Student papers
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Student papers (page 18 of 106)
- Master's thesis: "En pedagogisk fuling" : svensklärares syn på bedömning av multimodala texter
Author: Martin Klinge & Hanna Söderberg
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: Narrative and Gender: Similarities and differences in written narratives produced from same- and opposite-gender perspective in Modern Greek
Author: Lambrini Kokkali
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Greta Thunberg, une ado en colère ou une icône écolo?
Author: Elena Kondryukova
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Japanese women’s language as spoken by foreign women in Elle Japon
Author: Sara Kopelman
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: A Symphonic Discussion of the Animal in Richard Adams' Watership Down
Author: Elisabeth Kynaston
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Are they all victims?
Author: Elisabeth Kynaston
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Zum erweiterten Attribut in rechtlichem Text auf Deutsch - Ein Vergleich mit den schwedischen Entsprechungen
Author: Eric Lans
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Are Loanwords Trendier? : A Qualitative Corpus Analysis on Adjective Collocations of English Loanword Nouns and their Native or Sino Japanese Pairs in the Japanese Language
Author: Erik Larsson
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: Att översätta vårdinformation från engelska till svenska – Balansen mellan korrekthet och läsbarhet
Author: Lotta Larsson
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Promoting a European Identity - an idea- and argumentation analysis of a European identity construction via the European Education Area
Author: Caroline Lloyd
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Skamdinavia
Author: Ebba Lord
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: The Tribalisation of Denmark : A thematic study on the political narrative of Mette Frederiksen
Author: Line Lund Hebbelstrup
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Klarspråk i tryckfriheten : en undersökning av 2019 års språkliga ändringar i tryckfrihetsförordningen
Author: Moa Lundgren
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: A phonological reconstruction of Proto-Omagua–Kokama–Tupinambá
Author: Olof Lundgren
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Engelska importord i svenskan – en undersökning av användningen av direktlån och hybridlån i tre nummer av den svenska datortidskriften PC för Alla från åren 2001, 2011 respektive 2020.
Author: Anders Löfgren
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Sulpicia som genrebrytare
Author: Margaretha K E Löfgren
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: Trigram och torklingar. Om översättning av kulturem och påhittade ord i en kinesisk science fiction-roman
Author: Tim Löfstedt
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: Constructing European Identity - The Construction of the European Identity from 1989 to 2018 by the Presidents of the European Commission
Author: Julia Löfvenberg
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: Imprints and Memories of Jews in Modern Thessaloniki: An analysis of the causes why the city hides its past
Author: Sotirios Mantartzidis
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Today We Enjoy Many Freedoms : En narrativanalytisk studie av historiska narrativ i europaparlamentet
Author: Jens Mollberger
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: Dizziness of Freedom: The influence of maladaptive anxiety on metaphorical meaning-making and the Motivation & Sedimentation Model (MSM)
Author: Kalina Moskaluk
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: Adaptarea profesorilor din România și din Suedia la predarea online: Lärarnas anpassning till onlineundervisning i Rumänien och i Sverige
Author: Anca Mousa
Year: 2020 - Bachelor's project: A Story Without Names: The Function of Nameless Characters in Cormac McCarthy’s The Road
Author: Theodor Myrestrand
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: Grammatiska och didaktiska perspektiv på partikeln le i rikskinesiska – en jämförande studie
Author: Maria Mörnerud
Year: 2020 - Master's thesis: Narratives in European Union Enlargement - The impact of experience on continuity and change
Author: Cecilia Nilsson
Year: 2020