

Din sökning på "julie" gav 5692 sökträffar

Microsoft Word - HILMA 2007-06-21.doc

Microsoft Word - HILMA 2007-06-21.doc HILMA Historiska Institutionen i Lund Meddelar Att… Årgång 32, 2006/07, Nr 13, 2007-06-21 Underlagen till HILMA förvaras i pärmar som står i rum 209, på hyllan ovanför faxen. Där hittar du ytterligare information om seminarier, anställningsvillkor, stipendier och annat samt ansök- ningsblanketter i förekommande fall. De sistnämnda, som är samlade i en separat

https://www.hist.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/hilma_vt07_07.pdf - 2025-02-24

Samfinansiering av indirekta kostnader för forskningsbidrag från National Institutes of Health I 201

Brevmall Postadress Box 117, 221 00 Lund Besöksadress Kemicentrum, Sölvegatan 39B, Telefon 046-222 9399, 046-222 00 00, E-post Kjell.Josefsson@fs.lu.se Rektor Samfinansiering av indirekta kostnader för forskningsbidrag från National Institutes of Health Bakgrund Universitetet deltar i flera forskningsprojekt finansierade med amerikanska statliga medel, varav den största andelen kommer från Nationa

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/sites/medarbetarwebben.lu.se/files/samfinansiering-av-indirekta-kostnader-for-forskningsbidrag-fran-national-institutes-of-health.pdf - 2025-02-25

Arvin Khoshnood

utbildningskoordinator, föräldraledig Kontaktinformation E-post: arvin [dot] khoshnood [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: +46 46 222 86 90Organisation Institutionen för kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografi Hämtställe: 16 Andra roller Studievägledare (tjänstledig) Institutionen för kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografiPresentationFunktion: Administrativ studierektor. Programkoordinator för master

https://www.keg.lu.se/arvin-khoshnood - 2025-02-25

Patrik Vestin

Forskningsingenjör Som forskningsingenjör och forskare delar jag min tid mellan tekniskt stöd till forskningsprojekt, undervisning och egen forskning inom olika projekt Kontaktinformation E-post: patrik [dot] vestin [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: +46 46 222 97 59 Mobil: +46 70 689 16 08Organisation Institutionen för naturgeografi och ekosystemvetenskap Rumsnummer: 447 Hämtställe: 16 Webbpl

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/patrik-vestin - 2025-02-25

Analyzing Questions About Alcohol in Pregnancy Using Web-Based Forum Topics : Qualitative Content Analysis

Background:Prenatal alcohol exposure represents a substantial public health concern as it may lead to detrimental outcomes, including pregnancy complications and fetal alcohol spectrum disorder. Although UK national guidance recommends abstaining from alcohol if pregnant or planning a pregnancy, evidence suggests that confusion remains on this topic among members of the public, and little is known

Progression analysis versus traditional methods to quantify slowing of disease progression in Alzheimer’s disease

Background: The clinical meaningfulness of the effects of recently approved disease-modifying treatments (DMT) in Alzheimer’s disease is under debate. Available evidence is limited to short-term effects on clinical rating scales which may be difficult to interpret and have limited intrinsic meaning to patients. The main value of DMTs accrues over the long term as they are expected to cause a delay

Early diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccination associated with higher female mortality and no difference in male mortality in a cohort of low birthweight children: an observational study within a randomised trial

Background Studies from low-income countries have suggested that diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis (DTP) vaccine provided after Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccination may have a negative effect on female survival. The authors examined the effect of DTP in a cohort of low birthweight (LBW) infants. Methods 2320 LBW newborns were visited at 2, 6 and 12 months of age to assess nutritional and vaccinati

New Insights into the Origins of Sb-Induced Effects on Self-Catalyzed GaAsSb Nanowire Arrays.

