Din sökning på "swedish" gav 91129 sökträffar
Prohibition in Swedish law of the purchase of sexual service
Abstract in Italian La prostituzione non è mai stata oggetto di penalizzazione nel diritto svedese. Tuttavis, l'acquisto di prestazioni sessuali è sanzionato penalmente. È quindi il cliente che commette un reato, mentre la prostituta non è punita come concorrente. La disciplina non fa differenze di genere e rende punibile anche il tentativo. La pena massima per tale reato è (dal 2011) di un anno d
Notes on the lichen flora of southern Sweden III
The measurement of tendon forces in Swedish reactor containments.
Environmental Impacts from Bioenergy – a view from Sweden
Fiscal statistics for Sweden 1719-2003
Bilingual education - the Swedish experience
The Technical Stability of the Swedish Nuclear Fuel Safety Program
Sweden and Nazism
The Iconography of a Judicial Revolution. The Heraldic and Other Symbols in the Seals of the Swedish Seventeenth Century Courts of Appeal
From tool technique to tool practice experiences From the project seamless: strategic environmental assessment and management in local authorities in Sweden
Effects of Life-Course Conditions on Old-Age Mortality in Southern Sweden, 1829-1894
Report on Rädda Barnen/Save the Children Sweden Workshop Discussions
Income Taxation of Derivatives and other Financial Instruments – Economic Substance versus Legal Form, A study focusing on Swedish non-financial companies
Harald Salomon - A Swedish Pioneer
Environment and Behaviour in a Swedish Metropolitan Area
Environmental awareness and behaviour among the population in Malmö.