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Conference contributions (page 23 of 78)
- Nordén, B. & Avery, H. (2016). Nyanlända studenters behov av utbildning : Möjligheter och hinder.
- Nylander, E. & Gyllstad, H. (2016). Advanced learners’ lexical inferencing : Investigating the effects of depth of vocabulary knowledge and target word part-of-speech.
- Paradis, C. & Caballero, R. (2016). Cueing and construing dialogue in English and Spanish.
- Paradis, C., Fuoli, M. & Pöldvere, N. (2016). The intersubjective role of I think constructions in conversation : Combining evidence from corpus and experimental techniques.
- Pöldvere, N., Fuoli, M. & Paradis, C. (2016). Combining corpus and experimental methods to gain new insights into APPRAISAL in spoken discourse.
- Schremm, A., Novén, M., Horne, M. & Roll, M. (2016). Cortical thickness of Planum Temporale in native language tone processing.
- Schötz, S., Eklund, R. & van de Weijer, J. (2016). Melody in Human–Cat Communication (Meowsic) : Origins, Past, Present and Future. TMH-QPSR, Proceedings of FONETIK 2016, 57, 19-24.
- Skeppstedt, M., Sahlgren, M., Paradis, C. & Kerren, A. (2016). Active Learning for Detection of Stance Components. The 26th International Conference on Computational Linguistics : Proceedings of COLING 2016, 50-59. Association for Computational Linguistics.
- Skeppstedt, M., Sahlgren, M., Paradis, C. & Kerren, A. (2016). Unshared Task : (Dis)agreement in Online Debates. In Reed, C. (Ed.) Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, The 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics : Proceedings of the 3rd Workshop on Argument Mining (ArgMining2016) (pp. 154-159). Association for Computational Linguistics (ACL).
- Sonesson, G. (2016). The Eternal Return of the New : From Cultural Semiotics to Evolutionary Theory and Back Again. In Deltsou, E. & Papadopoulou, M. (Eds.) Changing Worlds & Signs of the Times. Selected Proceedings from the 10th International Conference of the Hellenic Semiotics Society (pp. 68-87). The Hellenic Semiotics Society.
- Splendido, F. (2016). Phonetic-Phonological Development in Early L2-Learners of French: A Multiple Case Study.
- Splendido, F. (2016). The Development of French Liaison in Early L2 Acquisition.
- Stampoulidis, G. (2016). Multimodal Metaphors within Cognitive Approach in Athenian Graffiti during the Crisis.
- Steiner, A. (2016). A Paratextual Turn? The Use of Genette's Concepts in Teaching and Research.
- Steiner, A. (2016). Negotiating 'the between' : Paper, Pixels and Negotiating Literature.
- Steiner, A. (2016). Unique Selling Points. Creating and Maintaining Hype in the Book Market.
- Stjernholm, E. (2016). Monoform vs Subversion : The Swedish Peace Movement and the Transnational Production of Peter Watkins’ The Journey (1987).
- Stjernholm, E. (2016). Useful Cinema and the Concept of the Auteur.
- Stjernholm, E. (2016). Visions of Post-Independence India in Arne Sucksdorff’s Documentaries.
- Strukelj, A. (2016). Kan dina förväntningar förändra ditt beteende? : Konflikten mellan dina förväntningar och verkligheten.
- Suhonen, L.-V. (2016). Creating word pair similarity tasks for bilinguals acquiring foreign languages.
- Suhonen, L.-V. (2016). Psychotypology in conceptual cross-linguistic influence : Data from Finland-Swedish functional bilingual learners of English.
- Svantesson, J.-O. & Nicander, E. (2016). Gunnar Jarring’s phonograph recordings. In Csató, ?. ?., Karakoç, B. & Menz, A. (Eds.) The Uppsala meeting : proceedings of the 13th international conference on Turkish linguistics (pp. 236-238). Harrassowitz Verlag.
- Söderström, P., Horne, M. & Roll, M. (2016). Lexical frequency effects on word accent processing in Swedish.
- Söderström, P., Horne, M. & Roll, M. (2016). Word accents and phonological neighbourhood as predictive cues in spoken language comprehension.