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Lars Eklundh
Professor Kontaktinformation E-post: lars [dot] eklundh [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: +46 46 222 96 55Organisation Institutionen för naturgeografi och ekosystemvetenskap Rumsnummer: 454 Hämtställe: 16 WebbplatsLars Eklundhs profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportalAndra roller Forskare MERGE: ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system Lärare Institutionen för naturgeografi och ekos
https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/lars-eklundh - 2025-02-19
Does pregnancy complication history improve cardiovascular disease risk prediction? : Findings from the HUNT study in Norway
Aim: To evaluate whether history of pregnancy complications [pre-eclampsia, gestational hypertension, preterm delivery, or small for gestational age (SGA)] improves risk prediction for cardiovascular disease (CVD).Methods and results: This population-based, prospective cohort study linked data from the HUNT Study, Medical Birth Registry of Norway, validated hospital records, and Norwegian Cause of
Barnfridsbrottet - ett illusoriskt skydd eller ett kraftfullt verktyg?
The criminalization of letting children witness violence or other crimes in Section 4, Chapter 3 in the Swedish Criminal Code is a relatively new offence as it came into force on 1 July 2021. The legislator's intention with this provision was to draw attention to children living in environments where violence and other criminal acts occur. Research shows that children who experience domestic v
Association of Elevated Amyloid and Tau Positron Emission Tomography Signal with Near-Term Development of Alzheimer Disease Symptoms in Older Adults Without Cognitive Impairment
Importance: National Institute on Aging-Alzheimer's Association (NIA-AA) workgroups have proposed biological research criteria intended to identify individuals with preclinical Alzheimer disease (AD). Objective: To assess the clinical value of these biological criteria to identify older individuals without cognitive impairment who are at near-term risk of developing symptomatic AD. Design, Setting
Grönskans kvaliteter och barns hälsa : Kunskapsunderlag om barns hälsa och utveckling vid vistelse i gröna miljöer med fokus på ekosystemtjänster
Denna rapport är en del av Folkhälsomyndighetens uppdrag om att sprida kunskapinom miljörelaterad hälsa för att främja en miljö som bidrar till en god och jämlikhälsa i befolkningen. Rapporten riktar sig främst till beslutsfattare och handläggaresom arbetar med miljörelaterad hälsa på nationell, regional och lokal nivå. Denutgör ett viktigt beslutsunderlag för prioriteringar och åtgärder inom detm
RFID på produktnivå - En case-studie om arbetsprocesser, effektivitet och kundmötet
Title: RFID at product level - A case study on work processes, efficiency and the customer encounter. Course: LGMK65/SEMK65, Service Management: Bachelor's Degree Essay, 15 credits Authors: Lydia Molin, Julia Nyberg Advisor: Malin Andersson Keywords: RFID-technology, work processes, efficiency, customer interactions, inventory, retail industry Research question: How do retail employees perceiv
Brott men aldrig påföljd – En kritisk granskning av 2023 års lagändring kring bevistalan gentemot barnkonventionen
Through evidentiary proceedings according to 38 § LUL, the general court can examine whether a child under the age of 15 years has committed a crime. Since the action concerns a child under the age of criminal responsibility, the judgment cannot contain any criminal sanction. A new legislative amendment which entered into force on July 1, 2023, has expanded the possibility of evidentiary proceedin
Fredas facken? – Domstolsprövning av uteslutning ur fackföreningar enligt Europakonventionen
In July 2023 the Supreme Court of Sweden (Högsta domstolen) decided not to grant leave to appeal in a case between Mats Fredlund and the Swedish Transport Workers Union (Svenska transportarbetareförbundet). The dispute originated when Mats Fredlund was expulsed from the union because of his political commitment on behalf of the Sweden Democrats (Sverigedemokra-terna). In a judgement from December
How academic podcasting can change academia and its relationship with society: A conversation and guide
In this paper we explore the potential of academic podcasting to effect positive change within academia and between academia and society. Building on the concept of “epistemic living spaces,” we consider how podcasting can change how we evaluate what is legitimate knowledge and methods for knowledge production, who has access to what privileges and power, the nature of our connections within acade
En folkrättslig konvention men en unionsrättslig förpliktelse - 2019 års Haagkonvention ur ett svenskt perspektiv
The Convention on the Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in Civil or Commercial Matters was adopted on 2 July 2019. The convention has been negotiated within the framework of the Hague Conference on Private International Law, whose purpose is to work for the progressive unification of the rules of private international law. Seeing that a global instrument regarding recognition and en
What’s the name of the game?
Organisational and student characteristics, fidelity, funding models, and unit costs of recovery colleges in 28 countries: a cross-sectional survey
BackgroundRecovery colleges were developed in England to support the recovery of individuals who have mental health symptoms or mental illness. They have been founded in many countries but there has been little international research on recovery colleges and no studies investigating their staffing, fidelity, or costs. We aimed to characterise recovery colleges internationally, to understand organi
How Two Modern Authors Have Rewritten Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice
Functional validation of ABHD12 mutations in the neurodegenerative disease PHARC
ABHD12 mutations have been linked to neurodegenerative PHARC (polyneuropathy, hearing loss, ataxia, retinitis pigmentosa, and early-onset cataract), a rare, progressive, autosomal, recessive disease. Although ABHD12 is suspected to play a role in the lysophosphatidylserine and/or endocannabinoid pathways, its precise functional role(s) leading to PHARC disease had not previously been characterized
Myeloid Leukemia of Down Syndrome The Results of An International Retrospective Study
Bevisprövning nu och då - samtyckeslagens betydelse för bevisprövningen i våldtäktsmål.
On the 1st of July 2018 Sweden changed the law on sexual assault. The new law meant that the prerequisite that separate sexual assault and legal sexual intercourse was changed. In previous legislation coercion was needed for a perpetrator to be convicted of sexual assault. The new law instead places voluntariness at the center of the court’s assessment. The amendment was preceded by much debate. T
Hemma bra, men borta bäst? - En kvantitativ studie om individers prestation och motivation relaterat till en ökad frekvens av hemarbete
Title: Home is good, but away is best? - A quantitative study about individuals’ performance and motivation related to an increased frequency of working remotely Seminar date: 2020-06-03 Course: FEKH19, Business Administration: Bachelor’s degree Project in Strategic Management, Undergraduate level, 15 credits Authors: Julia Anderberg, Jessica Lind and Malin Olsson Advisor: Devrim Göktepe-Hulté
The balance of redeployment: A case study of dental employees’ orientation to temporary downward redeployment and its implications
Det sexuella självbestämmandet och den nya s.k. samtyckeslagen - Vad kom(mer) först, skyddet för det sexuella självbestämmandet eller skyddet för den sexuella integriteten?
In 2018 Sweden passed a new sexual offence legislation based on consent. The new law came in effect on 1 July. Due to the new law, the lack of consent is now enough to constitute a sexual offence. The sexual offences affected by the new law are rape, 6 kap. 1 § brottsbalken, and sexual abuse 6 kap. 2 § brottsbalken. The interests protected by the sexual offence legislation are the right to self-de