

Din sökning på "chinese" gav 6987 sökträffar

Ny studie löser gammal klimatgåta om ekosystemens koldioxidupptag

Publicerad 14 februari 2020 En ny studie visar att kväve och fosfor spelar en viktig roll för ekosystems upptag av koldioxid. De globala ekosystemens förmåga att binda koldioxid regleras i hög utsträckning av näringsämnena kväve och fosfor. Ju mer begränsade växter är av dessa ämnen desto mer koldioxid stannar i atmosfären, istället för att absorberas av skogar och andra ekosystem. En ny studie ka

https://www.naturvetenskap.lu.se/artikel/ny-studie-loser-gammal-klimatgata-om-ekosystemens-koldioxidupptag - 2025-02-07

Forskare har kartlagt tusenåriga temperaturförstärkningar i Arktis

Publicerad 13 april 2022 Forskare har kartlagt Arktis klimatförändringar under det senaste millenniet. Foto: NASA/Kathryn Hansen. Förståelse för hur temperaturen förändrats genom historien hjälper forskare att dra viktiga slutsatser om framtidens klimat. I en ny studie har svenska och kinesiska klimatforskare lyckats lägga ett tusenårigt pussel över Arktis historiska temperaturförändringar. Under

https://www.naturvetenskap.lu.se/artikel/forskare-har-kartlagt-tusenariga-temperaturforstarkningar-i-arktis - 2025-02-07

Ny studie löser gammal klimatgåta om ekosystemens koldioxidupptag

Publicerad 24 februari 2020 En ny studie visar att kväve och fosfor spelar en viktig roll för ekosystems upptag av koldioxid. De globala ekosystemens förmåga att binda koldioxid regleras i hög utsträckning av näringsämnena kväve och fosfor. Ju mer begränsade växter är av dessa ämnen desto mer koldioxid stannar i atmosfären, istället för att absorberas av skogar och andra ekosystem. En ny studie ka

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/artikel/ny-studie-loser-gammal-klimatgata-om-ekosystemens-koldioxidupptag - 2025-02-07

Elefanter och hjortar bidrar till en rik mångfald av träd

Publicerad 6 november 2023 Elefanter går längs ett vattendrag. Foto. Med hjälp av global satellitdata har ett forskarlag kartlagt trädtäcket i världens skyddade naturområden. Studien visar att områden med många stora växtätande djur har ett betydligt mer varierat utbud av träd. Att upprätthålla artrika och motståndskraftiga ekosystem är avgörande för att bevara den biologiska mångfalden och mildra

https://www.naturvetenskap.lu.se/artikel/elefanter-och-hjortar-bidrar-till-en-rik-mangfald-av-trad - 2025-02-07

Position available as Assistant Professor in Religions of South Asia

Published 6 September 2017 Photo from: https://religion.fsu.edu The Department of Religion at Florida State University invites applications for a full-time, 9-month tenure track Assistant Professor in Religions of South Asia to begin on August 7, 2018. Specialization is open, but preference is for competency in Hindu and/or Buddhist traditions in India with an excellent command of Sanskrit and/or

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/article/position-available-assistant-professor-religions-south-asia - 2025-02-07

How can the EU fix global trade?

By evelina [dot] hagberg [at] cfe [dot] lu [dot] se (Evelina Hagberg) - published 9 December 2021 The single market of the EU is often hailed as the number one success story of European integration, and it is one of the reasons why the EU is seen as a law-making machine. Single market laws are partly focused on competition law, which sets out to ban state aid and other interventionist practices in

https://www.cfe.lu.se/en/article/how-can-eu-fix-global-trade - 2025-02-07

Congratulations to our PhD candidate Gina Song Lopez!

Published 17 April 2024 We are thrilled to share the exciting news of Gina's submission to the 2023-24 International Journal of Taiwan Studies (IJTS) Research Article Competition being awarded the winner of the Social Sciences category. The article titled “Going weigen: Animals, climate, and the new vegan movement in Taiwan” will be published in the IJTS after appropriate revision. You can read mo

https://www.ace.lu.se/article/congratulations-our-phd-candidate-gina-song-lopez - 2025-02-07

New blog about the South Asia Initiative

Published 18 April 2018 The Swedish Institute of International Affairs (UI) and the Swedish South Asian Studies Network (SASNET) at Lund University launched the South Asia Initiative in 2018. The South Asia Initiative produces both research and analysis. In doing so, it aims to build a strong research environment with an international impact. The South Asia Initiative website will feature a blog t

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/article/new-blog-about-south-asia-initiative - 2025-02-07

