

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 90294 sökträffar

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Ekonomiska aspekter på renoveringar av bostäder – en översikt H A N S L I N D | Rapport 2014:1 2 E K O N O M I S K A A S P E K T E R P Å R E N O V E R I N G A R A V B O S T Ä D E R 1 Ekonomiska aspekter på renoveringar av bostäder: en översikt Hans Lind Sustainable Integrated Renovation Rapport 2014:1 Institutionen för Fastigheter och Byggande, KTH TRITA - FOB - Rapport 2014:5 ISBN 978-91-85783-41

https://www.renoveringscentrum.lth.se/fileadmin/renoveringscentrum/SIRen/Publikationer/Hans_Lind_Ekonomiska_aspekter_nov_2014.pdf - 2025-03-20

Microsoft Word - OLSSON2.DOC

Microsoft Word - OLSSON2.DOC 1 Recovering From Tennant's Attack on Recovery Erik J. Olsson1 I was introduced to the AGM theory of Peter Grdenfors and his associates, Carlos Alchourrn and David Makinson, via Sten Lindstrm, who gave a series of lectures at the philosophy department in Uppsala on Peter's book Knowledge in Flux shortly after it appeared. At the time I was still an undergraduate studen

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-SE/dynamics/olsson.pdf - 2025-03-20


Courses | Centre for Mathematical Sciences Skip to main content This site uses cookies to enhance the user experience. By continuing to use the site you agree that cookies are used according to our Cookie Policy (on the website of LTH) . Essential cookies These cookies are necessary for the website to function and cannot be turned off in our systems. These cookies do not store any personally ident

https://www.maths.lu.se/english/education/phd-studies/courses/ - 2025-03-20

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Acknowledgement This master thesis was carried out autumn 2011 at Epsilon Utvecklingscentrum Väst AB, Helsingborg, and the Division of Solid Mechanics at the University of Lund under supervision of M.Sc. Jimmy Carlsson at Epsilon and Ph.D. Student Anna Ask, Division of Solid Mechanics. I wish to send a special thank to Jimmy Carlsson for his guidance and support, which has helped me during the pro

https://www.solid.lth.se/fileadmin/hallfasthetslara/utbildning/examensarbete/TFHF5165.pdf - 2025-03-20

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Department of Construction Sciences Solid Mechanics ISRN LUTFD2/TFHF-14/5189-SE(1-71) Parameter study on nonlinear piping systems exposed to time history loading in ANSYS Master’s Dissertation by Stefan Alkmyr Supervisors: M.Sc. Jimmy Carlsson, ÅF-Industry AB Associate Professor Håkan Hallberg, Div. of Solid Mechanics Examiner: Associate Professor Mathias Wallin, Div. of Solid Mechanics Copyright

https://www.solid.lth.se/fileadmin/hallfasthetslara/utbildning/examensarbete/TFHF5189.pdf - 2025-03-20


Kristinardottir-Jonsson Working Papers in Scandinavian Syntax 107 (2022), 32–46. Prepositional vs. indirect objects in Icelandic Iðunn Kristínardóttir & Jóhannes Gísli Jónsson University of Iceland Abstract A corpus study of the Prepositional Object Construction (POC) in Icelandic shows that the POC is basically restricted to ditransitive verbs encoding motion or entailing successful transfer (Kri

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/ovrigt/projekt_grimm/working_papers/2022-dec/Kristinardottir-Jonsson.pdf - 2025-03-20

Microsoft Word - introduction

Microsoft Word - introduction 1 Introduction: Why ÒEpigenetic RoboticsÓ? Jordan Zlatev and Christian Balkenius Background During the last few years we have witnessed the mutual rapprochement of two traditionally very different fields of study: developmental psychology and robotics. This has come with the realization by large parts of the cognitive science community (e.g. Ziemke, in press) that tru

https://www.lucs.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/project/lucs/LUCS-pub/LUCS-085/Zlatev-and-Balkenius.pdf - 2025-03-20

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Drömmar & upptäckter LTH / LUNDS TEKNISKA HÖGSKOLA / LUNDS UNIVERSITET Innehåll En plats för drömmar och upptäckter .......... 3 Till nytta för klimatet ..................................... 8 Till nytta för digitaliseringen ...................... 12 Till nytta för industrin ................................. 16 Till nytta för samhällsbygget ...................... 20 Till nytta för livet ..........

https://www.lth.se/fileadmin/lth/forskning/pdf/Drommar_och_upptackter.pdf - 2025-03-20

