88830 sökträffar
Gender-roles in magazine advertisements: A comparison between Egypt and Sweden
Middle Eastern countries are highlighted by media today and people all over the world are getting more interested in the Middle Eastern cultures. Egypt is one of the more liberal and west influenced countries in the Middle East but despite that only one survey has been done of Egyptian media contexts trying to examine the construction of men and women and its effects and reflection of the society.
To return or not return - Trend spotting in the Swedish market
Microspherules from the lowermost Ordovician in Scania, Sweden : affinity and taphonomy
En utgrävning gjordes nyligen i övergången mellan kambrium och ordovicium i alunskifferformationen utanför Södra Sandby i Skåne. Under sökandet efter konodonter i en kalkstensbädd från understa ordovicium upptäcktes mikroskopiska sfäruler 0,1-0,5 mm i diameter. Har dessa ett biologiskt ursprung eller har de bildats genom någon rent kemisk/geologisk process? Då det finns stora likheter med rapporte
FARMFLOW - A dynamic model for phosphorus mass flow, simulating conventional and organic management of a Swedish dairy farm
Impact of Recent Screening on Predicting the Outcome of Prostate Cancer Biopsy in Men With Elevated Prostate-Specific Antigen Data From the European Randomized Study of Prostate Cancer Screening in Gothenburg, Sweden
BACKGROUND: Risk models to predict prostate cancer on biopsy, whether they include only prostate-specific antigen (PSA) or other markers, are intended for use in all men of screening age. However, the association between PSA and cancer probably depends on a man's recent screening history. METHODS: The authors examined the effect of prior screening on the ability to predict the risk of prostate can
Accuracy and Sensitivity of Parkinsonian Disorder Diagnoses in Two Swedish National Health Registers
Explaining the cyclic behavior of freight transport CO2-emissions in Sweden over time
Economic growth is often considered to be the main factor behind, and tightly coupled to, the increase in freight transport work and its energy use. Recent research has quantified the relative contribution from underlying factors like value density of products, transport intensity and carbon intensity of fuel. In this work we rely on the theory of economic growth cycles in order to explain the dyn
Lower-Middle Ordovician delta C-13 chemostratigraphy of western Baltica (Jamtland, Sweden)
Social considerations in the procurement of road and railroad projects in Sweden
Purpose - Social sustainability is of increasing importance in societal development, which will affect the implementation of construction projects. The social responsibilities for both construction clients and suppliers will be an increasingly relevant part of their business processes. The objective of this study is to evaluate how the procurement process functions today with respect to social con
Family Commitment among Fast-Track Professionals in Sweden, 1991–2005. A Longitudinal Register-Based Study of How Continued Childbearing and Union Stability Vary Among Groups of High-Achieving Women and Men.
This paper studies family commitment among fast-track professionals and explores how continued childbearing and union stability vary among high-achieving men and women. The focus is on three particular fast-track professional groups (e.g., lawyers, medical doctors and Ph.D.s), that face quite different career structures and work environments that may affect family life. The determinants of having
Patterns of somatic diagnoses in older people with intellectual disabilities : A Swedish 11-year register-based study of inpatient data
Carbon isotope chemostratigraphy of the Late Silurian Lau Event, Gotland, Sweden
A comparative study between loss on ignition and total carbon analysis on Late Glacial sediments from Atteköps mosse, southwestern Sweden, and their tentative correlation with the GRIP event stratigraphy
I denna undersökning har en stratigrafiskt högupplösande glödförluststudie utförts på senglaciala och tidigholocena sjösediment från Atteköps mosse i nordvästra Skåne. Studien har kompletterats med kornstorleksanalyser, kolanalyser, mätningar av magnetisk susceptibilitet och AMS 14C-dateringar. Undersökningen påvisar ett karaktäristiskt mönster i sedimentens sammansättning och i glödförlustkurvan,
Early Campanian mosasaurs (Reptilia; Mosasauridae) from the Kristianstad Basin, southern Sweden
Populärvetenskaplig sammanfattning: Mosasaurier var en grupp stora, marina ödlor som under ett geologiskt sett kort tidsavsnitt i kritaperioden, om ca 25 miljoner år, snabbt tog över positionen som toppredatorer i haven. De tidigaste fossilen från gruppen har återfunnits i sediment av turonsk ålder och i likhet med flera andra djurgrupper försvinner mosasaurier under sen maastricht. Några arter nå
Economic Growth and Abatement of Carbon Dioxide Emissions in Swedish Transport Policy
Legitimation of Violence in Swedish Football Supporters: The Mediational Relationship Between Need for Cognitive Closure, Group Identity and Dehumanization
Water drainage from a Swedish waste treatment facility and the expected effect of climate change
Scarred for Life. How conditions in early life affect socioeconomic status, reproduction and mortality in Southern Sweden, 1813-1968
Hepatic and extrahepatic malignancies in autoimmune hepatitis. A long-term follow-up in 473 Swedish patients
Background/Aims: Autoimmune Hepatitis (AIH) is a liver disease which may lead to liver cirrhosis. Cirrhosis is a well-known risk factor for hepatocellular cancer. Lymphoma is a disease, where immune modulating drugs as well as the autoimmune disease itself may contribute to the elevated risk. The aim was to investigate the risks of malignancies in a large cohort of AIH patients. Methods: Four hund