Din sökning på "swedish" gav 90170 sökträffar
The Long-Term Impact of Education on Mortality and Health: Evidence from Sweden
There is a well-documented large positive correlation between education and health and yet it remains unclear as to whether this is a causal relationship. Potential reasons for this lack of clarity include estimation using different methods, analysis of different populations and school reforms that are different in design. In this paper we assess whether the type of school reform, the instrument a
Exploring the network of actors contributing to mitigating flood risk in Lomma, Sweden
Enviro-organizational rift in Swedish flood risk governance
Floods tend not to be bounded by geopolitical or administrative borders, and involve various sectors in society. Flood risk must thus be jointly governed by a web of actors (Renn, 2008), who are not independent of each other but dependent on various resources and affected by the decisions and actions others are making (Becker, 2014). The patterns of social relations among these actors are therefor
Cross-sectional associations between maternal self-efficacy and dietary intake and physical activity in four-year-old children of first-time Swedish mothers
Background: Healthy dietary and physical activity behaviours are established early in life where children learn by observing their parents. Therefore, parents can act as role models and influence their children toward a healthier lifestyle. Besides a strong association between parental and child health behaviours, parents also influence their children's health behaviours through socio-cognitive pr
Good adherence to adjuvant endocrine therapy in early breast cancer – a population-based study based on the Swedish Prescribed Drug Register
Palaeoenvironments, palaeoecology and palaeobiogeography of Late Cretaceous (Campanian) faunas from the Kristianstad Basin, southern Sweden, with applications for science education
I den andra delen av avhandlingen introduceras några konkreta förslag på tillämpningar av paleontologisk kunskap generellt, och forskningsresultat om fossil från Kristianstadsområdet specifikt, som kan användas i undervisning från förskola till gymnasieskola med undervisningsförslag inom de tre områdena; fossil och dinosaurier i förskolan, tidslinjer för utveckling av tidsmedvetenhet samt geoveten
Use of hormone replacement therapy improves the prognosis in patients with colorectal cancer : A population-based study in Sweden
The association between hormone therapy (estrogen, with or without progesterone) and colorectal cancer (CRC) has received considerable scientific interest but previous research has generated inconsistent results. We aimed to examine whether post-diagnostic use of hormone therapy might protect against CRC mortality and all-cause mortality. Women diagnosed with CRC between January 2007 and December
Did mangrove communities exist in the Late Cretaceous of the Kristianstad Basin, Sweden?
The emergence and growth of materials science in Swedish universities
Type 1diabetes in parents and risk of attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder in offspring : A population-based study in Sweden
Low response rate to ATG-based immunosuppressive therapy in very severe aplastic anaemia - A Swedish nationwide cohort study
Objectives: Antithymocyte globulin (ATG)-based immunosuppression remains a cornerstone in aplastic anaemia (AA) treatment. However, most ATG studies are not population-based and knowledge about real-world results concerning response and outcome could offer important information for treating physicians. Methods: We have recently performed a nationwide retrospective cohort study on all AA patients d
Temporal Trends of Stroke Epidemiology in Southern Sweden : A Population-Based Study on Stroke Incidence and Early Case-Fatality
The Southern Sweden Adolescent Allergy-Cohort : Prevalence of allergic diseases and cross-sectional associations with individual and social factors
Objectives: Asthma and allergic diseases are the most frequent chronic diseases in childhood worldwide, and considered a burden for the affected children and their families. The diseases impose an economic burden on society if not diagnosed and treated properly and management of and these diseases are challenging for healthcare professionals. The aim of the present investigation was to assess the
Psychometric evaluation of the Swedish version of Rosenberg’s self-esteem scale
Price Premiums for Providing Eco-labelled Seafood : Evidence from MSC-certified Cod in Sweden
Increase in transmitted drug resistance in migrants from sub-Saharan Africa diagnosed with HIV-1 in Sweden
Older Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders in Sweden : A Register Study of Diagnoses, Psychiatric Care Utilization and Psychotropic Medication of 601 Individuals
Epidemiology of kidney failure and glomerulonephritis in Sweden. Hereditary and non-hereditary factors.
Background: Kidney disease is recognised as an important worldwide health burden. Kidney failure is the result of acute and chronic kidney disease and is associated with morbidity and mortality. Chronic kidney failure is associated with high-costs for society and low quality of life. Kidney failure may progress to end-stage renal disease (ESRD) that requires dialysis or kidney transplantation with