Din sökning på "swedish" gav 90294 sökträffar
Decline in FEV1 related to smoking status in individuals with severe alpha1-antitrypsin deficiency (PiZZ)
Occupational exposure to NDMA and NMor in the European rubber industry
Many nitrosamines are suspected of being human carcinogens, with the highest concentrations in the environment being measured in the rubber industry. Time trends of personal exposure to N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and to N-nitrosomorpholine (NMor) during the past two decades in the German rubber industry were analysed and compared with cross-sectional studies in the same period in the Netherland
A clinical evaluation of the Zygoma fixture: One year of follow-up at 16 clinics
Ålder och ekonomisk omvandling. Sveriges tillväxthistoria i ett demografiskt perspektiv, 1890-1995
Den svenska arbetskraften har blivit äldre under 1900-talet. Under vissa perioder har denna åldrandeprocess accelererat, medan den har avtagit under andra perioder. I denna studie undersöks vilken roll dessa förändringar i åldersstrukturen spelar för genomsnittlig arbetsproduktivitet och ekonomisk tillväxt. Olika åldersgrupper besitter olika typer av humankapital, eftersom den individuella produkt
Antibiotic prophylaxis in oral health care: administration strategies of general dental practitioners
Forage availability for moose of young silver birch and Scots pine
Tolerance and efficacy of Omniscan (gadodiamide injection) in MR imaging of the central nervous system
From cure to palliation: concept, decision and acceptance
The aim of this paper is to present and discuss nurses' and physicians' comments in a questionnaire relating to patients' transition from curative treatment to palliative care. The four-page questionnaire relating to experiences of and attitudes towards communication, decision-making, documentation and responsibility of nurses and physicians and towards the competence of patients was developed and
An international dosimetry exchange for boron neutron capture therapy, Part I : Absorbed dose measurements
Vaginal microbiological flora, and behavioural and clinical findings in women with vulvar pain
Quality of care in geriatric rehabilitation: Clients’ perceptions, ADL dependence, and subjective well-being in a one-year perspective.
Treatment delay and prognosis in invasive bladder cancer.
Purpose: We studied treatment delay, and the impact on disease specific survival and stage progression in a series of patients who had undergone cystectomy. Materials and Methods: All 141 patients underwent radical cystectomy between 1990 and 1997 due to locally advanced bladder cancer. Treatment delay was defined as time from pathological confirmation of invasive disease to performance of cystect
Comparison of two drug-eluting balloons: a report from the SCAAR registry.
Aims: Recently, drug-eluting balloons have received a guideline class IIa recommendation in the treatment of in-stent restenosis after bare metal stent implantation. It is not known if different balloons perform equally. Using a large real world registry, restenosis frequency was reported for two drug-eluting balloons. Methods and results: From April 2009 until September 2011, 1,129 patients w
The (in)famous GWAS P-value threshold revisited and updated for low-frequency variants.
Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have long relied on proposed statistical significance thresholds to be able to differentiate true positives from false positives. Although the genome-wide significance P-value threshold of 5 × 10(-8) has become a standard for common-variant GWAS, it has not been updated to cope with the lower allele frequency spectrum used in many recent array-based GWAS stud
Stable refraction and visual acuity in diabetic patients with variable glucose levels under routine care.
Abstract. Purpose: To investigate how refraction and visual acuity may vary in patients with diabetes under routine care. Methods: Fifty-three eyes of 53 patients with various degrees of diabetic retinopathy were examined prospectively on four different occasions within a month. Refraction, best-corrected visual acuity (expressed as logMAR score) and blood glucose were measured on each occasion. I
A consultation-based method is equal to SCORE and an extensive laboratory-based method in predicting risk of future cardiovascular disease.
Vasomotor menopausal symptoms are associated with increased risk of coronary heart disease.
Prophylaxis in von Willebrand disease.
This paper reviews current issues regarding short-term (i.e. for surgery and invasive procedures) and long-term (i.e. regular infusions to prevent bleeding on a permanent or temporary basis) prophylaxis treatment using replacement concentrates for patients with von Willebrand disease (VWD) who do not respond satisfactorily to desmopressin. The standard treatment of these patients is with factor co
Influence of the IL6 Gene in Susceptibility to Systemic Sclerosis.
OBJECTIVE: Systemic sclerosis (SSc) is a genetically complex autoimmune disease; the genetic component has not been fully defined. Interleukin 6 (IL-6) plays a crucial role in immunity and fibrosis, both key aspects of SSc. We investigated the influence of IL6 gene in the susceptibility and phenotype expression of SSc. METHODS: We performed a large metaanalysis including a total of 2749 cases and