Din sökning på "swedish" gav 91314 sökträffar
Achieving social and ecological outcomes in collaborative environmental governance : Good examples from swedish moose management
Collaborative governance approaches have been suggested as strategies to handle wicked environmental problems. Evaluations have found promising examples of effective natural resource governance, but also highlighted the importance of social-ecological context and institutional design. The aim of this study was to identify factors that contribute to the achievement of social and ecological sustaina
Did they get it? Examining the goals of risk communication within the Seveso II Directive in a Swedish context
Cost analysis of informal care : estimates from a national cross-sectional survey in Sweden
Background: Over the past decades, informal care has increased in most OECD-countries. Informal care is costly to caregivers and to society in the form of lost income and direct costs of providing care. Existing evidence suggests that providing informal care affects caregivers’ overall health. However, estimates of the social costs of informal care based on national data on individuals are current
The effect of two midwives during the second stage of labour to reduce severe perineal trauma (Oneplus): a multicentre, randomised controlled trial in Sweden
BackgroundSevere perineal trauma (SPT) affecting the anal sphincter muscle complex is a serious complication following childbirth, associated with short-term and long-term maternal morbidity. Effective preventive strategies are still scarce. The aim of the Oneplus trial was to test the hypothesis that the presence of a second midwife during the second stage of labour, with the purpose of preventin
Striving for Close Resemblance or Creative Improvements : On Painted Copies and Workshop Replicas from the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Century in Swedish Art History
Alternative facts or women’s empowerment? Swedish women’s claims about the health risks of copper IUD use
The internet has radically transformed the way that people seek and share information and, as a consequence, their relationship to established epistemic authorities. It has been stated that ‘the contestation of expertise is perhaps nowhere more pronounced’ than in the field of health (Vuolanto et al., 2020: 508). Health-related information on the internet stems from a variety of actors and sometim
Social capital, the miniaturization of community, traditionalism and mortality : A population-based prospective cohort study in southern Sweden
Membership in Mutual Health Insurance Societies: The Case of Swedish Manufacturing, circa 1900
Industrialization brought significant economic and social changes. As a response to the risk of income loss due to illness and workplace accidents, mutual health insurance was the main financial vehicle for workers at the turn of the twentieth century across the Western world. We studied individual and firm-level determinants of membership in health insurance societies among male workers in Swedis
eVisits in the digital era of Swedish primary care
How and Why Freight Trains Deviate from the Timetable : Evidence from Sweden
Total, hemi, or dual-mobility arthroplasty for the treatment of femoral neck fractures in patients with neurological disease : ANALYSIS OF 9,638 PATIENTS FROM THE SWEDISH HIP ARTHROPLASTY REGISTER
Aims The aim of this study was to investigate the potentially increased risk of dislocation in patients with neurological disease who sustain a femoral neck fracture, as it is unclear whether they should undergo total hip arthroplasty (THA) or hemiarthroplasty (HA). A secondary aim was to investgate whether dual-mobility components confer a reduced risk of dislocation in these patients. Methods We
Perfluoroalkyl substances influence DNA methylation in school-age children highly exposed through drinking water contaminated from firefighting foam: a cohort study in Ronneby, Sweden
Perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs) are widespread synthetic substances with various adverse health effects. A potential mechanism of toxicity for PFASs is via epigenetic changes, such as DNA methylation. Previous studies have evaluated associations between PFAS exposure and DNA methylation among newborns and adults. However, no study has evaluated how PFASs influence DNA methylation among children
Intergenerational care in Sweden : A biographical approach
Practices of care between grandparents, adult children and grandchildren are the hub of intergenerational relationships. To care for an elderly parent, or for a grandchild, is an engagement that can be a necessity coming out of lack of other care providers, or it can be an engagement you voluntarily take upon yourself. It can feel like an obligation, and/or as something you do out of love for your
Fear of COVID-19, compliance with recommendations against virus transmission, and attitudes towards vaccination in Sweden
Swedish midwives’ experiences of collegial midwifery assistance during the second stage of labour: A qualitative study
The status of homelessness: Access to housing for asylum-seeking migrants as an instrument of migration control in Italy and Sweden
Homelessness and other forms of destitution among asylum-seeking migrants are currently on the rise across Europe, as migrants’ access to social rights, including housing, has been restricted through repressive migration policies, fuelled by the welfare nationalism and chauvinism that surge among European states. This article explores the largely overlooked homelessness experienced by migrants seeHomelessness and other forms of destitution among asylum-seeking migrants are currently on the rise across Europe, as migrants’ access to social rights, including housing, has been restricted through repressive migration policies, fuelled by the welfare nationalism and chauvinism that surge among European states. This article explores the largely overlooked homelessness experienced by migrants see