Student papers
English Studies
Student papers (page 4 of 16)
- Bachelor's project: Father-daughter roles in Shakespeare’s comedies The Taming of the Shrew and Much Ado About Nothing
Author: Lucia Schoeffer
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: How to Identify a Bad Woman: A Study of Charlotte Brontë’s Bertha Mason and Daphne du Maurier’s Rebecca de Winter
Author: Isabella Silbo
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: Is the development of the English progressive in L1 children a U-shaped curve?
Author: Carl-Staffan Svenbro
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: See you next Tuesday : a study of temporal deictic modifiers "next" and "last"
Author: Johanna Wohlin
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: Making a Hero - Vogler’s Supportive and Opposing Archetypes in Percy Jackson and the Lightning Thief
Author: Mi Zandelin
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: Debunking the Detective: A Comparative Study on the Narratives Found in The Blanched Soldier, The Lion’s Mane and A Study in Scarlet by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Author: Geofina Andersson
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: A Comparative Study of Attitudes of Young Swedes and North Americans towards Gender and Predicates Denoting Intelligence
Author: Anna Bergvall
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: The Jungian Hobbit: Bilbo’s Individuation Process in the Archetypal Hero Story The Hobbit
Author: Pontus Brandt
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Everybody Loves a Bad Girl - A Study of Female Evil in Margaret Atwood's The Robber Bride and Gillian Flynn's Gone Girl
Author: Elina Cederfeldt Vahlne
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Sea Imagery in E.M. Forster’s Howards End
Author: Charlotte Fransson
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: "The World of Real Emotion" A Study of Communication: Conveying Emotions Through Narrative in Final Fantasy
Author: Rayne Hedberg
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: English Influence in Swedish Advertising: A Comparative Study of Recent English Loanwords and Swedish-English Code-Switching in the Printed and Online Versions of Five Magazines and Newspapers
Author: Emily Hesselmark
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Nuances and Complexities: A Performance Study of William Shakespeare's Macbeth
Author: Diana Iuga
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: The Sorrows of Young Jude - Sartre’s Concept of Freedom in Hanya Yanagihara’s A Little Life
Author: Julia Karlsson
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: "For every thing that lives is Holy": Authenticity and Inclusion in William Blake's The Marriage of Heaven and Hell
Author: Alexis Lundblom
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: 'Soft, Subtle Things That Lodge Themselves into the Soul': Representation of Consciousness in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie's The Thing around Your Neck
Author: Danielle Mbesherubusa Mittag
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: ‘Soft, Subtle Things That Lodge Themselves into the Soul’: Representation of Consciousness in Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie’s The Thing around Your Neck
Author: Danielle Mbesherubusa Mittag
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: The Use of Americanisms in British English, with a Specific Focus on Gotten: A Corpus Study
Author: Jennifer Melckersson
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: The Destructive Performance - A Feminist Reading of Three Texts Written by Sylvia Plath, Margaret Atwood and Doris Lessing
Author: Johanna Molin
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: The use of Similes in Charlotte Brontë’s Novel Jane Eyre
Author: Marie Reimer
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Looking for Mrs Dalloway
Author: Ethel Schols
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Looking for Mrs Dalloway
Author: Ethel Schols
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: A Comparison of Jane Eyre and the Harry Potter Books as Novels of Development
Author: Amanda Sellers
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Sublime Extinctions in Anthropocene Fiction: Literary representations of geologic force in works by Ballard, McCarthy and Watkins
Author: Samuel Teeland
Year: 2018 - Bachelor's project: Mad or Misunderstood? A Study of the Different Portrayals of Mr. Rochester's First Wife in Jane Eyre and Wide Sargasso Sea
Author: Hedda Törntorp
Year: 2018