

Din sökning på "kurser svenska på avancerad nivå" gav 508 sökträffar

Microsoft Word - Publikationer Mari Bacquin.docx

Microsoft Word - Publikationer Mari Bacquin.docx       1   Publikationer  Mari  Bacquin   Monografier   Bacquin,  M.   (2008)   Theseus   de   Cologne,   édition  partielle  d’une   chanson  de  geste  du  XIVe   siècle,   Études  romanes  de  Lund,  81,  354  s.  ISBN  978-­‐91-­‐628-­‐7454-­‐4  /  ISSN  0347-­‐0822     Detta  är  min  doktorsavhandling.  Det  är  en  modern  textkritisk  utgåva

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/documents/persons/MariBacquin/Publikationer_Mari_Bacquin.pdf - 2025-03-11

No title

4. Rubrikerna UTLÄGG UTRIKES, UTLÄGG INRIKES eller REPRESENTATION: Här fyller du i uppgifter om de kvitton du vill ha ersättning för och vilken flik du ska använda beror på vad det avser och i vilken valuta det är betalt i. För betalningar i utländsk valuta så behöver valutakursen fyllas i på varje utlägg. Tänk på att använda den valutakurs som var under betalningsdagen på följande länk eller bifo

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/documents/persons/MatsRoxendal/TEMPLATES_LATHUNDAR_Lupin_Proceedo_Primula.pdf - 2025-03-11

Microsoft Word - WP3 Anna Wärnsby EDITERAD 15 aug 2003.doc

Microsoft Word - WP3 Anna Wärnsby EDITERAD 15 aug 2003.doc (De)coding epistemic modality in English and Swedish ANNA WÄRNSBY 1 Introduction When hearers are confronted with modal expressions in their native language, especially expressions that contain a modal verb, they are normally able to interpret these expressions immediately as being either epistemic or non-epistemic1. What it is that enable

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol03/Warnsby-decodingepistemicmodality.pdf - 2025-03-10


Mats-word-ny.doc English translations as a clue to the structure of Swedish över.* MATS JOHANSSON 1 Introduction At first blush, prepositional meanings appear highly arbitrary and idiomatic. Moreover, as dictionary entries for reasonably common prepositions show, one and the same preposition can have a considerable range of senses. Lexicographers’ intuitions about what constitutes a main entry and

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol02/Mats.pdf - 2025-03-10


Fabian2.PDF On the Relative Order of IP-adverbials FABIAN BEIJER 1 Introduction Sentential adverbs are often assumed to be situated in front of the verb phrase in arbitrary order. In a recent monograph, however, Cinque (1999) claims that the relative order of sentential adverbs may, in principle, be universally fixed. In this paper I first give a brief presentation of Cinque’s proposal. Then I pre

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol01/Fabian2.pdf - 2025-03-10

Biobiblio till hemsida pdf

Biobiblio till hemsida pdf Björn Larsson Bibliografi över litterär och vetenskaplig verksamhet Januari 2013 Verk Skönlitteratur 1980, Splitter, Wahlström & Widstrand (novellsamling), [ISBN 91-46-13676-2] 1992, Den Keltiska Ringen, Bonniers (roman) [ISBN 91-0-055340-9]; Pocket: PAN/Norstedts 1999 [ISBN 91-7263-005-1], ny upplaga, 2002 [91-7263-286-0]. 1995, Long John Silver. Den äventyrliga och san

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/documents/persons/BjornLarsson/Biobiblio_till_hemsida.pdf - 2025-03-11

No title

Professor Carita Paradis, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University 1 Conferences Plenaries and invited lectures 2023 2022 2022 2021 2021 2021 2020 2020 2019 2019 2018 2017 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2013 Invited speaker at the University of Florence (20 April) on “Dialogue management and stance coordination in conversation: The case of agreement and disagreement.” Invited speaker at Bris

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/documents/persons/CaritaParadis/Conferences_19.pdf - 2025-03-11

Jenny 060823

Jenny 060823 Event anaphors – a unified account? JENNY STRÖM HEROLD (LUND UNIVERSITY ) Abstract This paper is concerned with different types of event anaphors in English and to some extent also in Swedish. The point of departure is the seminal work of Hankamer and Sag (1976) where two major classes of anaphors are suggested, namely surface anaphors and deep anaphors. An important distinction is th

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/media/forskning/workingpapers/engelska/vol06/Herold_06.pdf - 2025-03-10