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Examensarbete Avancerad nivå, 30 poäng Självständigt arbete i svenska Ämneslärarutbildningen, inriktning gymnasienivå Problematiska beskrivningar av grammatik En studie om läromedels beskrivningar av grammatik och svensklärares reaktioner på dessa Erik Bandh Kurskod: ÄSVM92 Termin: HT 2018 Handledare: Katarina Lundin Examinator: Marit Julien Abstract Det föreliggande arbetets övergripande syfte va

https://www.uvet.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/uvet/lararutbildning/pdf/Forskningsrapporter/Bandh__Erik_Examensarbete_-_Forskningsrapport_i_serie__inte_den_snyggaste_layouten_men_i_af...pdf - 2025-03-20

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Department of Mechanical Engineering Solid Mechanics ISRN LUTFD2/TFHF–06/5115–SE(1–81) A SMALL DEFORMATION MODEL FOR THE ELASTO-PLASTIC BEHAVIOUR OF PAPER AND PAPERBOARD Master’s Thesis by Tomas Andersson Supervisors Mikael Nyg̊ards, STFI-Packforsk Anders Harrysson, Div. of Solid Mechanics Examiner Mathias Wallin, Div. of Solid Mechanics Copyright c© 2006 by Div. of Solid Mechanics, STFI-Packforsk

https://www.solid.lth.se/fileadmin/hallfasthetslara/utbildning/examensarbete/TFHF5115.pdf - 2025-03-20

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Coastal Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change: A Human Rights Perspective Coastal Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change: A Human Rights Perspective Yance Arizona, Almonika Cindy Fatika Sari, Danang Aditya Nizar The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) is a research and academic institution committed to human rights education and development across the world. Inform

https://rwi.lu.se/wp-content/uploads/2024/03/65fba382d1cd8773029467.pdf - 2025-02-22

0731PDF_Computational modeling strategy of steel connections

0731PDF_Computational modeling strategy of steel connections Master’s Dissertation Structural Mechanics Report TV SM -5235 C A RL-M IC H A EL BJÄ LKEN SÄTER and C A RL H O LM G REN C O M PU TA TIO N A L M O D ELIN G STR A TEG Y O F STEEL C O N N EC TIO N S CARL-MICHAEL BJÄLKENSÄTER and CARL HOLMGREN COMPUTATIONAL MODELING STRATEGY OF STEEL CONNECTIONS 5235HO.indd 15235HO.indd 1 2019-08-08 20:50:53

https://www.byggmek.lth.se/fileadmin/byggnadsmekanik/publications/tvsm5000/web5235.pdf - 2025-03-20

Modelling cross-laminated timber floors in dynamic analysis

Modelling cross-laminated timber floors in dynamic analysis Master’s Dissertation Structural Mechanics Report TV SM -5238 JO H A N N ES W ETTERH O LT M O D ELLIN G C R O SS-LA M IN A TED TIM B ER FLO O R S IN D Y N A M IC A N A LY SIS - Eig en freq u en cy p red ictio n JOHANNES WETTERHOLT MODELLING CROSS-LAMINATED TIMBER FLOORS IN DYNAMIC ANALYSIS Eigenfrequency prediction 5238HO.indd 15238HO.ind

https://www.byggmek.lth.se/fileadmin/byggnadsmekanik/publications/tvsm5000/web5238.pdf - 2025-03-20

377544_1_OMSL_HT Budget 2025.indd

377544_1_OMSL_HT Budget 2025.indd 1QUOUSQUE TANDEM ABUTERE Verksamhetsplan och budget 2025 HUMANISTISKA OCH TEOLOGISKA FAKULTETERNA | LUNDS UNIVERSITET Lunds universitet HT-fakulteterna INNEHÅLLSFÖRTECKNING Protokoll MBL-förhandling 2024-11-05 Fakultetsstyrelsens beslut 2024-11-06 Budgetskrivelse 01 Ekonomiska ramar och uppdrag för HT-fakulteterna (bilaga 1) 19 Fakultetsgemensam budget (bilaga 2)

https://www.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/ht/dokument/Fakulteterna/ekonomi/Verksamhetsplan_och_budget_foer_Humanistiska_och_teologiska_fakulteterna_2025.pdf - 2025-03-20


Halldor 66 About pronouns* Halldór Ármann Sigurðsson Lund University Abstract This essay claims that pronouns are constructed as syntactic relations rather than as discrete feature bundles or items. The discussion is set within minimalist Context-linked Grammar, where phases contain silent but active edge features, edge linkers, including speaker and hearer features. An NP is phi-computed in relat

https://projekt.ht.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Sigurdsson92.pdf - 2025-03-20