Reward for the most downloaded article

Published 4 September 2023 Hui Zhao and Chiara Valentini are the recipients of the Karen Miller Russell Award for the Most Downloaded Article published in the Journal of Public Relations Research.  They received the award on 7th August from the Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication (AEJMC) the 106th Annual Conference. The awarded paper is Navigating Turbulent Political Wat

https://www.isk.lu.se/en/article/reward-most-downloaded-article - 2025-02-07

Sweden to reinforce its research contacts with South Korea

Published 21 April 2015 This week around 40 Swedish researchers are visiting Korea to meet Korean colleagues in a series of interdisciplinary round table discussions within the framework of the two-day Korea–Sweden Excellence seminar, to reinforce existing contacts and to develop new ones. Issues regarding creativity and innovation, environment and welfare are high on the agenda. The seminar coinc

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/article/sweden-reinforce-its-research-contacts-south-korea - 2025-02-07

Geopolitics and Diplomacy in the Wake of the Gaza War

By ulrika [dot] oredsson [at] kommunikation [dot] lu [dot] se (Ulrika Oredsson (English translation by Linda Eitrem Holmgren)) - published 6 May 2024 Damage in Gaza Strip Oct. 2023 (Photo: Wafa/Wikimedia Commons) The war in Gaza is testing alliances and shaking up politics, both globally and regionally. What does this mean for the West's relationship with the Middle East? How are inter-regional dy

https://www.cmes.lu.se/article/geopolitics-and-diplomacy-wake-gaza-war - 2025-02-07

Trots kallare höstar ökar nettoutsläppen av koldioxid på norra halvklotet

Publicerad 24 mars 2022 Ny studie visar att ekosystemen på norra halvklotet släpper ut mer koldioxid trots kallare höstar. Foto: Unsplash. Sedan 2004 har stora regioner i Nordamerika och Eurasien upplevt en oförväntad nedkylning under höstarna. Forskare har länge trott att den skulle leda till minskade nettoutsläpp av koldioxid från landekosystemen. Men en omfattande studie visar nu att ekosysteme

https://www.naturvetenskap.lu.se/artikel/trots-kallare-hostar-okar-nettoutslappen-av-koldioxid-pa-norra-halvklotet - 2025-02-07

Postdoc fellowship on Multilingualism

Published 15 March 2017 Applications are invited for this fixed-term post in the School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies (CLAS) at University of Nottingham. The deadline to apply is 6 April 2017. The School of Cultures, Languages and Area Studies (CLAS) is a leading centre for the study of modern languages and cultures, including linguistics, and has a diverse, friendly and stimulating comm

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/article/postdoc-fellowship-multilingualism - 2025-02-07

Call for papers for IOWC Graduate Conference

By elina-maria [dot] vidarsson [at] sasnet [dot] lu [dot] se (Elina Vidarsson) - published 12 May 2017 McGill University's Indian Ocean World Centre (IOWC) welcomes submissions for its Graduate Conference on Indian Ocean World History. The conference will be held 20 October 2017. The deadline to submit is 10 June 2017. The IOWC is a McGill Research Centre dedicated to international collaborative s

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/article/call-papers-iowc-graduate-conference - 2025-02-07

Research Project "Precariousness at Work" funded by Swedish Research Council

Published 7 November 2017 Photo: Camilla Lekebjer SASNET researcher Maria Tonini together with Lisa Eklund, Catarina Kinnvall and Helle Rydström at Lund University will start a Research Project entitled "Precariousness at Work: Workplace Violence against Women Employees in Nordic Companies Outsourced to Asia". The project will be funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR) for three years. Precari

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/article/research-project-precariousness-work-funded-swedish-research-council - 2025-02-07

Latest SASNET podcast episode on COVID-19 and fake news in India

Published 8 April 2020 Hanna Geschewski had the pleasure to speak to SASNET affiliate researcher Dr Parama Sinha Palit on the spread of fake news on social media in times of the coronavirus pandemic. For this episode of our podcast, we invited Dr Parama Sinha Palit, Adjunct Senior Research Fellow at the Rajaratnam School of International Studies within Nanyang Technological University Singapore. S

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/article/latest-sasnet-podcast-episode-covid-19-and-fake-news-india - 2025-02-07

Nielsen on carbon flows in international trade

Published 17 December 2018 Tobias Dan Nielsen has co-authored an article called ”Global outsourcing of carbon emissions 1995–2009: A reassessment”, which has been publish in the journal ”Environmental Science & Policy”. The article investigates carbon flows in international trade, adjusting for differences in production technology between countries. It provides a more nuanced understanding of the

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/article/nielsen-carbon-flows-international-trade - 2025-02-07