Student papers
English Studies
Student papers (page 7 of 16)
- Bachelor's project: Androgyny and the Uncanny in Ursula Le Guin's The Left Hand of Darkness and Ann Leckie's Ancillary Justice
Author: Kevin Palm
Year: 2015 - Bachelor's project: Childhood in wonderland
Author: Unn Segrén
Year: 2015 - Bachelor's project: The Happy Housewife - A Gender Study of Richard Yates' Revolutionary Road
Author: Teresa Sorribes Bernhard
Year: 2015 - Bachelor's project: Human identity: an analysis of human self-identification by observing the other in Doris Lessing's On Cats
Author: Caroline Sotto
Year: 2015 - Master's thesis: Re-Imagining the Victorian Woman: Female Representations in Four Neo-Victorian Novels from 1990 to 2010
Author: Guðrún Valdimarsdóttir
Year: 2015 - Master's thesis: Toward Innumerable Futures: Frank Stanford & Origins
Author: Adam Walton
Year: 2015 - Master's thesis: "In Love with the Productions of Time": A Study of the Treatment of Time and Eternity in William Blake's Prophetic Works
Author: John Öwre
Year: 2015 - Bachelor's project: The Winter's Tales: A Comparison between 'The Winter's Tale' by William Shakespeare and Two Filmed Productions of the Play
Author: Evelina Bengtsson
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: The Significance of Ghosts: Science, Religion and Social Criticism in Charles Dickens’ The Haunted Man and the Ghost’s Bargain, A Christmas Carol and “The Signalman”
Author: Niki Brodin Larsson
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: The conceptualisation of FEMININITY on English Wikipedia
Author: Max Bäckström
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: How Achebe Included the African People in the Story of Imperialism : A Comparison of Things Fall Apart and Heart of Darkness
Author: Mia Christiansson Söllvander
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Gender Differences In The Classroom
Author: Charlotte Davison
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Vampires in the Classroom
Author: Caroline Drottz
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: The uncanny in Robert Louis Stevenson's The strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde
Author: Josefine Ekdahl
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: The Stable Self and the Fluid Self : Gendered Identities in Charlotte Brontë’s First and Last Novels, The Professor and Villette
Author: Rayanne Rhiannon Eskandari Varzali
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: The Function of Parody in Vladimir Nabokov's Lolita
Author: Nicohle Falk
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: “Man breastfeeds his young”: A comparison of attitudes towards the false generics he/han and man/man in the English and Swedish languages.
Author: Ida Frisell
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: The nature of war : Nature imagery in five poems from the First World War
Author: Erik Grenabo
Year: 2014 - Master's thesis: Selling Stories and Consuming Culture : The Connection between Literature and Marketing in Max Barry's Syrup (1999) and Jennifer Government (2003)
Author: Chloe Guenther
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: A Postmodern Rendering of Society and Everyday Life in Renata Adler´s Speedboat
Author: Elin Hafström
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Appraisal in Political Speech: A Comparative Discursive Study of Winston Churchill and Tony Blair
Author: Richard Helander
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Girls at home and a boy on the run - Incorporating Little women and The adventures of Huckleberry Finn in teaching English and history
Author: Emelie Hermansson
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Bosses, spam, and griefers: a study of how old words adopt new meanings in online computer games
Author: Mikael Johannesson
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: Blaming the mother : Motherhood in Doris Lessing's The fifth child and Lionel Shriver's We need to talk about Kevin
Author: Alexandra Kallman
Year: 2014 - Bachelor's project: The Great Gatsbies: A comparative study of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby and the film adaptations from 1974 and 2013
Author: Oskar Kleven
Year: 2014