Student papers
English Studies
Student papers (page 8 of 16)
- Master's thesis: Teachers’ Perceptions of Second Language Learning and Teaching – A Comparison of Two Groups of English Teachers
Author: Camilla Kvist
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Sentimentality Versus the Crude Reality: a Comparison Between Harriet Beecher Stowe's "Uncle Tom's Cabin" and Toni Morrison's "Beloved"
Author: Elin Lagerstedt
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: The Role of cheerleading in Megan Abbott's Dare me
Author: Erica Lilja Englund
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: From monster to friend: a study of the development of vampires in literature
Author: Emma Lindberg
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: A Study of Childhood Trauma and Bullying in Margaret Atwood's Cat's Eye
Author: Anna Loyd
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Making Students Hungry for The Hunger Games - A Didactic Approach to Suzanne Collins's Bestseller
Author: Henrik Månsson
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Mudbloods, Purebloods and Halfbloods - The Issues of Racism and Race Discrimination in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter
Author: Carin Möller
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Bendable and Breakable Men: Changes in masculinity in Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre and Anne Brontë's The tenant of Wildfell Hall
Author: Sofia Nordstrand
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: The inferencing behaviour of Swedish EFL university students: A quantitative analysis of lexical inferencing in relation to vocabulary depth
Author: Elin Nylander
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Abusive Patterns in Jane Smiley’s A Thousand Acres and William Shakespeare’s King Lear
Author: Frida Palm
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Oliver Twist and Jane Eyre : A Comparison of Orphans in Victorian Literature
Author: Eva Persson
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: Stance-taking and social status on an online bulletin board: A qualitative and quantitative approach
Author: Nele Põldvere
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: The Sea as a Setting and a Symbol in Contemporary Irish and British Fiction: Dermot Bolger’s Temptation (2000), John Banville’s The Sea (2005), Ian McEwan’s On Chesil Beach (2007)
Author: Elena Rein
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: "I chuckled. Rolig pun där" - A grammatical investigation of Swedish-English code-switching in two web discussion forums
Author: Johanna Rosenberg
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: A Psychological Approach to the Wicked Women in Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland and Neil Gaiman's Coraline
Author: Emma Samuelsson
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: Identity Performance in British Rock and Indie Music : Authenticity, Stylization, and Glocalization
Author: Christine Schulze
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: The Fantastic Adventures of No-body: Mechanisms of cyborg disembodiment in five texts by women authors
Author: Meryl Trussler
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: The presence of the Jungian archetype of rebirth in Steven Erikson's Gardens of the moon
Author: Emil Wallner
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Challenging Eurocentric Notions of History and Culture in Tariq Ali's Shadows of the Pomegranate Tree
Author: Robin Wikander
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: The New World and the Old: Class, Gender and Manners in Henry James' The Portrait of a Lady and Edith Wharton's The Age of Innocence
Author: Ilian Afsahi
Year: 2013 - Bachelor's project: Empathy and Dyspathy between Man, Android and Robot in Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? by Philip K. Dick and I, Robot by Isaac Asimov
Author: Maria Brand
Year: 2013 - Bachelor's project: Digging into Holes by Louis Sachar A Modern Fairy Tale?
Author: Linnea Cederlund
Year: 2013 - Bachelor's project: Aspects of Evacuation in Michelle Magorian's Good Night, Mr. Tom
Author: Elisabeth Dolmark
Year: 2013 - Bachelor's project: Shut in or Exposed - Inhospitable Landscapes in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Cormac McCarthy's Blood Meridian
Author: Lovisa Eklund
Year: 2013 - Master's thesis: The In-group and Out-groups of the British National Party and UK Independence Party: A corpus-based Critical Discourse Analysis
Author: Robin M. Engström
Year: 2013