

Din sökning på "chinese" gav 6939 sökträffar

Matematik: Diskret matematik

Kursen behandlar: Talteori: delbarhet, primtal, Euklides algoritm, kinesiska restsatsen, modulär aritmetik Mängder, funktioner och relationer, ekvivalensrelationer. Kombinatorik: de fyra fallen dragning med/utan återläggning, med/utan hänsyn till ordning, binomialkoefficienter, principen om inklusion och exklusion, metoden med genererande funktion Rekursion: rekursionsformler och differensekv

Economic History: Emerging Asia - Economic Transformation in East and South East Asia

The course explores and explains the historical processes of rapid industrialisation and socio-economic modernisation in Pacific Asia. First, fundamental factors and forces behind the rise of Asia’s first industrial nation, Japan, are analysed. Japan is also contrasted against the early failures of modernisation in Imperial China. Secondly, explanations are provided for the emergence of Taiwan,

The Roman Empire

The Roman Empire, although largely a product of warfare, lasted for half a millennium. In many ways it still survives, imbedded in present institutions, explicitly addressed in contemporary architecture and constantly reemerging in literature, cinema and most recently, in computer games. The present course primarily focuses how this big empire came into being and how come that it lasted for so lonThe Roman Empire, although largely a product of warfare, lasted for half a millennium. In many ways it still survives, imbedded in present institutions, explicitly addressed in contemporary architecture and constantly reemerging in literature, cinema and most recently, in computer games. The present course primarily focuses how this big empire came into being and how come that it lasted for so lon

Political Science: International Relations Theory in Time and Space

The course is only offered as a single subject course for incoming exchange students. International Relations Theory is a time-honoured approach to the social world. Texts that are clearly recognizable as dealing with international relations date back to the ancient Greeks. Still, most textbooks in the field take a geographically and historically very parochial stance towards its own field. It iThe course is only offered as a single subject course for incoming exchange students. International Relations Theory is a time-honoured approach to the social world. Texts that are clearly recognisable as dealing with international relations date back to the ancient Greeks. Still, most textbooks in the field take a geographically and historically very parochial stance towards its own field. It i

Mellanösternstudier: Samtidsfrågor i Mellanöstern

På kursen studeras de olika sociopolitiska processer som har pågått i Mellanöstern sedan början av 2000-talet. Målet är att ge studenten möjlighet att lära sig om och kritiskt reflektera över de pågående debatterna om betydelsen av sociala rörelser, medier, religion, institutioner, ungdomar, militären, kvinnors växande roll i samhället, och miljön. Genom en kritisk samhällsvetenskaplig undersöknThe course explores the various socio-political processes that have been taking place in the Middle East since the beginning of the 21st century. The objective is to enable the student to learn and critically reflect on the current debates about the role of social movements, media, religion, institutions, the youth, the military, the evolving role of women in societies, and the environment. Throug

Asienstudier: Dagens japanska och koreanska samhällen

The course takes a multidisciplinary perspective and is divided into four parts. The first part provides a general understanding of the social and political processes in Japan and North Korea and South Korea. The countries history and impact on contemporary Japanese and Korean societies are discussed. The focus is on the post-Cold War era. The second part of the course makes comparisons between JThe course takes a multidisciplinary perspective and is divided into four parts. The first part provides a general understanding of the social and political processes in Japan and North Korea and South Korea. The countries history and impact on contemporary Japanese and Korean societies are discussed. The focus is on the post-Cold War era. The second part of the course makes comparisons between J

Short film screening at Panora

21 december 2024 16:00 till 18:30 | Övrigt Dolgoji and the Hungry Ghost by Siri Hammarén On the shortest day of the year, we will screen eight short films made by students at Malmö Art Academy. The event is part of the Short Film Day at Panora. HOW TO GET OUTDirector: Andrea Sitara Gran / Sweden / 2024 / 1:20 min / Without dialogueA practical experiment on whether or not rolling down a hill can ge

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/short-film-screening-panora - 2025-03-06

