This is a list of all pulications at SOL. Search for a specific publication in Lund University Research Portal.
Conference contributions (page 15 of 78)
- Son, V. T. (2018). Vietnamese tones in the syllable /la/ in the North and South and tones in Vietnamese reduplications.
- Sonesson, G. (2018). “The greatest story ever told” : Semiosis emerging from mimesis and/or narrativity. In Cuskley, C., Little, H., Ravignani, A., Flaherty, M., McCrohon, L. & Verhoef, T. (Eds.) The evolution of language : Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on the Evolution of Language (EvoLang 12) (pp. 478-488). Evolang 12 Organizing Committee.
- Stampoulidis, G. (2018). A cognitive semiotics approach to the analysis of street art : The case of Athens. In Martinelli, D. (Ed.) Proceedings of the World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS), Cross-Inter-Multi-Trans : Proceedings of the 13th World Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies (IASS/AIS) (pp. 787-797). IASS Publications & International Semiotics Institute 2018.
- Stampoulidis, G. (2018). Metaphors in Street Art : The case of Athens.
- Stampoulidis, G. & Bolognesi, M. (2018). Taking Metaphors back on the Streets: The case of Greek Street Art.
- Stampoulidis, G., Bitouni, T. & Xyntarianos-Tsiropinas, P. (2018). Reclaiming Polytechneio : beyond binary interpretations of a black-and-white mural.
- Steiner, A. (2018). Changing Children's Minds. Diversity in Swedish Children's Digital Literature.
- Suhonen, L.-V. (2018). Multidirectionality in the Mental Lexicon : A Case Study of Intensive L3 Acquisition.
- Sundqvist, P. & Källkvist, M. (2018). Vilken forskning behöver vi? Ett samtal mellan språklärare, språkdidaktikforskare och elever.
- Sundqvist, P., Gyllstad, H., Källkvist, M. & Sandlund, E. (2018). Developing and validating a questionnaire to map teacher beliefs and practices relating to multilingualism.
- Sundqvist, P., Gyllstad, H., Källkvist, M. & Sandlund, E. (2018). Language Practices and Ideologies among English Teachers in Sweden.
- Sundqvist, P., Gyllstad, H., Källkvist, M. & Sandlund, E. (2018). Teacher Beliefs and Practices : Multilingualism in English Classrooms.
- Svensson Lundmark, M. (2018). Durational properties of word-initial consonants – an acoustic and articulatory study of intra-syllabic relations in a pitch-accent language.
- Svensson Lundmark, M. & Frid, J. (2018). Word onset CV coarticulation affected by post-vocalic consonants.
- Svensson Lundmark, M., Frid, J., Ambrazaitis, G. & Schötz, S. (2018). The effect of Swedish Word Accent on word initial CV coarticulation.
- Svensson Lundmark, M., Frid, J., Ambrazaitis, G. & Schötz, S. (2018). Word-initial CV coarticulation in a pitch-accent language.
- Söderström, P., Horne, M. & Roll, M. (2018). The role of segmental and suprasegmental information in word-level and sentence-level predictions.
- Tronnier, M. (2018). Observations on the transitions from vowels to voiceless obstruents: a comparative study. In Abelin, ?. & Nagano-Madsen, Y. (Eds.) Proceedings FONETIK 2018 : The XXXth Swedish Phonetics Conference (pp. 73-74). University of Gothenburg.
- Turner, E. (2018). Meat, masculinity and power: Carnivory as metaphor in House of Cards.
- Wallengren, A.-K. (2018). Celebrated, Contested, Criticized: Anita Ekberg, a Swedish Sex Goddess in Hollywood.
- Wallengren, A.-K. (2018). Ingmar Bergman’s Musical Moments.
- Wallengren, A.-K. (2018). Musical Moments in Bergman Films.
- Wendt, B.-A. (2018). De nordiska r-stammarnas plural. In Lönnroth, H., Haagensen, B., Kvist, M. & Sandvad West, K. (Eds.) Vaasan yliopiston tutkimuksia, Studier i svensk språkhistoria 14 (pp. 288-300), 305. University of Vaasa.
- Wendt, B.-A. & Rosqvist, B. (2018). Gammalt projekt och nya resurser -- SAOB:s hantering av nytillkomna elektroniska textmängder. In Svavarsdóttir, ?., Jónsdóttir, H., Hilmisdóttir, H. & Úlfarsdóttir, T. (Eds.) Skrifter udgivet af Nordisk forening for leksikografi, Nordiske Studier i Leksikografi 14 : Rapport fra 14. Konference om Leksikografi i Norden, Reykjavík 30. maj-2. juni 2017 (pp. 214-221), 15. Nordisk forening for leksikografi.
- Wengelin, ?., Johansson, V., Johansson, R. & Frid, J. (2018). Multi-method approaches to studying writing processes.