Din sökning på "swedish" gav 90426 sökträffar
Clinical and microbiological features of Actinotignum bacteremia : a retrospective observational study of 57 cases
Postprandial Glucagon Reductions Correlate to Reductions in Postprandial Glucose and Glycated Hemoglobin with Lixisenatide Treatment in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus : A Post Hoc Analysis
Introduction: The extent to which postprandial glucagon reductions contribute to lowering of postprandial glucose in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is currently unknown. The aim of this analysis was to determine whether a reduction in postprandial glucagon following treatment with the glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist lixisenatide correlates with a reduction in postprandial g
Systematic assessment of pharmaceutical prescriptions in association with cancer risk : a method to conduct a population-wide medication-wide longitudinal study
Main nutrient patterns and colorectal cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study
Background:Much of the current literature on diet-colorectal cancer (CRC) associations focused on studies of single foods/nutrients, whereas less is known about nutrient patterns. We investigated the association between major nutrient patterns and CRC risk in participants of the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) study.Methods:Among 477 312 participants, intakes of
Normal vaginal delivery is to be recommended for haemophilia carrier gravidae
The technology shift thesis : Understanding long term growth and transformation in a regional system
The technology shift thesisUnderstanding long term growth and transformation in a regional systemAbstractIn this paper we examines the long run economic growth and productivity performance of regions and how this relates to different phases of structural change and economic adaptability in different part of a national regional system.Firstly, we suggest a theoretical ‘systemic’ approach for analyz
Psychometric analysis of the Salutogenic Health Indicator Scale (SHIS) in adolescents
Is Passive Farming A Problem for Agriculture in the EU?
We address a new agricultural policy concern following the decoupling of CAP direct payments in 2005: passive farming, whereby landowners maintain their agricultural area to collect payments without producing commodities. It is claimed that passive farming is hindering agricultural development by 'blocking' access to farmland for expanding farmers. We evaluate the links between the EU's Single Pay
Atherosclerotic plaque vulnerability in the statin era
Life style changes and improved medical therapy have decreased cardiovascular mortality in many countries over the last decades. This has been accompanied by changes in disease characteristics including more non-ST segment elevation myocardial infraction and less vulnerable plaques as assessed by histological analysis of surgical specimens. However, many patients with established disease still suf
Validation of a Parent-Reported Diagnostic Instrument in a U.S. Referral Population : The Childhood Eczema Questionnaire
Similar regulatory mechanisms of caveolins and cavins by myocardin family coactivators in arterial and bladder smooth muscle
Caveolae are membrane invaginations present at high densities in muscle and fat. Recent work has demonstrated that myocardin family coactivators (MYOCD, MKL1), which are important for contractile differentiation and cell motility, increase caveolin (CAV1, CAV2, CAV3) and cavin (CAVIN1, CAVIN2, CAVIN3) transcription, but several aspects of this control mechanism remain to be investigated. Here, usi
Breastfeeding in the context of domestic violence-a cross-sectional study
The Influence of Social Network Characteristics on Peer Clustering in Smoking : A Two-Wave Panel Study of 19- and 23-Year-Old Swedes
Different incidences of knee arthroplasty in the Nordic countries : A population-based study from the Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association
Background and purpose — The annual number of total knee arthroplasties (TKAs) has increased worldwide in recent years. To make projections regarding future needs for primaries and revisions, additional knowledge is important. We analyzed and compared the incidences among 4 Nordic countries Patients and methods — Using Nordic Arthroplasty Register Association (NARA) data from 4 countries, we analy
Chained Approach vs Contingent Valuation for Estimating the Value of Risk Reduction
To decide how much resources to spend on reducing mortality risk, governmental agencies in several countries turn to the value of a statistical life (VSL). VSL has been shown to vary depending on the size of the risk reduction, which indicates that WTP does not increase near-proportional in relation to risk reduction as suggested by standard economic theory. Chained approach (CA) is a stated prefe
A Genetic Variant of the Sortilin 1 Gene is Associated with Reduced Risk of Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative disorder represented by the accumulation of intracellular tau protein and extracellular deposits of amyloid-β (Aβ) in the brain. The gene sortilin 1 (SORT1) has previously been associated with cardiovascular disease in gene association studies. It has also been proposed to be involved in AD pathogenesis through facilitating Aβ clearance by binding ap
Dread and Risk Elimination Premium for the Value of a Statistical Life
The Value of a Statistical Life (VSL) is a widely used measure of the value of mortality risk reduction. Since VSL should reflect preferences and attitudes to risk, there are reasons to believe that it varies depending on the type of risk involved. It has been argued that cancer should be considered a “dread disease”, which supports the use of a “cancer premium”. The objective of this study is to
Sunscreen use and malignant melanoma
Cerebrospinal Fluid Stanniocalcin-1 as a Biomarker for Alzheimer's Disease and Other Neurodegenerative Disorders
Stanniocalcin-1 (STC-1) is a nerve cell-enriched protein involved in intracellular calcium homeostasis regulation. Changes in calcium regulation are hypothesized to play a role in the pathophysiology of Alzheimer's disease (AD). The expression of STC-1 increases in response to ischemic stroke, but whether it is altered in neurodegenerative disorder, particularly Alzheimer's disease (AD), has not b