Din sökning på "swedish" gav 91106 sökträffar
EU industrial relations vs national industrial relations. Developing a theoretical framework. From the Swedish point of view
Malmö - the Centre of a Europeanized Region in Southern Sweden?
Abstract is not available
The role of ethnomusicology in music teacher training in Sweden
Concessive connectors in English and Swedish
Abstract not available
ICT support for industrial production of houses: the Swedish case
Swedish Industrialization and the Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem
Production of written L2-Swedish - processability or input frequencies
Leaving Home in a Peasant Society. Economic Fluctuations, Household Dynamics and Youth Migration in Southern Sweden, 1829-1866
Eugenics and the welfare state, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, and Finland
Fragments of a Swedish appending X‑bar grammar (AXG)
Facilitating Entrepreneurship in Sweden. Mobilising Different Sources of Capital
Normative Patterns in the Context of Divorce in Sweden
Literary Theory in Swedish Upper Secondary School – Classroom Examples
I detta konferensbidrag ifrågasätter jag åsikten att litteraturteori inte bör läras ut på gymnasienivå. Enligt den franske litteraturteoretikern Tzvetan Todorov bör läraren på denna nivå endast lära ut litterära verk, inte teori. Teorin borde endast användas som ett osynligt verktyg. Min hypotes är att litteraturteorin kan användas framgångsrikt på gymnasiet. Viss insikt i teorin kan bidra till atIn this paper I challenge the opinion that literary theory should not be taught at upper secondary level. According to French literary theorist Tzvetan Todorov, the teacher at this level should aim at teaching literary works, not theory. Theory should only be used as an invisible instrument. My hypothesis is that literary theory can be used successfully at upper secondary level. A certain insight