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Book chapters (page 17 of 97)
- Loubere, N. (2018). Censoring the Academy : The Cambridge University Press Scandal and Beyond. In Golley, J. & Jaivin, L. (Eds.) China Story Yearbook 2017 : Prosperity (pp. 116-117). ANU Press.
- Magnusson, E. (2018). Metalinguistic awareness in phonologically disordered children. In Yavas, M. S. (Ed.) Phonological Disorders in Children : Theory, Research and Practice (pp. 87-120). Routledge.
- Makili-Aliyev, K. (2018). Regionale Akteure östlich des NATO-Bündnisses: Aserbaidschan, Armenien, Georgien, Ukraine. Wegweiser zur Geschichte Baltikum, 241-252. Brill Schöningh.
- Marklund, A. (2018). Stories with Queer Identities. In Molloy, M., Nielsen, M. & Shriver-Rice, M. (Eds.) ReFocus: The International Directors Series, ReFocus: The Films of Susanne Bier (pp. 97-112). Edinburgh University Press.
- Minchenia, A., Törnquist-Plewa, B. & Yurchuk, Y. (2018). Humour as Mode of Hegemonic Control : Comic Representations of Belarusian and Ukrainian Leaders in Official Russian Media. In Bernsand, N. & Törnquist-Plewa, B. (Eds.) Euroasian Studies Library, Cultural and Political Imaginaries in Putin’s Russia (pp. 211-231), 11. Brill.
- Möller, D. (2018). Pekoral och pekoralister i Sverige. In Möller, D. (Ed.) Tre sekler av svenska pekoral : En antologi under redaktion och med en inledning av Daniel Möller (pp. 1-29). Litteraturbanken.
- Möller, D. & Svanberg, I. (2018). History of Aviculture. In Möller, D. & Svanberg, I. (Eds.) Aviculture : A History (pp. 9-26). Hancock House Publishers.
- Mörte Alling, A. (2018). In Conquest of the World and of Modernity : Movements from the Countryside to Paris in Novels by Stendhal, Balzac and Flaubert. In Helgesson, S., Mörte Alling, A., Lindqvist, Y. & Wulff, H. (Eds.) Stockholm English studies, World Literatures : Exploring the Cosmopolitan-Vernacular Exchange (pp. 199-210). Stockholm University Press.
- Mörte Alling, A. (2018). Introduction to Part 1 : Beyond Nations. Engaging Literary Histories. In Helgesson, S., Mörte Alling, A., Lindqvist, Y. & Wulff, H. (Eds.) Stockholm English studies, World Literatures : Exploring the Cosmopolitan-Vernacular Exchange (pp. 15-18). Stockholm University Press.
- Narvselius, E. & Grinchenko, G. (2018). Introduction : “Formulas of Betrayal”—Traitors, Collaborators and Deserters in Contemporary European Politics of Memory. Palgrave Macmillan Memory Studies, Traitors, Collaborators and Deserters in Contemporary European Politics of Memory : Formulas of Betrayal, 1-27. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Piltz, A. (2018). I : 2 Philosophy and theology. Handbook of Pre-Modern Nordic Memory Studies : Interdisciplinary Approaches, 52-69. Mouton de Gruyter.
- Sarrimo, C. (2018). Urbant utanförskap i senmodern tappning : Hassan Loo Sattarvandis roman om Hagalund. In Holgersson, U. & Tolvhed, H. (Eds.) Plats för makt : En vänbok till Monika Edgren (pp. 176-194). Makadam förlag.
- Schoenhals, M. (2018). The Intelligence Sleeper Who Never Was: Han Fuying and Case 5004. In Leese, D. & Puck, E. (Eds.) Transformations of Modern China, Victims, Perpetrators and the Practice of Law in Maoist China : A View from the Grassroots (pp. 52-74), 1. De Gruyter.
- Schönström, R. (2018). Bertolt Brecht : Laser og pjalter. In Ladegaard, J., Ringgaard, D. & Rosendahl Thomsen, M. (Eds.) 50 værker : Højdepunkter i verdenslitteraturen (pp. 214-219). Aarhus Universitetsforlag.
- Schönström, R. (2018). Tegnér i Lund. In Sjödin, A. & Svensson, J. (Eds.) Absalon, Efter Tegnér : Experiment med traditionen (pp. 203-209), 35. Lund University (Media-Tryck).
- Siiner, M., Hult, F. & Kupisch, T. (2018). Situating language acquisition planning. In Siiner, M., Hult, F. & Kupisch, T. (Eds.) Language Policy and Language Acquisition Planning (pp. 1-10). Springer.
- Sjödin, A. (2018). Brev från de döda : Tegnérs mediekritiska heroid. In Svensson, J. & Sjödin, A. (Eds.) Absalon. Skrifter i litteraturvetenskap utgivna vid Språk- och litteraturcentrum i Lund, Efter Tegnér : Experiment med traditionen (pp. 21-44), 35.
- Sjödin, A. (2018). The European Georgics and the Politics of Genre : Johan Gabriel Oxenstierna and The Seasons in Sweden. In Jung, S. & van de Wille, K. (Eds.) Studies in Text & Print Culture, The Genres of James Thomson’s The Seasons (pp. 185-200). Lehigh University Press.
- Sniegon, T. (2018). Dying in the Soviet Gulag for the Future Glory of Mother Russia? : Making “Patriotic” Sense of the Gulag in Present-Day Russia. In Törnquist-Plewa, B. & Bernsand, N. (Eds.) Eurasian Studies Library, Cultural and Political Imaginaries in Putin's Russia, 11. Brill.
- Sniegon, T. (2018). Железный Феликс с золотым сердцем? : Культ Феликса Дзержинского и «доброй ЧК» во времена борьбы с «культом личности». Уроки Октября и практики советской системы. 1920-1950-е годы. Politichaskaya Entsyklopedia. Rosspen.
- Sonesson, G. (2018). New Reflections on the Problem(s) of Relevance. In Strassheim, J. & Nasu, H. (Eds.) Relevance and Irrelevance : Theories, Factors and Challenges (pp. 21-50). De Gruyter.
- Spira, I. (2018). "World" : An Exploration of the Relationship between Conceptual History and Etymology. In Jordheim, H. & Sandmo, E. (Eds.) Conceptualizing the World : An Exploration Across Disciplines (pp. 27-27). Berghahn Books.
- Steiner, A. (2018). En (o)lönsam affär. Förlag och bokutgivare. In Svedjedal, J. (Ed.) Böckernas tid : Svenska Förläggareföreningen och svensk bokmarknad sedan 1943 (pp. 107-190). Svenska Förläggareföreningen.
- Svantesson, J.-O. (2018). Spelling variation in Cornelius Rahmn’s Kalmuck manuscripts as evidence for sound changes. In Apatóczky, ?. B. & Atwood, C. P. (Eds.) Languages of Asia, Philology of the grasslands: Essays in Monoglic, Turkic, and Tungusic studies (pp. 357-365), 17. Brill.
- Svensson, L.-H. (2018). Alexander den store i forn- och medelengelsk litteratur. In Vidén, G. & Hult, K. (Eds.) Alexanderlegenderna i tid och rum : Alexander den stores gränslösa historia (pp. 139-166). Appell förlag.