Ekonomisk historia: De framväxande ekonomiernas utveckling

Over the last decades, global growth dynamics have shifted towards the economies of the non-Western world. The world is no longer divided between the West and the Rest. Nor is the Rest to the same extent marked by stagnation. In the course, growth dynamics of the developing world during the last decades are explored in a comparative and historical perspective. The question of why some developing eOver the last decades, global growth dynamics have shifted towards the economies of the non-Western world. The world is no longer divided between the West and the Rest. Nor is the Rest to the same extent marked by stagnation. In the course, growth dynamics of the developing world during the last decades are explored in a comparative and historical perspective. The question of why some developing e

Korea Day: Nordic Research in Korean Studies

21 november 2024 13:00 till 16:30 | Workshop The Centre for East and South-East Asian Studies is pleased to welcome Youngeun Koo, who recently joined as an Associate Senior Lecturer with a focus on contemporary Korean society. This position is partially funded by the Korea Foundation. To celebrate and enhance the Centre’s Korea program, we are organizing a half-day workshop on Thursday 21 November

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/korea-day-nordic-research-korean-studies - 2025-03-06

Genusstudier - Masterprogram

Detta program är ett tvärvetenskapligt masterprogram inom samhällsvetenskap. Du kommer att lära dig hur aktuella feministiska teorier i dialog med etablerade akademiska discipliner har bidragit till förståelsen av bredare sociala processer. Du kommer att förbättra din förmåga att kritiskt granska, utvärdera och diskutera fältets viktigaste teoretiska perspektiv och forskningsresultat. Du kommer atThis programme is an interdisciplinary programme in social sciences. You will learn how current feminist theories in dialogue with established academic disciplines have contributed to the understanding of broader social processes. You will improve your ability to critically examine, evaluate and discuss the field's most important theoretical perspectives and research results. You will be able to f

GIS och fjärranalys - Masterprogram

Detta program syftar till att ge dig kunskap inom rumslig analys med inriktning främst på miljöapplikationer. Modeller och teorier för att förstå jordens klimat och ekosystem är integrerade med kunskap om insamling av miljöinformation, fjärranalys, lagring av information i databaser och teorier bakom geografiska informationssystem (GIS) samt fjärranalys med satellitdata och flygfotografier. ProgrThis programme aims to provide you with knowledge in spatial analysis focusing mainly on environmental applications. Models and theories for understanding the Earth’s climate and ecosystems are integrated with knowledge on collecting environmental information, using remote sensing, storing the information in databases, and theories behind Geographical Information Systems (GIS) as well as Remote se

Bioteknik - Masterutbildning

Utbildningen är ett brett program som omfattar vetenskapliga och tekniska aspekter av bioteknikverktyg och processer för industriell produktion och miljösanering, biokatalysatorer, processövervakning, produktåtervinning och processdesign.  Ditt framtida jobb kan vara var som helst i världen – i ett litet nystartat företag eller ett stort multinationellt företag, en statlig myndighet eller ettLund University is among the leading universities in the world for research and education in biotechnology. It is home to several world-renowned scientists who have strong links to the industry – from large multinational companies to small enterprises based on research done in our departments. The Master’s in Biotechnology is a broad programme covering scientific and technological aspects of biote

Asienstudier - Masterprogram

You read courses that are general and deal with cross-regional issues but you also get the opportunity during the second semester to take an interdisciplinary course on a country or region in East and South-East Asia that you want to focus on. The curriculum enables you to specialise based on your regional, thematic, and disciplinary focus and to critically examine and discuss issues witYou read courses that are general and deal with cross-regional issues but you also get the opportunity during the second semester to take an interdisciplinary course on a country or region in East and South-East Asia that you want to focus on. The curriculum enables you to specialise based on your regional, thematic, and disciplinary focus and to critically examine and discuss issues wit

