

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 91129 sökträffar

Seasonal Anomalies in the Swedish Stock Market from an

To satisfy this growing need of financial expertise, media through TV, radio, morning and evening newspapers and trade press is literally flooded with information about the market and strategies on how to invest ones capital, and how to achieve excess returns. Moreover, the increased number of investors, both private and institutional, has led to an abundance of ideas how to outperform the markets

Equal citizenship for everyone? - Towards the inclusive society, a cross-national comparative study of active citizenship and activation policies for persons with disabilities in Sweden and Japan -

This thesis problematizes the exclusion of disabled people in society and their rights. The emphasis of the research is on persons with severe or/ and multiple disabilities who tend not to have capabilities to politically interact with society. They are one of the most marginalized groups among disabled people in numerous aspects while most of them are already excluded in society. This research es

Effects of migration experience on conservative attitudes of immigrants: A study on Turkish immigrants living in Sweden

This study aims at examining changes in the conservative attitudes of immigrants. By examining the conservative attitudes of immigrants, the study intends to explore in what ways they change when immigrants start a new life in different social and cultural contexts. In order to provide an answer to this question, previous research on immigrants and conservatism in Turkey are analyzed and a group o

The relationship between leniency programmes and action for damages - A Comparative study in the competition laws of the European communities, Sweden and the U.S.

Offentligrättsliga sanktioner av EU:s konkurrensrätt är ett välutvecklat område. Detsamma gäller dock inte för civilrättsliga sanktioner. Kommissionen har antagit en Grönbok, som beskriver flera problem som behöver lösas för att uppnå att privata sanktioner i framtiden fungerar som ett naturligt komplement till de offentligrättsliga. Skadeståndsanspråk framförs i nationell domstol i en medlemsstat

Testing the Implications of the Permanent Income Hypothesis in Sweden

The purpose of this thesis is to test the implications of the permanent income – life cycle hypothesis. According to Hall (1978), if the permanent income-life cycle hypothesis is valid, consumption should follow a random walk and no variable other than once-lagged consumption should help explaining current consumption. Two different tests are conducted. Firstly, consumption is regressed upon its o

EC State Aid Rules on Broadband Deployment in Rural Areas - Implementation and Functioning in Sweden

Den här uppsatsen handlar om EG-rättens inställning till statsstöd som ges till bredbandsutbyggnad i glesbygd. Syftet är att undersöka huruvida gemenskapsrätten tillåter att enskilda medlemsstater beviljar statsstöd till bredbandsprojekt, och i så fall under vilka förutsättningar stödet anses vara förenligt med EG-rätten. Fokus ligger på situationen i Sverige, satt i relation till EU15. Tillgång t

Expectations abound: family obligations and remittance flow amongst Cameroonian “bushfallers” in Sweden. A gender insight

In Cameroon, there is a tradition for heterosexual family system inherent in a patriarchal order of things; accordingly, this study shed light on how gender pervades into, and ‘force’ migrants to remit in order to fulfill family expectations at the country of origin. Contemporary academic studies and reports from various organizations have highlighted the active role of women as migrants and remit

Are Criminal Sanctions an Appropriate Punishment for Illegal Unregulated and Unreported Fishing in EU? - Sweden as a case study

Background: A major challenge of today is to protect the marine ecosystem from a total collapse. Overfishing, illegal, unregulated and unreported fishing, climate change in the sea, coral bleaching, ocean acidification, marine pollution impacts of coastal development, exotic and invasive species and last but not least all the cumulative impacts, are just some of the factors degrading our marine en

The Yield Spread and Inflation as Leading Indicators of Future Economic Activity - The Case of Sweden

The aim of this paper is to examine the abilities of the yield curve and inflation in terms of predicting future real growth in the case of Sweden. Methodology: The methodology is a quantitative study using the single and multiple regression model based on econometric theory. Theory: The theoretical framework is built on the slope of the yield curve and its significance in predicting future econ

Creditor protection in credit securities typical to ships and competition in its realisation - a rem study under Swedish jurisdiction

Kreditsäkerheter i fartyg kan upplåtas genom ett flertal olika konstruktioner. Denna uppsats avhandlar tre utav dessa varianter; sjöpanträtt i fartyg, retentionsrätt och ägarförbehåll till helt fartyg. Sjöpanträtt i fartyg är en legal panträtt som i princip inte kan upplåtas genom avtal. Sjöpanträtt uppkommer som en giltig sakrätt endast för sådan skada som har ett direkt samband med fartygets veCredit securities in ships can be provided for by several different constructions. This thesis focuses on three of these varieties; maritime liens in ships, right to retention and title reservations in ships. Maritime liens in ships is a legally granted right that principally cannot be obtained by contractual agreements. Maritime liens evolve as a valid right in rem only for such situations speci

Vegetation indices, FAPAR and spatial seasonality analysis of crops in southern Sweden

Remote sensing is an extensively used technique in ecosystem monitoring or analyzing the carbon balance on the earth surface. The most dominant part of south west Skåne is agricultural land and MODIS derived Vegetation Indexes (VIs) are able to investigate the seasonality of crop fields. The values of VIs represent the different stages of spring greening up of crops and it shows the non-linear and

Driving towards the green light? Economic incentives to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from passenger cars in Sweden

In this thesis four economic incentives to reduce exhaust emissions of carbon dioxide are studied. The incentives are: the carbon dioxide tax, carbon dioxide differentiated vehicle tax, green car cash bonus and old car scrapping bonus. They are analysed and discussed in deeper theory. Where figures and numbers are available these are studied. Economically they are all more or less efficient. The e