Ternary semiconductor nanowire arrays enable scalable fabrication of nano-optoelectronic devices with tunable bandgap. However, the lack of insight into the effects of the incorporation of Vy element results in lack of control on the growth of ternary III-V1-yVy nanowires and hinders the development of high-performance nanowire devices based on such ternaries. Here, we report on the origins of Sb-

Divergent T follicular helper cell requirement for IgA and IgE production to peanut during allergic sensitization

Immunoglobulin A (IgA) is the dominant antibody isotype in the gut and has been shown to regulate microbiota. Mucosal IgA is also widely believed to prevent food allergens from penetrating the gut lining. Even though recent work has elucidated how bacteria-reactive IgA is induced, little is known about how IgA to food antigens is regulated. Although IgA is presumed to be induced in a healthy gut a

Exploring meal frequency and vegetable intake among immigrants 70 years or older in Sweden : Secondary analysis of data from the Promoting Aging Migrants Capabilities study

Background: Earlier research regarding immigrants has shown that lifestyle and environmental factors are of importance for the risk of developing certain diseases. Food habits are one of these factors. As there is little research concerning immigrants and food habits, the aim of the present paper was to explore food habits operationalised as meal frequency and vegetable intake among a group of old

Experiences of participation in supervised group exercise among pregnant women with depression or low psychological well-being : A qualitative descriptive study

Objective: To explore experiences with supervised group exercise during pregnancy in women with depression or low psychological well-being. Design: A qualitative descriptive study based on semi-structured, individual, in-depth interviews analyzed by means of thematic analysis. Setting: The Department of Obstetrics, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark. Participants: Through a pu

Adaptive Bayesian SLOPE : Model Selection With Incomplete Data

We consider the problem of variable selection in high-dimensional settings with missing observations among the covariates. To address this relatively understudied problem, we propose a new synergistic procedure—adaptive Bayesian SLOPE with missing values—which effectively combines SLOPE (sorted l 1 regularization) with the spike-and-slab LASSO (SSL) and is accompanied by an efficient stochastic ap

Characterization of human aquaporin protein-protein interactions using microscale thermophoresis (MST)

Aquaporin water channels (AQPs) are membrane proteins that maintain cellular water homeostasis. The interactions between human AQPs and other proteins play crucial roles in AQP regulation by both gating and trafficking. Here, we describe a protocol for characterizing the interaction between a human AQP and a soluble interaction partner using microscale thermophoresis (MST). MST has the advantage o

Expeditioner och projekt

Delar av vårt material har samlats in under vetenskapliga expeditioner och projekt. Följande är värda att nämna. Böckerna finns att läsa på Biologibiblioteket.Svenska Sydafrikaexpeditionen1950-51 genomförde forskare en nästan årslång insamlingsresa till södra Afrika, med fokus på den terrestra faunan i zoologiskt okända och viktiga biotoper. Bertil Hanström initierade expeditionen och Per och Gunv

https://www.biologi.lu.se/biologiska-museet/entomologiska-samlingar/expeditioner-och-projekt - 2025-02-23

Negotiating Noise - Malaysia

15-16th January 2020 at University of Nottingham in Malaysia The subject of unwanted, unruly, or otherwise transgressive sound has proved to be fertile but problematic territory across a wide range of academic disciplines, professional practices, and creative endeavours. At one end of the scale, acousticians and sound designers aim to eliminate and control unnecessary environmental sound, working

https://www.lmc.lu.se/aktiviteter/aktiviteter-2020/negotiating-noise-malaysia - 2025-02-23


Nya managementpraktiker för en ny socio-materialitet av avfall Att frikoppla avfallsproduktion från ekonomisk tillväxt är nödvändigt för att uppnå en hållbar samhällsutveckling. En sådan frikoppling på samhällsnivå förutsätter en frikoppling på företagsnivå. Syftet med projektet Frikopplingstjänster är att förklara hur avfallsbolag kan utvecklar tjänster som hjälper industriella och kommersiella f

https://www.ses.lu.se/frikopplingstjanster - 2025-02-24

Terminsstart vår 2025

Välkommen nya och gamla studenter. Här kan du hitta det du behöver veta inför terminsstarten våren 2025. Välkommen nya studenter!The Fashion Market: Innovation and Fashion Forecasting (SESA01)The Fashion Market: Fashion Communication and Sustainability (SESA02)KandidatstudenterService ManagementÅr 1: Fortsättningskurs i Service management: Delkurs 1, Tjänstesektorns ekonomiska geografi (SEMA21)Kur

https://www.ses.lu.se/utbildning/terminsstart-var-2025 - 2025-02-24