This is a list of all pulications at SOL. Search for a specific publication in Lund University Research Portal.
Conference contributions (page 7 of 78)
- Horne, M. & Roll, M. (2021). Question intonation in Southern Swedish. In Roll, M. & Hjortdal, A. (Eds.) Lund Working Papers in Linguistics, Proceedings of Fonetik 2021 : Lund, June 8–9, 2021 (pp. 54-57), 56. Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
- Ishihara, S. (2021). Testing MatchClause : The prosody of embedded clauses in Japanese.
- Johansson, V. (2021). A developmental perspective on pause location during text production.
- Klingvall, E. & Heinat, F. (2021). Relative set size modulates acceptability and processing.
- Klingvall, E. & Heinat, F. (2021). Set size and pronominal reference.
- Källkvist, M. & Hult, F. M. (2021). Monolingual - Bilingual - Multilingual Tensions in Higher Education.
- Källkvist, M., Gyllstad, H., Sundqvist, P. & Sandlund, E. (2021). Practiced Language Policy in a Multilingual English Classroom : A nexus analysis of a lead teacher and his students.
- Källkvist, M., Sundqvist, P., Sandlund, E. & Gyllstad, H. (2021). Teachers, students and researchers as language-policy makers : A nexus analysis of research in multilingual classrooms.
- Lloyd-Smith, A., Gyllstad, H. & Kupisch, T. (2021). Lexical proficiency as a measure of language vitality in North Sámi.
- Markussen, H., Johansson, I. & Ekengren, F. (2021). Externa medbedömare i examination : Perspektiv från lärare och kvalitetssamordnare. In Santesson, S. & Mårtensson, K. (Eds.) Hållbart lärarskap: universitetsundervisning i förändring : Proceedings från Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteternas pedagogiska inspirationskonferens 2020 (pp. 133-142). Lunds universitet, Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna.
- Mendoza-Collazos, J. C. (2021). Responsibility of Action and Situated Cognition in Artefact—User Relationship. In Black, N. L., Neumann, W. P. & Noy, I. (Eds.) Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021) : Volume 1: Systems and Macroergonomics (pp. 211-216), 219. Springer Science and Business Media B.V..
- Myrberg, S. (2021). Using Prosogram to study final rises in South Swedish : Implications for the Scandinavian tone accent typology.
- Nilsson, A. M. H. (2021). Laughter in Johannes Magnus’ Historia de regibus (1554). In Akujärvi, J., Blomqvist, J. & Blomqvist, K. (Eds.) Studia Graeca et Latina Lundensia, DE RISU – Representations and evaluations of laughter in Greek and Latin literature (pp. 173-188), 27. Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
- Nilsson, A. M. H. (2021). Marco Polo in Latin – beginnings of a critical edition.
- Põldvere, N., Johansson, V. & Paradis, C. (2021). Social and cognitive explanations of dialogic resonance in everyday conversation.
- Pöldvere, N. (2021). Tracking change in epistemic stance constructions expressing advice in the London–Lund Corpora.
- Pöldvere, N. (2021). Using the London–Lund Corpora to investigate recent change in advice-giving in spoken English.
- Pöldvere, N., Johansson, V. & Paradis, C. (2021). On the importance of audio material in spoken linguistics : A case study of the London–Lund Corpus 2.
- Pöldvere, N., Johansson, V. & Paradis, C. (2021). The new London-Lund Corpus 2 : Key methodological challenges and innovations.
- Sandlund, E., Sundqvist, P., Källkvist, M. & Gyllstad, H. (2021). 'Gamification' in the L2 English Classroom : Learners' interactional management of plenum Kahoot sessions for vocabulary learning.
- Seitanidi, E., Simaki, V. & Paradis, C. (2021). ‘We Simply Organic! #WeLoveorganic #organicfood’ : Data compilation and contrastive analysis of consumer texts about organic food. In Busse, B., Dumrukcic, N. & Möhlig-Falke, R. (Eds.) Language and Linguistics in a Complex World : Data, Interdisciplinarity, Transfer, and the Next Generation The Next Generation (pp. 92-97). Kölner Universität Publications Server (KUPS).
- Seitanidi, E., Simaki, V. & Paradis, C. (2021). Stance-conveying hashtags in organic food tweets #betyourejealous.
- Suhonen, L.-V. (2021). Lexical transfer in second- and third language early vocabulary acquisition.
- Suhonen, L.-V. (2021). Longitudinal Aspects of Naturalistic L3 Lexical Acquisition.
- Suhonen, L.-V. (2021). Objective, subjective, and conscious cross-linguistic similarity as predictors of intentionality in lexical transfer.