Din sökning på "swedish" gav 90176 sökträffar
Residual Word order problems in advanced adult L2 Swedish and German.
Abstract not available
Anorexia nervosa in a Swedish urban region. A population-based study
Information of the transposition of Directive 91/533 on an employer´s obligation to inform employees of the conditions applicable to the contract or employment relationship. Report concerning Sweden
How the Swedish Model of Labour Relations Evolved
Awarding Construction Contracts: Do Swedish Adminsitrative Courts Support or Hinder Sustainability
Promoting Professional Development Through Communities of Practice – an Example of Educational Development in Sweden
Children's Gestures in Sweden
The importance of learning in supporting energy efficiency technologies - A Case Study on Policy Intervention for Improved Insulation in Germany, the UK and Sweden
To combat climate change, different types of initiatives and policy instruments are required to support the development and dissemination of new energy efficient technologies. What type of policy instruments shall be used is, however, not pre-determined. To advance knowledge in how to design successful policy instruments, evaluations and deep-analyses are needed; this to better understand the role
Media practices in contemporary feminist movements in and across Europe : Mapping feminist activism in Spain and Sweden
Setting a Trend: Feminisation of the Commercial Bank Sector in Sweden, 1864-1975
Nature Conservation as a Base for Sustainable Regional Development: An investigation of Swedish successful projects
Latin American Minor Cinema in 1970s and 1980s Sweden
Proton Induced X-Ray Emission Applied to Thick Samples
Employer Sanctions and Migrant Workers Rights - Swedish perspectives
Swedish Experimental Cinema and the Prospects of Intermedial Historiography: The Case of Claes Söderquist
Patterns of verb usage in Swedish children with SLI: an application of recent theories
Comparing housing co-operatives in Sweden and condominiums in Hong Kong
Whilst the universal growth of home ownership in most advanced industrial countries attracts much attention in housing studies, owner occupation in multi-family housing, which is a dominant form of home ownership in many large cities particularly in Asia, is largely underresearched. In fact, such tenure form is arguably more complicated in terms of the social relation in housing as well as having