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Articles (page 18 of 87)
- Josefsson, G. (2020). Varför smörgåsar och inte smörgäss? Om problemet med oregelbunden plural i sammansättningar. Språk och Stil, NF 30, 117-142. Institutionen för nordiska språk, Uppsala universitet.
- Julien, M. (2020). Langdistansebinding i norsk er logoforisk. Norsk Lingvistisk Tidsskrift, 38, 27-58. Novus Forlag.
- Kucher, K., Martins, R. M., Paradis, C. & Kerren, A. (2020). StanceVis Prime : Visual Analysis of Sentiment and Stance in Social Media Texts. Journal of Visualization, 23, 1015-1034. Springer.
- Lenninger, S., Persson, T., van de Weijer, J. & Sonesson, G. (2020). Mirror, peephole and video - The role of contiguity in children's perception of reference in iconic signs. Frontiers in Psychology, 11. Frontiers Media S. A..
- Li, S. (2020). De-pathologizing Perversion : Proust’s Sexual Discourses and Their Chinese Translations. Translation Studies, 13, 43-64. Taylor & Francis.
- Li, S. (2020). Introduction: Cultural Resonance and the Echo Chamber of Reading. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature/Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée, 47, 399-406. Academic Printing and Publishing.
- Lindskog, C. (2020). The Spatial Experience of the Sky in Jane Eyre and Wuthering Heights. Bronte Studies, 45, 63-70. The Brontë Society.
- Lundin, K. (2020). Återkoppling till tränande barn - hur och varför?. Idrottsforum.Org / Nordic Sport Science Forum. Malmö högskola.
- Manninen, S. & Wiktorsson, M. (2020). “#COVIDSchmovid! #SummerTreats” : The usage and functions of schm-reduplications in corona virus related discourse. Lund Journal of English Studies, 1, 1-46.
- Minchenia, A. (2020). Belarusian Professional Protesters in the Structure of Democracy Promotion : Enacting Politics, Reinforcing Divisions. Conflict and Society, 6, 218-235. Berghahn Journals.
- MOSSBERG, M. (2020). Att översätta faktaböcker för barn : Om textuell, interpersonell och innehållslig anpassning. Språk och Stil, NF 30, 235-264. Institutionen för nordiska språk, Uppsala universitet.
- Mouratidou, A. (2020). Choice awareness and manipulation blindness : A cognitive semiotic exploration of choice-making. The Public Journal of Semiotics, 9, 1-40. Open Semiotics Resource Center.
- Mporas, I., Simaki, V., Paradis, C., Kerren, A. & Paraskevas, M. (2020). Editorial. International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools, 29. World Scientific Publishing.
- Møller-Olsen, A. (2020). Data Narrator : Digital Chronotopes in Contemporary Chinese Science Fiction. SFRA Review, 50, 133-140.
- Møller-Olsen, A. (2020). Sounding the Dream : Crosscultural Reverberations between Can Xue and Jorge Luis Borges. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 47, 463-479. Academic Printing and Publishing.
- Narvselius, E. (2020). Den galiziska mångfaldens tragedi : professorsmorden i krigstidens Lviv och åminnelsen av dem. Nordisk Østforum, 34, 103-124. Cappelen Damm Akademisk.
- Narvselius, E. & Pietraszewski, I. (2020). Academics Executed on the Wulecki Hills in L'viv : From a Local Wartime Crime to a Translocal Memory Event. Slavic Review, 79, 139-162. Association for Slavic, East European, and Eurasian Studies.
- Nicolau, F. (2020). For the sake of a liberalized Romanian culture! what about an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary canon instead of the isolated monopolies with a subscription to the state budget?. Swedish Journal of Romanian Studies, 3, 86-103. Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University.
- Nilsson, P., Sköldberg, E. & Bäckerud, E. (2020). Så används Svenska Akademiens ordböcker på nätet : Implicit och explicit feedback från användarna. Nordiske studier i leksikografi, 91-101. Nordiska föreningen för lexikografi.
- Nirme, J., Haake, M., Gulz, A. & Gullberg, M. (2020). Motion capture-based animated characters for the study of speech-gesture integration. Behavior Research Methods, 52, 1339-1354. Springer.
- Nykvist, K. (2020). Creative Destruction in Multilingual Sound Poetry : The Case of Eiríkur Örn Nor∂dahl. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature, 47, 514-532. Academic Printing and Publishing.
- Nykvist, K. (2020). Situerad flerspråkighet : Exemplet Caroline Bergvalls Drift. Edda, 107, 152-166. Universitetsforlaget.
- O'Meara, C., Burenhult, N., Rothstein, M. & Sercombe, P. (2020). Representing space and place : hunter-gatherer perspectives. Hunter Gatherer Research, 4, 287-309. Liverpool University Press.
- Paulsrud, B. A., Zilliacus, H. & Ekberg, L. (2020). Spaces for multilingual education : language orientations in the national curricula of Sweden and Finland. International Multilingual Research Journal, 14, 304-318. Routledge.
- Pöldvere, N. & Paradis, C. (2020). 'What and then a little robot brings it to you?' : The reactive what-x construction in spoken dialogue. English Language and Linguistics, 24, 307-332. Cambridge University Press.