Din sökning på "julie" gav 4937 sökträffar
In Pursuit of a Healthy Public Sphere: A News Frame Analysis of the Farmer Suicide Phenomenon in Daily English-language Indian Newspapers
Barns behovs i centrum (BBIC): Uniformity - an unreachable goal?
Kontakt Frågor gällande växter och odling skickas till: botan [at] botan [dot] lu [dot] se. Vänligen skicka inte direkt till personalen. Ledning och administration Allison Perrigo, föreståndare (tjänstledig)allison_linnea [dot] perrigo [at] botan [dot] lu [dot] seNina Hult, tillförordnad föreståndarenina [dot] hult [at] botan [dot] lu [dot] se (nina[dot]hult[at]botan[dot]lu[dot]se)Sofie Olofsson,
https://www.botan.lu.se/om-oss/personal - 2025-01-27
Farm2Forest publikationer
Här listas både vetenskapliga och populärvetenskapliga publikationer Vetenskapliga publikationer Posters och föreläsningar Biodiversity is in the air – using air-born eDNA for the biodiversity monitoring of flying insects. Svenska Oikos, 2020 Fabian Roger Natalie, Danielsson Hamid Ghanavi, Jakob Löndahl Lars Pettersson Niklas Wahlberg Georg Andersson Yann Clough The effect of farm type on ecosyste
https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/forskning-0/pagaende-forskningsprojekt/farm2forest/farm2forest-publikationer - 2025-01-28
Vecka 27
Conversational eye patterns and hearing impairment
Conversational eye patterns and hearing impairment Speech comprehension and intelligibility are severely affected by the ability to process audio-visual cues in the scene. When listening conditions are degraded by increased background noise, listeners adapt their eye gaze patterns to follow a single talker: Normal hearing (NH) listeners show longer fixations in general [1], and both normal and hea
Ll smmv27 eng vt20 200129
LL_SMMV27_eng_VT20_200129 Reading list for Assessment of Environmental Impact (SMMV27), 7,5 hp. The reading list was approved by the Board of the Department of Service Management and Service Studies 2020-01-29. The reading list is valid from 2020-02-01. Arias-Maldonado, Manuel. (2013). Rethinking sustainability in the Anthropocene. Environmental Politics 22(3): pp. 428–446. Doi: 10.1080/09644016.2
https://www.ses.lu.se/en/sites/ses.lu.se.en/files/ll_smmv27_eng_vt20_200129.pdf - 2025-01-28
https://www.covid19app.lu.se/kartor/kartor/sverige - 2025-01-27
Lungmodell för att förstå hälsoeffekter av luftföroreningar
Vill du hjälpa oss att utveckla en ny lungmodell för att bättre förstå hälsoeffekter av luftföroreningar? Vi söker barn i åldrarna 8-18 samt vuxna för att göra en lungfunktionsundersökning. Informationen kommer att användas för att förbättra modeller för hur luftföroreningar fastnar i våra lungor. Speciellt viktigt är detta för barn – en grupp för vilken det saknas data.Undersökningen tar ungefär
https://www.eat.lth.se/lungmodell-att-forsta-halsoeffekter-av-luftfororeningar - 2025-01-28
Konceptuell scenkonst
The Pragmatic Euroscepticism of Scandinavia
Experimental Methods in Psychology and Cognitive and Affective Neurocscience
Predispositions Matter....But How? Ideology as a Mediation of Personality's Effects on EU Support in Five Countries
Pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease: dopamine, vesicles and alpha-synuclein.
Parkinson's disease is a devastating neurological condition that affects at least four million people. A striking feature of this disorder is the preferential loss of dopamine-producing neurons in the midbrain. Several aetiological triggers have been linked to Parkinson's disease, including genetic mutations and environmental toxins, but the pathway that leads to cell death is unknown. Recent deve
Svenska friskolor och dess aktörer, vad är problemet?
The Swedish school system is highly influenced by the charter school reforms that was introduced in 1992 by Carl Bildt. Because of the charter school reform, a market was created where venture capitalist could profit from education. The main aim was to create a freedom of choice and to create competition in order to increase the quality of Swedish schools. The current debate regarding charter scho