

Din sökning på "chinese" gav 68 sökträffar

Globalhistoriska LAUGH

Globalhistoriska LAUGH | Språk- och litteraturcentrum Globalhistoriska LAUGH Rss-flöde Händelsetyp Alla händelser Seminarium Händelser per termin Välj termin vårterminen 2025 11 mar 11 mars 2025 13:15 till 15:00 Seminarium Globalhistoriska seminariet: Mikael Adolphson (Cambridge University) Japan and the World: A Comparative Perspective on Medieval Monetization 8 apr 8 april 2025 13:15 till 15:00

https://www.sol.lu.se/institutionen/kalendarium/seminarieserier/Globalhistoriska%20LAUGH/ - 2025-03-04

Globalhistoriska LAUGH

Globalhistoriska LAUGH | Språk- och litteraturcentrum Globalhistoriska LAUGH Rss-flöde Händelsetyp Alla händelser Seminarium Händelser per termin Välj termin vårterminen 2025 11 mar 11 mars 2025 13:15 till 15:00 Seminarium Globalhistoriska seminariet: Mikael Adolphson (Cambridge University) Japan and the World: A Comparative Perspective on Medieval Monetization 8 apr 8 april 2025 13:15 till 15:00

https://www.sol.lu.se/institutionen/kalendarium/seminarieserier/Globalhistoriska+LAUGH/ - 2025-03-04

Lunds universitet i världsklass

Lunds universitet i världsklass Developing a Project and Managing Risks Elisabeth.Kjellstrom@fek.lu.se Lund University / School of Economics and Management The Project Life Cycle Network Information 3 Complete Network 4 Activity-on-Node Network 5 Cost—Duration Trade-off 6 B E 6 8 A C G 3 10 6 D F 11 5 Cost—Duration Trade-off Example FIGURE 9.3 Project Management Communication – Stakeholder Categor

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/FMPA01/20141/Session_7_8.pdf - 2025-03-04


Brevmall Språk- och litteraturcentrum Filmvetenskap 3 Kurslitteratur för FIVA01 Filmvetenskap, fortsättningskurs 31–60, vt 2017 (Fastställd i Sektionsstyrelse 2, SOL-Centrum, 29 november 2016) Resurslitteratur till alla delkurser Hayward, Susan (2013), Cinema Studies: The Key Concepts , London: Routledge Kuhn, Annette & Westwell, Guy (2012), A Dictionary of Film Studies. Oxford: Oxford University

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/FIVA01/20171/FIVA01_litt_vt17_dk_8.docx - 2025-03-04

Utbildningsplan Kandidatprogram i översättning

Utbildningsplan Kandidatprogram i översättning Humanistiska och teologiska fakulteterna HGÖSP, Kandidatprogram i översättning, 90 högskolepoäng Bachelor Programme in Translation, 90 credits Program med akademiska förkunskapskrav och med slutlig examen på grundnivå / First cycle degree programme requiring previous university study Beslutsuppgifter Utbildningsplanen är fastställd av Prodekanen med a

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/utbildning/Utbildningsplaner/HGO__SP_faststa__lld.pdf - 2025-03-03

No title

Literature & Censorship Symposium on forbidden books 10–11.10 2024 Lund University 10 October 11:30 Arrival and registration SOL 12:00 Lunch 13:15–13:30 Opening address H104 13:30–14:45 Jon Helgason, Linneaus University ”Om den positiva, och den negativa, censuren - nedslag i riksdagsdebatter rörande litteraturcensur, ca 1900–1970” 14:45 Coffee 15:15–17:00 Session 1: Förbjudna böcker / Forbidden b

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/komplitt/Literature___Censorship_Program.pdf - 2025-03-04

No title

Old Europe, New Europe, Non Europe Reshaping the European Union at the Beginning of the 21st Century Lund University summer course 2010 In the new millennium the EU has faced a number of challenges. First, the integration of the twelve new member states has been a troublesome affair. Second, EU’s relations to its neighbours (e.g. Russia & Turkey) remain a topic splitting the member states. Finally

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/OCKC12/20101/Course_schedule_2010.pdf - 2025-03-04

How the melodic sound of Swedish can help Swedes automatically assess new languages

How the melodic sound of Swedish can help Swedes automatically assess new languages How the melodic sound of Swedish can help Swedes automatically assess new languages Publicerad den 8 februari 2021 Learning a second language can feel like a slow and tedious process. Yet, the human brain starts segmenting and categorising new language input virtually from the very second that it is exposed it. It

https://www.sol.lu.se/article/how-the-melodic-sound-of-swedish-can-help-swedes-automatically-assess-new-languages/ - 2025-03-04

LIVR03 litteraturlista VT25

LIVR03 litteraturlista VT25 Master Programme in READING LIST Literature – Culture – Media Spring 2025 SOL, Lund University LIVR03: World Literature – Intercultural Understanding (15 ECTS-credits) Fastställd av Sektionsstyrelse 2, Språk- och litteraturcentrum, 9 december 2024. Apter, Emily, Against World Literature: On the Politics of Untranslatability, Verso, London and New York 2013, pp. 1–27, 27

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/LIVR03/20251/LIVR03_litteraturlista_VT25.pdf - 2025-03-03

