88809 sökträffar
The Environmental Effects of Investing in ICT - Evidence from Sweden
The potential of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to reduce greenhouse gas emissions has been increasingly acknowledged as relevant in intergovernmental policy documents. However, the positive and negative environmental effects of ICTs are widely debated and there is a lack of systematic analysis regarding causal links between ICT and the environment. This paper attempts to bring cla
Time to Score the Goal of Integration - A Case Study of a Football Club’s Impacts on Integration for Youth Girls with Foreign Backgrounds in Stockholm, Sweden
The influence of lively public space on social interaction: A case study of Möllevångstorget in Malmö, Sweden
The global community has acknowledged the role of cities and specifically of public spaces for achieving sustainable development. The purpose of this study is to contribute to increasing knowledge on the significance of public spaces for social sustainability to create sustainable cities and communities. To this end, the study applies the lively public space concept to understand the relationship
Therapy Taboo in Sweden? A study investigating perceived public stigma, self-stigma, and attitudes toward seeking professional therapy
A geophysical study of a drumlin in the Åsnen area, Småland, south Sweden
Determinants of smartphone shopping adoption: Key factors for online shopping of consumer goods through smartphones in Sweden
Identification and environmental interpretation of microtextures on quartz grains from aeolian sediments : Brattforsheden and Vittskövle, Sweden
Mikrotexturer är mikrometerstora avtryck på kvartskornens ytor samt på korn med andra mineralogiska egenskaper. Kvartskorn, som förekommer i de flesta sedimentära miljöer, innehåller mikrotexturer som undersöks särskilt på grund av kvartsmineralets unika mineralogiska egenskaper som möjliggör bevarandet av mikrotexturer genom olika miljöer. I denna studien är mikrotexturer en viktig källa för att Microtextures are micrometer-sized imprints on the surfaces of quartz grains and on grains with other mineralogical compositions. Quartz grains, which occur in most sedimentary environments, contain microtextures which are especially studied due to quartz unique mineralogical properties allowing for preservation of microtex-tures through different environments. In this study, microtextures are an
Stochastic Modelling of Train Delay Time Series in Skåne, Sweden
The purpose of this paper is to provide a foundation for modelling train delays as multivariate time series. A pertinent issue with this kind of analysis is that the individual time series do not follow the Gaussian normal distribution. Since the normal distribution constitutes an assumption of classical time series methods, these cannot be applied blindly to the data. The solution explored by the
Interesting, funny, weird or just incomprehensible? A study on Swedish Japanese learning students’ comprehension, thoughts and attitudes towards Wasei-eigo
A re-investigation of hummocky moraine formed from ice sheet decay using geomorphological and sedimentological evidence in the Vomb area, southern Sweden
Glaciala sediment- och landformskonstellationer har länge använts för att rekonstruera inlandsisens dynamik och rörelser under Kvartärperioden, specifikt så för den senaste glaciationen i norra Europa och södra Skandinavien. En sådan sediment- och landformskonstellation är ’småkullig morän’, som tidigare har använts som en övergripande och beskrivande term starkt associerad med dödisutsmältning ocGlacial sediment-landform assemblages have long been used to reconstruct the dynamics of ice sheets throughout the Quaternary time period, particularly so for the period of the last glaciation in northern Europe and southern Scandinavia. One such sediment-landform assemblage is hummocky moraine, which has previously been used as an all-encompassing descriptive terminology strongly associated with
Difficulties in emotion regulation and internalizing symptoms in Swedish youth
Psykologisk forskning har under de senaste årtiondena rört sig bort från att se psykopatologi som distinkta diagnostiska kategorier och istället rört sig mot en hierarkisk, dimensionell modell där en empiriskt grundad struktur bygger på gemensamma faktorer mellan psykiatriska syndrom. Nya verktyg, som den andra versionen av The Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (IDAS- II), har utvecklatPsychological research has in the last few decades moved away from viewing psychopathology as distinct categories towards a hierarchical, dimensional model where an empirically based structure reflects the similarities among disorders. New tools, such as the second version of The Inventory of Depression and Anxiety Symptoms (IDAS-II) have been developed to capture this dimensionality. In this time
Varieties of Capitalism in the digital age - France, Sweden and the United Kingdom’s institutional response to the platform economy
Development of Divorce in Sweden 1910-2000: A county-level analysis of divorce and economic determinants
One of the larger changes in society that affected individual’s lives during the 20th century is the increase in divorce rates that happened in almost all industrialized countries. It went from being an uncommon feature reserved for the rich to a prominent part of family-life. The increase occurred against the backdrop of economic growth and the industrialization. This study constructs a data set
Multi-objective Optimization of Fenestration Design in Residential spaces. The Case of MKB Greenhouse, Malmö, Sweden
This thesis investigates the optimization of fenestration design for multi-family apartments, considering the heating demand, daylight autonomy as well as overheating. A literature review was conducted to situate the thesis focus within the broader academic field of façade optimization, and a specific apartment located in the city of Malmö was chosen as the study object. The results presented are
Variation in the implementation in Swedish Municipalities: Social requirements in public procurement
Strategies, processes, and results for the futurewater supply of the Växjö municipality : Evaluation of an evidence-based case study of long-term strategies within the water and wastewater sector in Sweden
Opportunities for Agency in Offshore Wind Power in Skåne, Sweden
What are Turnover decision making factors? - A comparative study between Generation Y and Generation X in Sweden on how different factors weigh in the decision to stay or resign from a workplace.
Denna studie genomfördes i Sverige med syftet att erbjuda ett nytt perspektiv på ämnet turnover och hur olika faktorer påverkar beslutet att säga upp sig från jobbet eller stanna kvar. Med detta syfte undersökte studien de sex faktorerna lön och förmåner, miljö, karriärmöjligheter, kollegiala aspekter, meningsfullhet och balans mellan arbete och privatliv, som har ansetts vara några av de mest inf
Changes in July albedo and its relationship with EVI over the last two decades in the Swedish alpine region
Vegetation in the subarctic is expected to respond to climate warming as its growth becomes less temperature limited. This has previously been recorded in the form of treeline advances and increasing shrub cover. Changes in vegetation cover may accelerate warming due to a decrease in summer albedo, in what is termed surface albedo feedback. A quantification of the relationship between vegetation c