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Articles (page 37 of 86)
- Julien, M. (2015). Variasjon i norsk langdistansebinding. Maal og minne, 2015, 1-42. Det Norske Samlaget.
- Kupisch, T., Barton, D., Hailer, K., Klaschik, E., Stangen, I., Lein, T. & van de Weijer, J. (2015). Foreign accent in adult simultaneous bilinguals. Heritage Language Journal, 11, 123-150. Language Resource Center of UCLA and the UC Consortium for Language Learning and Teaching.
- Larm, L. (2015). Notes on the inferential present perfect. The Journal of Intercultural Studies, 39, 93-102. Kansai University of Foreign Studies. Intercultural Research Institute.
- Lenninger, S., Sinha, C. & Sonesson, G. (2015). Special Section: Semiotics and Cognition in Human Development Introduction. Cognitive Development, 36, 127-129. Elsevier.
- Lindell, K. (2015). Exit Pursued by a Bugbear : Stage Renderings of Mythical Moments in The Winter's Tale. Shakespeare en Devenir. University of Poitiers, France.
- Lindskog, C. (2015). “Let Thy Words Be Few”: Joseph Conrad’s Use of Ecclesiastes in Lord Jim. Explicator, 73, 192-194. Routledge.
- Lyberg Åhlander, V., Haake, M., Brännström, J., Schötz, S. & Sahlén, B. (2015). Does the speaker's voice quality influence children's performance on a language comprehension test?. International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology, 17, 63-73. Taylor & Francis.
- Malmström, H. (2015). “Listen and Understand What I Am Saying”: Church-Listening As a Challenge for Non-Native Listeners of English in the United Kingdom. International Journal of Listening, 29, 50-64. Routledge.
- Malmström, H. (2015). Preaching in uncertain terms : the place of hedging language in contemporary sermonic discourse. Functions of Language, 22, 332-361. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Malmström, H. (2015). What is your darkness? An empirical study of interrogative practices in sermonic discourse. International Journal of Practical Theology, 19, 247-270. De Gruyter.
- McCune, L. & Zlatev, J. (2015). Dynamic systems in semiotic development: The transition to reference. Cognitive Development, 36, 161-170. Elsevier.
- Mendelyté, A. (2015). The Image of a Mind-Skull: Samuel Beckett’s "...but the clouds..." and Television-Philosophy. Film-Philosophy, 19, 325-343. Edinburgh University Press.
- Mežek, S., Pecorari, D., Shaw, P. & Malmström, H. (2015). Learning subject-specific L2 terminology : The effect of medium and order of exposure. English for Specific Purposes, 38, 57-69. Elsevier.
- Müller, C. (2015). Against the Small Clause Hypothesis : Evidence from Swedish relative clause extractions. Nordic Journal of Linguistics, 38, 67-92. Cambridge University Press.
- Narvselius, E. (2015). Spicing up Memories and Serving Nostalgias : Thematic Restaurants and Transnational Memories in East-Central European Borderland Cities. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 23, 417-432. Routledge.
- Narvselius, E. (2015). Tragic Past, Agreeable Heritage : Post-Soviet Intellectual Discussions on the Polish Legacy in Western Ukraine. Carl Beck Papers, 2403, 1-76.
- Narvselius, E. (2015). Аромат пам’яті з присмаком ностальгії : тематичні ресторани в пограниччях Центрально-Cхідної Європи, Народознавчі зошити. Narodoznavchi Zoshyty / Народознавчі зошити, 126, 1480-1491.
- Narvselius, E. (2015). Волинь 1943–1944 рр. і довоєнна польськість в інтелектуальній полеміці Західної України. Ukraina Moderna. Instytut istorychnykh doslidz︠h︡enʹ, Kyïv : Krytyka.
- Nicolau, F. (2015). Artistic symbols as support of a biased imagination. Ars Aeterna, 7, 10-16. De Gruyter.
- Nordrum, L. (2015). Exploring spontaneous-event marking though parallel corpora: Translating English ergative intransitive constructions into Norwegian and Swedish. Languages in Contrast, 15, 230-250. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Paradis, C., Löhndorf, S., van de Weijer, J. & Willners, C. (2015). Semantic profiles of antonymic adjectives in discourse. Linguistics, 53, 153-191. De Gruyter.
- Persson, R. (2015). Indexing one’s own previous action as inadequate : on ah-prefaced repeats as receipt tokens in French talk-in-interaction. Language in Society, 44, 497-524. Cambridge University Press.
- Persson, R. (2015). Registering and repair-initiating repeats in French talk-in-interaction. Discourse Studies, 17, 583-608. SAGE Publications.
- Pudney, E. (2015). Christianity and Cormac McCarthy's The Road. English Studies, 96, 293-309. Taylor & Francis.
- Pudney, E. (2015). Mendacity and Kingship in Shakespeare's Henry V and Richard III. European Journal of English Studies, 19, 163-175. Swets & Zeitlinger.