Din sökning på "swedish" gav 91364 sökträffar
Sweden Democrats – anti-immigration, anti-EU party set to win more votes than ever
Sweden election: yes, the far right made gains, but we’re not falling apart
Swedish philosophy
Response to Carlsson et al. : Prevalence and incidence of diabetes mellitus: a nationwide population-based pharmaco-epidemiological study in Sweden
Tiarp Backgården. An Early Neolithic Dolmen in Falbygden, Sweden and Early Megalithic Tombs in South Scandinavia and Northern Central Europe
The excavation of the simple dolmen at Tiarp, Falbygden, dating to around 3500 BCE, has provided important information for the understanding of the megalithic and early TRB in southern Scandinavia and northern Central Europe. The absolute chronological dating shows that dolmens were erected at about the same time between Falbygden and Altmark, before the main passage grave architectural phase. Alt
Social Work in Sweden
Giving birth in Sweden: outcomes are worse for foreign-born mothers
Ground geophysical measurements made on mine-tailings in Sweden. Case studies and lessons learnt
Ground-based geophysical surveys were conducted at eight mine-tailings repositories during 2021 and 2022 to help preparing an inventory of potential sources of critical raw materials in mine-waste. Geophysical methods included ERT, DCIP, RMT, and tTEM. In this study, we show results obtained on two of the sites as an example. Integration of models of electrical properties, geological observations,
Diagnosing the impacts of landscape characteristics on hydrologic signatures in the Krycklan catchment in Sweden using a flexible hydrological model
This study investigated the applicability and performance of a hydrological model (namely FLEXG) for simulating streamflow in boreal catchment, exemplified by the representative Krycklan catchment. The FLEXG simulated daily streamflow for the whole catchment and its sub-catchments. The Kling-Gupta Efficiency (KGE) and Nash-Sutcliffe Efficiency (NSE) demonstrated favorable model performance during
Deglaciation history and subsequent lake dynamics in the Siljan region, south-central Sweden - LiDAR evidence and sediment records
The Siljan region hosts Europe´s largest impact structure. The high-relief landscape, with a central granite dome bordered by lake basins, contains an array of glacial and shore-level landforms. We investigated its deglaciation history by mapping and analysing landforms on high resolution LiDAR-based Digital Surface Models coupled with well-dated sediment successions from peat and lake sediment co
Late glacial to Early Holocene deflation events and aeolian deposition on a raised ice-contact delta at Veinge, SW Sweden
Wind-abraded cobbles (ventifacts) and aeolian sand are known from the sandy-gravelly coastal areas of south-western Sweden, especially in association with raised deltas. Ventifacts are recorded on at least two different stratigraphic levels, on top of glaciofluvial sediment and/or on top of littoral deposits, while aeolian sand usually forms a surficial cover. The formation of ventifacts has usual
Coronavirus: survey reveals what Swedish people really think of country’s relaxed approach
Wildfires and migrants: the issues defining a very uncertain election in Sweden
Comparison of tTEM-IP and ERT-IP : cases from mine tailing sites in Sweden
The induced polarization (IP) effect can be studied using both galvanic and inductive methods. Here we study IP and its manifestation in transient electromagnetic (TEM) data from a tTEM system and in time-domain electric resistivity tomography (ERT) data. Since the two methods are sensitive to two different frequency ranges, a direct IP spectrum comparison is not possible. Instead, we assess the I