This is a list of all pulications at SOL. Search for a specific publication in Lund University Research Portal.
Book chapters (page 77 of 97)
- Thormählen, M. (2003). A Bibliography of Modernism. In Thormählen, M. (Ed.) Rethinking Modernism. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Thormählen, M. (2003). Introduction. In Thormählen, M. (Ed.) Rethinking Modernism. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Thormählen, M. (2003). John Wilmot, 2nd Earl of Rochester. In Serafin, S. R. & Myer, V. G. (Eds.) The Continuum encyclopedia of British literature. Continuum.
- Thormählen, M. (2003). Modernism and the Georgians. In Thormählen, M. (Ed.) Rethinking Modernism. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Thormählen, M. (2003). Zeit und Geschichte in T. S. Eliots Four Quartets. In Klein, J. (Ed.) T. S. Eliot, poeta doctus, Tradition und die Konstitution der klassischen Moderne. Peter Lang Publishing Group.
- Touati, P. (2003). Approche à une modélisation de la prosodie transphrastique du français parlé. In Hansen, A. B. & Mosegaard Hansen, M.-B. (Eds.) Structure linguistique et interactionelle du francais parlé. Actes du colloque, Copenhague, juin 2002. (Etudes Romanes 54). Museum Tusculanum Press.
- Touati, P. (2003). Registre et expansion tonals du français. L’usage rhétorique de la voix dans les discours politiques. In Demers, M. (Ed.) Registre et voix sociale. Éditions Nota bene.
- Tubielewicz Mattsson, D. (2003). Historia jako schronienie i ostrzezenie : Strategia obserwatora w polskiej i szwedzkiej prozie spolecznej okresu miedzywojennego. In Englund Dimitrova, B. & Pereswetoff-Morath, A. (Eds.) Swedish Contributions to the Thirteenth International Congress of Slavists in Ljubljana, 15-21 August 2003. Department of East and Central European Studies.
- Tubielewicz Mattsson, D. (2003). Wizerunki mezczyzny w poezji polskiego socrealizmu. In Teodorowicz-Hellman, E. & Tubielewicz Mattsson, D. (Eds.) Wizerunki mezczyzny w jezyku i literaturze polskiej. Stockholm : Slaviska institutionen, Stockholms universitet : Polska institutet / Stockholm Slavic Papers.
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. (2003). The Jedwabne Killings - A Challenge for Polish Collective Memory. In Zander, U. & Karlsson, K.-G. (Eds.) Echoes of the Holocaust: Historical Cultures in Contemporary Europe. Nordic Academic Press.
- Törnquist-Plewa, B. (2003). Östutvidgning eller Västutvidgning?. In Arvidsson, H. & Persson, H.-?. (Eds.) Europeiska brytpunkter. Studentlitteratur AB.
- Uppstad, P. H. (2003). Kroppen i tektsten. Metaforisk nærleik i moderne avstandsmedium. In Grønstøl, S. B. (Ed.) Ordet og kjødet : humaniora i Stavanger. Wigestrand.
- Wadsö-Lecaros, C. (2003). 'This duty must be established into a principle, and wrought into a habit’: Hannah More and the nineteenth-century self-improvement ethos. In Aijmer, K. & Olinder, B. (Eds.) Proceedings from the 8th Nordic Conference on English Studies (pp. 193-205). Göteborg University, Department of English.
- Wadsö-Lecaros, C. (2003). The Victorian Heroine Goes A-Governessing. In Ayres, B. (Ed.) Silent voices : forgotten novels by Victorian women writers. Praeger.
- Warren, B. (2003). The role of links and/or qualia in modifier-head constructions. In Nerlich, ..., B. (Ed.) Polysemy. Flexible Patterns of Meaning in Mind and Language. Mouton de Gruyter.
- Wendt, B. (2003). Relativt komparativa satser. In Delsing, L.-O., Falk, C., Josefsson, G. & Sigurðsson, H. A. (Eds.) Grammatik i fokus. Festskrift till Christer Platzack den 18 november 2003. Volym I (pp. 219-228). Institutionen för nordiska språk, Lunds universitet.
- Westin, E. (2003). Textualité en conversation exolingue – le cas du récit oral. In Hansen, A. B. & Mosegaard Hansen, M.-B. (Eds.) Structure linguistique et interactionelle du francais parlé. Actes du colloque, Copenhague, juin 2002. (Etudes Romanes 54). Museum Tusculanum Press.
- Zillén, E. (2003). Den bortvända Bellona. Om Fröding och kriget. In Burius, A. (Ed.) I Karlfeldts spår. En vänbok till Jöran Mjöberg på 90-årsdagen. Karlfeldtsamfundet.
- Zillén, E. (2003). Reception och revision. Kring Frödingbildens förändringar. In Molnár, V., Paulsson, G. & Andersson, G. (Eds.) Årsbok, Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund. Årsbok 2003 (pp. 7-22). Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund.
- Zlatev, J. (2003). Holistic spatial semantics of Thai. In Casad, E. H. & Palmer, G. B. (Eds.) Cognitive Linguistics and Non-Indo-European Languages. Mouton de Gruyter.
- Zlatev, J. (2003). Polysemy or generality? Mu. In Cuyckens, H., Dirven, R. & Taylor, J. R. (Eds.) Cognitive Approaches to Lexical Semantics (pp. 447-494), 23. Mouton de Gruyter.
- Zlatev, J. & Yangklang, P. (2003). The acquisition of motion event constructions in Thai. In Delsing ,..., L.-O. (Ed.) Grammatik i fokus : festskrift till Christer Platzack den 18 november 2003 = Grammar in focus : festschrift for Christer Platzack 18 November 2003. Vol. II. Institutionen för nordiska språk, Lunds universitet.
- Altenberg, B. (2002). Causative constructions in English and Swedish. A corpus-based contrastive study. In Altenberg, B. & Granger, S. (Eds.) Lexis in contrast. Corpus-based approaches. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Altenberg, B. (2002). Concessive connectors in English and Swedish. In Hasselgård, H., Johansson, S., Behrens, B. & Fabricius-Hansen, C. (Eds.) Information Structure in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective (pp. 21-43). Rodopi.
- Altenberg, B. & Aijmer, K. (2002). Zero translations and cross-linguistic equivalence: evidence from the English-Swedish Parallel Corpus. In Breivik, L. E. & Hasselgren, A. (Eds.) From the COLT’s mouth ... and others’. Language corpora studies in honour of Anna-Brita Stenström. Rodopi.