This is a list of all pulications at SOL. Search for a specific publication in Lund University Research Portal.
Conference contributions (page 22 of 78)
- Killander Cariboni, C. (2016). Reading as a transmediating activity : the screenplay of Checchina’s virtue.
- Killander Cariboni, C. (2016). Un’immagine dell’Italia : le lettere del viaggiatore settecentesco Jacob Jonas Björnståhl.
- Klingvall, E., Tutunjian, D., Heinat, F. & Wiklund, A.-L. (2016). Relative clause extractions and plausibility in Swedish.
- Kucher, K., Kerren, A., Paradis, C. & Sahlgren, M. (2016). Methodology and Applications of Visual Stance Analysis : An Interactive Demo.
- Kucher, K., Kerren, A., Paradis, C. & Sahlgren, M. (2016). Visual Analysis of Text Annotations for Stance Classification with ALVA. In Isenberg, T. & Sadlo, F. (Eds.) EuroVis Posters 2016 (pp. 49-51). Eurographics - European Association for Computer Graphics.
- Kupisch, T., Einfeldt, M., Lleó, C. & van de Weijer, J. (2016). Voice onset time and gemination in Italian heritage speakers.
- Källkvist, M. (2016). Grammar in the English Classroom at Secondary School : A Research-Based Approach.
- Lenninger, S. (2016). Inverted cultures in the pictorial ceremonial of the suicide bomber: The case of Reem Raiyshi.
- Lenninger, S. (2016). The story and the experience - From a child's perspective. In Rasmusson, B. & Svensson, K. (Eds.) Working Papers, Researching Children’s Perspective when Norms and Values are in Conflict : Conference October 2016. Proceedings (pp. 25-29), 2016.
- Lloyd-Smith, A., Gyllstad, H., Kupisch, T., Quaglia, S. & Suhonen, L.-V. (2016). Language dominance as the main predictor for syntactic transfer in heritage speakers acquiring L3 English : Embedded wh-questions, lexical and phonological proficiency.
- Mendelyte, A. (2016). Mapping Film-World Relations to Reality : A New Conceptual Cartography.
- Mendelyté, A. (2016). Nightmares to Live By: Thomas Ligotti's Philosophical Horror.
- Müller, C. (2016). Adjunct islands : the case of Mainland Scandinavian.
- Müller, C. (2016). Adjunct Islands in Swedish.
- Müller, C. (2016). Adjunct Islands in Swedish.
- Müller, C. (2016). Adjunct Islands in Swedish.
- Müller, C. (2016). Adjunct Islands in Swedish.
- Møller-Olsen, A. (2016). Sharing a Dream : The Lucid Dreamscapes of Jorge Luis Borges and Can Xue.
- Møller-Olsen, A. (2016). The City is a Journey : Heritage and memory in Zhu Tianxin’s novel Old Capital.
- Mörte Alling, A. (2016). Emotion and narrative in literature classes : Swedish university students reading Le Père Goriot and Madame Bovary. 2016 International Conference on Narrative 2017, Amsterdam, June 16-18 2016.
- Nicolau, F. (2016). În contra encomionului şi a desfiinţării. Actele colocviilor de critică ale Filialei Bucureşti – critică, esestică şi istorie literară a Uniunii Scriitorilor din România, 1, 37-40. Editura Muzeul Literaturii Române.
- Niehorster, D. C., Zemblys, R., van de Weijer, J. & Holmqvist, K. (2016). Eye-movement data quality over time and the influence of awareness of being eye-tracked.
- Nilsson, A. (2016). Creating Prototypes : The Historia de omnibus Gothorum Sueonumque regibus and Antiquity.
- Nilsson, P. (2016). En kognitiv semantisk analys av SAOB:s formler för betydelseförändring. In Hovmark, H. & Gudiksen, A. (Eds.) Skrifter / utgitt af Nordisk forening for leksikografi, Nordiske studier i leksikografi 13 : Rapport fra 13. Konference om Leksikografi i Norden København 19. - 22. maj 2015 (pp. 383-394). Nordisk forening for leksikografi.
- Nordén, B. & Avery, H. (2016). Heading Towards an Unknown Future : Non-Formal Learning Communities for Sustainable Societies – a Possible Pedagogy in Refugee Education?.