Student papers
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Student papers (page 20 of 105)
- Bachelor's project: Reflektion om spegelfasen i Russian Doll
Author: Veronika Waga
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Dante fra monarchia e repubblica: Un problema politico nella Divina Commedia
Author: Viktor Wahlström
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: We thought ourself thy lawful king: The representation of royal legitimacy in Shakespeare's History plays
Author: Viktor Wahlström
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Kvinnor och män i P3 : en analys av kvinnligt och manligt tal i Sveriges Radio P3:s kultur-talkshowprogram
Author: John Westlund
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Att sälja ett land genom historia: En narrativanalys av Spaniens nation branding-projekt España Globals historiebruk på hemsidan This is the Real Spain
Author: Alice Widerberg
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Iru vs Irassharu, and other lexical substitutions in Japanese : focusing on second language acquisition by Swedish learners
Author: Joakim Wikman
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Was that funny? Multi-modal wordplay translation and audience types
Author: Nikolas Olof Winegarner
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: Europeanization of Social Policy - A Case of Parental Leave in Denmark and EU
Author: Emma Emilie Højer Winther
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Modersmålsundervisningens status i den svenska politiken
Author: Johanna Wohlin
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: "Why Did I Live"
Author: Tora Åsling
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Finding Fathers in Business : A Critical Discourse Analysis of Fatherhood Practices in the Swedish Business World
Author: Tora Åsling
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Episka liknelser i Iliaden och Odysséen
Author: Hans Öhlin
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Tokyo Night Fever : A study of English code-switching in Japanese 1970s & 1980s city pop
Author: Kevin Östlie
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: Screaming yellow: An exploratory study of how speakers gesture and speak about colour and colour theory
Author: Thit Leonora Amsen
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: Det tecknade jaget : gymnasieelvers tolkningar, upplevelser och diskussioner av grafiska självbiografier ur ett normkritiskt perspektiv
Author: Elin Andersson & Maike Larsson
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: Otherness and Exclusion in A Single Man: Reading Christopher Isherwood from the Perspective of Queer Theory
Author: Malin Annby
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: För att du inte ska gå vilse. Om översättningen av tempus och aspekt i en roman av Patrick Modiano
Author: Linn Apelmo
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: Problematiska beskrivningar av grammatik: En studie om läromedels beskrivningar av grammatik och svensklärares reaktioner på dessa
Author: Erik Bandh
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: Genuserfarenheter och kulturellt identitetsskapande i Monica Alis Brick Lane
Author: Adam Basson
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: The Polish Paradox: Euroscepticism as a political instrument, or an integrated part of national identity?: An analysis and examination of the way the European Union is positioned in the Polish debate on the areas of immigrants and refugees, and the rule-of-law dispute
Author: Lucas Benderfeldt
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: Oh my god, she’s a boy! The online afterlife of Sleepaway Camp (1983, Robert Hiltzik)
Author: Emma Bengtsson
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: När synden (i själva verket) kom till byn: sex och sexualitet i fyra filmer av Hasse Ekman
Author: Charlie Berggren
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: Staying True to You: Finding the Feminist in Anne of Green Gables, Anne of Avonlea and Anne of the Island by L. M. Montgomery
Author: Cecilia Bernroth Overton
Year: 2019 - Bachelor's project: Kataloniens självständighetsrörelse: En historisk resa med modernistiska tankar om natoionalism
Author: Zakaria Boudebba
Year: 2019 - Master's thesis: Skräckens arkitektur. En analys av det hemsökta huset i Hin Ondes hus (1853) och Hemmet (2017)
Author: Daria Buson
Year: 2019