GRP on the female rat urethra in vitro and in vivo. Female Sprague-Dawley rats (n = 37) weighing ap

Biotic dynamics and carbonate microfacies of the conspicuous Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) 'Taljsten' interval, south-central Sweden

Enclosed in the Darriwilian (Middle Ordovician) part of the reddish 'orthoceratite limestone' of Baltoscandia is a conspicuous c. 1.5 m thick unit colloquially known as the 'Taljsten' interval. It has a wide geographical distribution in the Baltoscandian paleocontinent but is particularly well exposed in south-central Sweden. The unit is characterized by its deviant gray color and beds with a mass

Dispersion of overdamped diffusing particles in channel flows coupled to transverse acoustophoretic potentials: Transport regimes and scaling anomalies

We address the dispersion properties of overdamped Brownian particles migrating in a two-dimensional acoustophoretic microchannel, where a pressure-driven axial Stokes flow coexists with a transverse acoustophoretic potential. Depending on the number and symmetries of the stable nodal points of the acoustophoretic force with respect to the axial velocity profile, different convection-enhanced disp

M1 Protein-Dependent Intracellular Trafficking Promotes Persistence and Replication of Streptococcus pyogenes in Macrophages

Streptococcus pyogenes is an important human pathogen that causes a variety of diseases including life-threatening invasive diseases, such as toxic shock and deep tissue infections. Although S. pyogenes are classically considered extracellular pathogens, a clinical significance of an intracellular source has been emphasized. In patients with deep tissue infections, an intracellular reservoir of S.

Ovarian Cancer and Body Size: Individual Participant Meta-Analysis Including 25,157 Women with Ovarian Cancer from 47 Epidemiological Studies

Background: Only about half the studies that have collected information on the relevance of women's height and body mass index to their risk of developing ovarian cancer have published their results, and findings are inconsistent. Here, we bring together the worldwide evidence, published and unpublished, and describe these relationships. Methods and Findings: Individual data on 25,157 women with o

Human papillomavirus type 197 is commonly present in skin tumors

Non-melanoma skin cancers commonly contain Human Papillomavirus (HPV), but the types found have varied depending on the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer systems used. Whole genome amplified DNA (not amplified by any specific PCR primers) from 91 skin lesions [41 squamous cell skin carcinomas (SCCs), 8 keratoacanthomas, 22 actinic keratoses, 3 basal cell carcinomas and 17 SCCs in situ] were s

Focusing of sub-micrometer particles and bacteria enabled by two-dimensional acoustophoresis.

Handling of sub-micrometer bioparticles such as bacteria are becoming increasingly important in the biomedical field and in environmental and food analysis. As a result, there is an increased need for less labor-intensive and time-consuming handling methods. Here, an acoustophoresis-based microfluidic chip that uses ultrasound to focus sub-micrometer particles and bacteria, is presented. The abili

The Khatyn Massacre in Belorussia : A Historical Controversy Revisited

The brutal March 1943 massacre in the Belorussian village of Khatyn, commemorated in a 1969 memorial, has come to symbolize the horrors of the German occupation. Given the continuing centrality of the massacre to Belarusian memory politics, the details of the event remain under:studied. For political reasons, Soviet authorities and Ukrainian diaspora nationalists alike had an interest in de-emphas

Stable structural color patterns displayed on transparent insect wings.

Color patterns play central roles in the behavior of insects, and are important traits for taxonomic studies. Here we report striking and stable structural color patterns—wing interference patterns (WIPs) —in the transparent wings of small Hymenoptera and Diptera, patterns that have been largely overlooked by biologists. These extremely thin wings reflect vivid color patterns caused by thin film i

Accurate T-1 Mapping for Oxygen-Enhanced MRI in the Mouse Lung Using a Segmented Inversion-Recovery Ultrashort Echo-Time Sequence

PurposeA segmented inversion-recovery module combined with the 2D ultrashort echo time radial technique is proposed that allows accurate pixel level T-1 mapping of mouse lung in vivo. MethodsNumerical simulations were performed to estimate T-1 measurement accuracy and precision versus flip angle and signal-to-noise ratio. Phantom measurements were used for protocol validation, where the segmented

Effectuation of adaptive stability and postural alignment strategies are decreased by alcohol intoxication.

Human stability control is a complex process comprising contributions from several partly independent mechanisms such as coordination, feedback and feed-forward control, and adaptation. Acute alcohol intoxication impairs these functions and is recognized as a major contributor to fall traumas. The study aimed to investigate how alcohol intoxication at .06% and .10% blood alcohol concentration (BAC

The influence of feed and herd on fatty acid composition in 3 dairy breeds (Danish Holstein, Danish Jersey, and Swedish Red)

The composition of milk fat from dairy cows is related to both genetic and environmental factors. Here, the effect of feed and herd was examined in 3 Scandinavian breeds, namely Danish Holstein-Friesian (DH), Danish Jersey (DJ), and Swedish Red (SR). In total, milk samples from 1,298 cows kept in indoor housing systems were collected from 61 conventional dairy herds in Denmark and Sweden. The fatt

The prognosis of diabetic retinopathy in patients with type 2 diabetes since 1996-1998: the Skaraborg Diabetes Register

Diabetes mellitus is the main reason for visual impairment among patients of working ages. The aim of this paper was to investigate the prognosis of eye complications in patients with diabetes during 10 years of follow-up and contributing risk factors. Data from ophthalmological records (occurrence of retinopathy and laser treatment and visual acuity), and clinical data (blood pressure, glycosylat

Influence of Parental Alcohol-Related Attitudes, Behavior and Parenting Styles on Alcohol Use in Late and Very Late Adolescence.

Parents influence adolescent drinking behavior, but to what extent does this association diminish with age, however? The cross-sectional data was drawn from the Scania drug use survey 2007, consisting of 4,828 secondary education students in the 9th and 11th grade. The age- and gender-adjusted findings indicate that having parents who are consenting to alcohol use (OR 1.4), having been provided wi

Case management in aftercare of involuntarily committed patients with substance abuse. A randomized trial.

Objective: Case management has since the 1970s been widely used to co-ordinate services for mental health patients. The methodology has expanded to support patients in many different types of conditions. This study is one of very few randomized trials on case management in a European setting. It examined the impact of case management on substance abuse and use of service after discharge from cour