

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 90991 sökträffar

Detecting bark beetle damage with Sentinel-2 multi-temporal data in Sweden

The European spruce bark beetle is considered as one of the most destructive forest insects to Norway spruce trees in Europe. Climate change may increase the frequency and intensity of bark beetle outbreaks. It is therefore of vital importance to detect the bark beetle outbreaks and take it under control to prevent further damages. Remote sensing techniques may provide a cost-efficient solution to

Beyond Symptom Amelioration: Relationships Between Work Supports, Functional Impairments and Quality of Life in Swedish Adults with Self-Reported ADHD

Denna studie syftade till att undersöka ett urval av svenska vuxna med självrapporterad ADHD på följande punkter: 1) utbildningsnivå och anställningsgrad i relation till svensk befolkning, 2) om de blivit erbjudna stöd på sin arbetsplats eller i sin studiesituation för sin ADHD, 3) om denna typ av stöd var relaterat till självrapporterad Quality of Life (QoL), nöjdhet med arbetsroll, allmän hälsa

A Comparison of the Self-Perceived Organisational and Social Work Environment among Swedish Occupational Therapists in Different Job Sectors : An Observational Study

Sick leave due to mental health problems is increasing, and there is evidence that it is associated with the individual’s self-perceived organisational and social work environment. The aim of this study was to compare occupational therapists’ self-perceived organisational and social work environments in different job sectors. The goal is to identify the sectors with the most unfavourable work envi

Transforming Church Strategies in a Changing Social Landscape : Sunday School Statistics from a Swedish Diocese, 1920–1990

This article offers a reconsideration of religious mobilisation in the inter- and post-war periods. It focuses on how the Church of Sweden gradually altered its catechetical activities aimed at children to meet changing needs. Built on a range of statistical sources, this article calls for a reconsideration of the ways in which larger Protestant denominations adjusted to meet declining religious p