Microsoft Word - TeriSchamp-Bjerede-WorkExperienceDocumentation.doc

Microsoft Word - TeriSchamp-Bjerede-WorkExperienceDocumentation.doc Teri Schamp-Bjerede 2013-09-01 1 / 11 Documentation: Work Experience and Merits Teri Schamp-Bjerede (2013-01) Teri Schamp-Bjerede Hinsegatan 4 37433 Karlshamn Sweden Teri-LSB Rectangle Teri-LSB Rectangle Teri-LSB Rectangle Teri-LSB Rectangle Teri-LSB Rectangle Teri-LSB Rectangle Teri Schamp-Bjerede 2013-09-01 2 / 11 Table of Conte

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/documents/persons/TeriSchampBjerede/TeriSchamp_Bjerede_WorkDocumentation.pdf - 2025-03-03

Microsoft Word - Litteraturlista.doc

Microsoft Word - Litteraturlista.doc Språk- och l i t teraturcentrum SLVA01 Litteraturlista Litteraturlista för SLVA01, MAKT, SPRÅK OCH LITTERATUR, 30 högskolepoäng fastställd av LK 2, 2009- 06-09 DELKURS 1 Einarsson, J. (2004). Språksociologi, Lund: Studentlitteratur (367 s.) Engdahl, O. & Larsson, B. (2006). Sociologiska perspektiv, Lund: Studentlitteratur [läs endast Del 4. Samhällets skiktning

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/SLVA01/20092/Litteraturlista.pdf - 2025-03-04

No title

Professor Carita Paradis, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University 1 Supervision and teaching Master of Arts 2 years (degree earned) • Jennifer Melchersson, The power of slurs in reported speech: A survey-based study of native speaker intuitions, 2021. • Lena Persbeck, Linguistic approaches to Swedish authorities’ web-based information, 2020. • Julia Rutt Petersen, Legitimating the TTI

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/documents/persons/CaritaParadis/Teaching_and_supervision_17.pdf - 2025-02-18

No title

Professor Carita Paradis, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University 1 Supervision and teaching Master of Arts 2 years (degree earned) • Jennifer Melchersson, The power of slurs in reported speech: A survey-based study of native speaker intuitions, 2021. • Lena Persbeck, Linguistic approaches to Swedish authorities’ web-based information, 2020. • Julia Rutt Petersen, Legitimating the TTI

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/documents/persons/CaritaParadis/Teaching_and_supervision_18.pdf - 2025-03-03

Microsoft Word - Litteraturlista FIVA10 VT25

Microsoft Word - Litteraturlista FIVA10 VT25 Språk- och litteraturcentrum Kurslitteratur för FIVA10 Filmvetenskap: Grund- och fortsättningskurs, 31–60 hp, vt 2025 (Fastställd i Sektionsstyrelse 2, SOL-Centrum, 9 december 2024) Resurslitteratur till alla delkurser Gocsik, Karen, Barsam, Richard & Monahan, Dave (2019), Writing about Movies, New York & London: Norton Hayward, Susan (2017), Cinema Stu

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/FIVA10/20251/Litteraturlista_FIVA10_VT25.pdf - 2025-03-03

Programme syllabus Master's Programme in Language and Linguistics

Programme syllabus Master's Programme in Language and Linguistics Lund university Faculties of Humanities and Theology HASPV, Master's Programme in Language and Linguistics, 120 credits Masterprogram i språk och språkvetenskap, 120 högskolepoäng Second cycle degree programme requiring previous university study / Program med akademiska förkunskapskrav och med slutlig examen på avancerad nivå Decisi

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/user_upload/sol/utbildning/Utbildningsplaner/HASPV_2023_English.pdf - 2025-03-03

Curriculum Vitae

Curriculum Vitae Curriculum Vitae Autumn 2024 Satu Helena Manninen Date of birth: 13 July, 1968 Citizenship: Finnish citizen 1. Education and degrees Professor in English language and linguistics (promoted) Lund University Board of expert referees: Professor Liliane Haegeman, Professor Merja Kytö and Professor Urpo Nikanne 2012 ”Docent” in general linguistics (promoted) Lund University Expert refe

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/documents/persons/SatuManninen/Combined_CV_S_Manninen_Autumn_2024.pdf - 2025-03-03

Lund_Book_concate_March - Beleived to be most recent 24h00

Lund_Book_concate_March - Beleived to be most recent 24h00 Subjectivity and Epistemicity Corpus, discourse, and literary approaches to stance LUND STUDIES IN ENGLISH Editors Marianne Thormählen and Carita Paradis Subjectivity and Epistemicity Corpus, discourse, and literary approaches to stance Edited by Dylan Glynn University of Paris VIII Mette Sjölin Lund University Lund Studies in English (D E

https://www.sol.lu.se/fileadmin/_migrated/content_uploads/Subjectivity_and_Epistemicity_conference_abstract.pdf - 2025-02-04

No title

Professor Carita Paradis, Centre for Languages and Literature, Lund University 1 Conferences Plenaries and invited lectures 2023 2022 2022 2021 2021 2021 2020 2020 2019 2019 2018 2017 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2013 Invited speaker at the University of Florence (20 April) on “Dialogue management and stance coordination in conversation: The case of agreement and disagreement.” Invited speaker at Bris

https://www.sol.lu.se/media/documents/persons/CaritaParadis/Conferences_19.pdf - 2025-03-03