

Din sökning på "swedish" gav 90047 sökträffar

Hydrological Climate Change Impact Assessment at Small and Large Scales: Key Messages from Recent Progress in Sweden

Hydrological climate change impact assessment is generally performed by following a sequence of steps from global and regional climate modelling, through data tailoring (bias-adjustment and downscaling) and hydrological modelling, to analysis and impact assessment. This “climate-hydrology-assessment chain” has been developed with a primary focus on applicability to a medium-sized rural basin, whic

Residential solar electricity adoption : how households in Sweden search for and use information

Background: As a renewable energy solution, photovoltaics (PVs) are crucial in the transition to a more sustainable energy system. Besides large PV installations, household adoption of PVs will be an important contribution to this transition. However, the adoption of PVs on a household level faces many barriers, with gathering and understanding information being one of the major barriers. The aim

Striking a Balance : A Qualitative Study of Next of Kin Participation in the Care of Older Persons in Nursing Homes in Sweden

Most of the care in nursing homes is palliative in nature, as it is the oldest and the frailest people who live in nursing homes. The aim of this study was to explore next of kin’s experiences of participating in the care of older persons at nursing homes. A qualitative design was used, based on semi-structured interviews with 40 next of kin, and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. An oveMost of the care in nursing homes is palliative in nature, as it is the oldest and the frailest people who live in nursing homes. The aim of this study was to explore next of kin's experiences of participating in the care of older persons at nursing homes. A qualitative design was used, based on semi-structured interviews with 40 next of kin, and analyzed using qualitative content analysis. An ove

The Lower Ordovician Tøyen Shale succession in the Fågelsång-3 drill core, Scania, Sweden

The Ordovician Tøyen Shale Formation of the recently retrieved Fågelsång-3 drill core provides some important information on the graptolite biostratigraphy of the unit and its completeness in the region. The drill core reached downwards into the Kiaerograptus supremus Biozone of late Tremadocian age. Above a major fault zone, faunas with a number of specimens referred to Pseudophyllograptus densus

Seve terranes of the Kebnekaise Mts., Swedish Caledonides, and their amalgamation, accretion and affinity

A major allochthon of the Scandinavian Caledonides, the Seve belt has traditionally been considered to be derived from the rifted margin and continent-ocean transition (COT) of Baltica. However, geochronological results obtained from its inferred northern equivalent, the Kalak Nappe Complex (KNC), have been taken to indicate an exotic affinity of this complex and of also Seve terranes, an interpre

Binge eating and other eating-related problems in adolescents undergoing gastric bypass : results from a Swedish nationwide study (AMOS)

Bariatric surgery is established as a treatment option for adolescents with severe obesity. Little is known about binge eating (BE) and other eating-related problems in adolescents undergoing bariatric surgery. BE, emotional eating, uncontrolled eating, and cognitive restraint were assessed at baseline, and one and two years after gastric bypass using questionnaires in 82 adolescents (mean age 16.