Maskininlärning, system och reglerteknik - Masterutbildning

Programmet förbereder studenterna för en flexibel men framtidssäker karriär inom detta allmänna område, där avancerade algoritmer används för att analysera stora dataset i ett brett spektrum av tillämpningar, som kombinerar metoder för statistisk analys, matematik, signalbehandling, bildanalys och styrteori.  Utbildningen ger en stabil grund för en karriär inom både industri och akademi. Du fThe programme is a result of collaboration between the departments of Mathematics, Automatic Control, Computer Science and Electrical and Information Technology at Lund University. The Shanghai ranking (ARWU) ranks Lund University on place 17 among top universities in the world in the field Electrical and Electronic Engineering for the year 2018 and on place 49 in the field of Automatic Control. L

Nanovetenskap - Masterutbildning

Programmet har sin vetenskapliga bas i en fysikbeskrivning av nanoskalefenomen, men utöver nanofysik kan du specialisera dig på områden som nanoelektronik, materialvetenskap eller biofysik.  Det finns en stigande efterfrågan över hela världen på kunniga inom nanoteknik. Nanovetenskapare behövs inte bara i specialiserade nanoteknikföretag utan också i mer traditionella industrier, då allt mer The programme is part of NanoLund, one of the world’s leading nanoscience research centres. You will interact with cutting-edge research throughout the programme, starting in the first semester and building up to the Master’s project. Moreover, by taking advantage of the wealth of courses offered by Lund University, you will be able to explore the cross-disciplinary nature of Nanoscience. As an i

Tillämpad beräkningsvetenskap, Miljövetenskap - Masterprogram

Avancerade beräkningar blir ett allt viktigare inslag i både forskning och näringsliv. På detta masterprogram lär du dig studera olika komplexa naturvetenskapliga processer och hur beräkningsvetenskapen kan bidra till kunskapsutvecklingen i samhället. Några exempel på aktuella infallsvinklar är inom miljö- och klimatförändringar, klimatanpassning, biologisk mångfald och ekosystemtjänster, naturvårAdvanced computations are increasingly important in research and business. On this Master’s programme you will learn how to study complex processes within the natural sciences, and how computational science can contribute to knowledge evolution in society. Some examples of angles to focus on could be environmental and climate change, climate adaptation, biodiversity and ecosystem services, environ

Fotonik - Masterutbildning

Lasrar och tillhörande teknik är idag oumbärliga verktyg inom skilda områden inom vetenskap, tillverkning och medicinska tillämpningar. Laserbaserad bildbehandling, diagnostik och behandlingsmetoder revolutionerar life-science-sektorn. Lysdioder ersätter traditionell belysning och bidrar till att minska global energiförbrukning. Programmet utbildar inom den vetenskap och teknik som ligger bakom foThe Photonics programme at Lund University aims at educating talented students in the science and technology that lies behind the photonics revolution. You will obtain in-depth understanding of optics and laser technology as well as practical experience in optical design. You will experience working in modern optics and laser laboratories and gain detailed knowledge of important photonics applicat

Arkitektur - Masterutbildning

Lunds universitet, beläget i den dynamiska Köpenhamn-Malmö-regionen, är välkänt för sin kompetens och kunskap, och erbjuder fantastiska resurser för att studera dessa frågor i ett bredare sammanhang.  Programmet kombinerar arkitektoniska designmetoder och best practice med avancerad forskning och utbildar därmed studenterna att bli högkvalificerade yrkesverksamma som är konkurrenskraftiga på The Master's Programme in Architecture combines architectonic and theoretical design methods, and best practice with advanced research, thus encouraging critical thoughts and the students to become highly skilled professionals competitive at an international level. Teaching contains both theoretical and hands-on projects aiming to find future-focused solutions to real-world issues and&

Finans - Magisterprogram

This programme extends your knowledge of all major areas of financial decision-making. You will gain a thorough understanding of, and training in, effective identification, analysis and resolution of complex financial problems. The Master’s programme in Finance provides knowledge in both financial economics and corporate finance. Important objectives are to familiarise students with the main areasThis programme extends your knowledge of all major areas of financial decision-making. You will gain a thorough understanding of, and training in, effective identification, analysis and resolution of complex financial problems. The Master’s programme in Finance provides knowledge in both financial economics and corporate finance. Important objectives are to familiarise students with the main areas