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Articles (page 35 of 86)
- Baten, K. & Håkansson, G. (2015). The development of subordinate clauses in German and Swedish as L2s : a theoretical and methodological comparison. Studies in Second Language Acquisition, 37, 517-547. Cambridge University Press.
- Berglund, B. (2015). The Brontës, the Corset and the Condition of England. Brontë Studies, 40, 320-327. The Brontë Society.
- Bergman, K. (2015). The Captivating Chill : Why Readers Desire Nordic Noir. Scandinavian-Canadian Studies, 22, 80-89. Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies in Canada.
- Bernhardsson, K. (2015). Berättelser om brist : bloggar om ofrivillig barnlöshet. LIR journal, 5, 39-58. Department of Literature, the History of Ideas, and Religion, University of Gothenburg.
- Bernhardsson, K. (2015). Nordic Studies: Swedish Literature. Year's Work in Modern Language Studies, 75, 552-560. Brill.
- Bertram, R., Tønnessen, F. E., Strömqvist, S., Hyönä, J. & Niemi, P. (2015). Cascaded processing in written compound word production. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Björk, M. (2015). Apollon och Dafne som provokativ konst. Classica: Meddelanden från Svenska klassikerförbundet, 01/2015. Svenska klassikerförbundet.
- Blomberg, F. & Öberg, C. (2015). Swedish and English word ratings of imageability, familiarity and age of acquisition are highly correlated. Nordic Journal of Linguistics, 38, 351-364. Cambridge University Press.
- Blomberg, F., Roll, M., Lindgren, M., Brännström, J. & Horne, M. (2015). Emotional arousal and lexical specificity modulate response times differently depending on ear of presentation in a dichotic listening task. The Mental Lexicon, 10, 221-246. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Blomberg, J. (2015). The expression of non-actual motion in Swedish, French and Thai. Cognitive Linguistics, 26, 657-696. Mouton de Gruyter.
- Blomberg, J. & Zlatev, J. (2015). Non-actual motion: phenomenological analysis and linguistic evidence. Cognitive Processing, 16, 153-157. Springer.
- Cabak Rédei, A. (2015). Film, music and experimental psychology : reflections and further directions. Music and the Moving Image, 8, 81-86. University of Illinois Press.
- Caballero, R. & Paradis, C. (2015). Making sense of sensory perceptions across languages and cultures. Functions of Language, 22, 1-19. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Engström, R. & Paradis, C. (2015). The In-group and Out-groups of the British National Party and the UK Independence Party: A Corpus-Based Discourse-Historical Analysis. Journal of Language and Politics, 14, 501-527. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Esparza, S. (2015). Cómo aumentar el uso de la lengua meta en la clase de español : El caso de Karlskoga. LMS - Lingua, 2015, 43-47. Lärarna i moderna språk.
- Friis, E. (2015). Gyldne tider : når poesien svarer finanslogikken igen. Kritik, 214, 52-64. Gyldendal Akademisk.
- Friis, E. (2015). Økopoetiske tendenser i dansk samtidspoesi. Dansk Noter, 3, 40-45. Dansklæerforeningen i Danmark: Frederiksberg.
- Fuoli, M. & Hommerberg, C. (2015). Optimising transparency, reliability and replicability: annotation principles and inter-coder agreement in the quantification of evaluative expressions. Corpora, 10, 315-349. Edinburgh University Press.
- Genzel, S., Ishihara, S. & Balázs, S. (2015). The prosodic expression of focus, contrast and givenness : A production study of Hungarian. Lingua, 165 Part B, 183-204. Elsevier.
- Gunnarsson, T., Housen, A., van de Weijer, J. & Källkvist, M. (2015). Multilingual students' self-reported use of their language repertoires when writing in English. Apples - Journal of Applied Language Studies, 9. University of Jyväskylä.
- Gyllstad, H., Vilkaite, L. & Schmitt, N. (2015). Assessing vocabulary size through multiple-choice formats : Issues with guessing and sampling rates. ITL: Institut Voor Toegepaste Linguistik, 166, 278-306. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
- Hatti, N. & Hoadley, M. (2015). Administrative Reforms and Decentralization : India and Indonesia. Social Science Spectrum, 1, 68-86.
- Hatti, N. & Hoadley, M. (2015). Notes on Corruption and Morality. Social Science Spectrum, 1, 316-323.
- Hedling, E. (2015). Politik och film. Statsvetenskaplig tidskrift, 117, 3-6. Fahlbeckska stiftelsen.
- Hedling, E. (2015). Review Article of Self-Projection : The Director's Image in Art Cinema. Scandinavian Studies, 87, 299-303. Society for the Advancement of Scandinavian Study.