

Din sökning på "chinese" gav 6934 sökträffar

Kurslitteratur mven16 ht18 181019

Kurslitteratur MVEN16_HT18_27okt17_tledits Kurslitteratur MVEN16 (prel.) 2018-10-19 MVEN16 KURSLITTERATUR, HT18 OBS! Vissa artiklar kan ändras/tillkomma under kursens gång! Kursböcker Boyce, T. and Lewis, J., eds. (2009). Climate Change and the Media. Global Crises and the Media Series. Peter Lang Pub Inc. (OBS! om svårtillgänglig, tillhandahålles utvalda kapitel under kursens gång) Bulkeley, H. a

https://www.cec.lu.se/sv/sites/cec.lu.se.sv/files/kurslitteratur_mven16_ht18_181019.pdf - 2025-02-20

Yeg application guidelines2

APPLICATION GUIDEBOOK YOUNG EXPLORERS GRANTS “I think it is incredible that Nat Geo recognizes that young scientists and explorers come in all different packages and need the financial support to be able to blossom into careers that can make a difference in the world we live in today.” Dash Masland 2007 YOUNG EXPLORER “The Young Explorers Grant enabled me to have my field experience; without this

https://www.nateko.lu.se/sv/sites/nateko.lu.se.sv/files/yeg_application_guidelines2.pdf - 2025-02-20

Time to go 2014-11-27

PowerPoint-presentation Time to Go INFORMATION FOR OUTBOUND STUDENTS Programme - Time to Go • Student ambassador Megan Grindlay, External Relations, LU • Insurance Isabelle Jönsson, External Relations, LU • Practical issues Lena Jonsson, External Relations, LU • Student experiences Josef Huld, University of Nottingham Philip Geijer, Santa Clara University Sara Gunnarsson, University of Queensland

https://www.lu.se/sites/www.lu.se/files/time_to_go_2014-11-27.pdf - 2025-02-20

MR and frailty - LUPOP - March 2022

PowerPoint-presentation Mendelian Randomization analysis to provide support for causal associations on frailty Sara Hägg Docent in Molecular Epidemiology Department of Medical Epidemiology and Biostatistics (MEB) Karolinska Institutet LUND UNIVERSITY POPULATION RESEARCH PLATFORM (LUPOP) SEMINAR SERIES March 17, 2022 Outline  Introduction to Mendelian Randomization  Assumptions of Mendelian Rando

https://www.lupop.lu.se/sites/lupop.lu.se/files/2022-03/MR%20and%20frailty%20-%20LUPOP%20-%20March%202022.pdf - 2025-02-20

Fish Lenses : Anatomy and Optics

How fish eyes may save yours?According to the World Health Organization, cataract was responsible for over half of the blindness world-wide in 2010. Getting a cataract means that the lens inside your eye gets clouded, preventing clear, sharp vision. Cataract can be caused by age, physical trauma, genetics, or even skin disease. It can virtually happen to everyone. It is possible to fix cataract byI have investigated some of the biological regulatory mechanisms governing the development of crystalline lenses. I used fish as model animals because they possess optically interesting lenses, while the geometrical simplicity of fish lenses allows for studies that are difficult or impossible with the lenses of other animals.First we have investigated lens optical plasticity by measuring longitudi

Evaluation of absorbed dose and image quality in mammography

Popular Abstract in Swedish Utvärdering av stråldos och bildkvalitet i mammografi Bröstcancer är den cancerform som är vanligast hos kvinnor. Genom tidig upptäckt med bröströntgen, mammografi, kan man behandla sjukdomen i ett tidigare stadium och därmed minska dödligheten. Det är också möjligt att behandla på ett skonsammare sätt vid tidig upptäckt. Därför har man startat hälsokontroller, screeniMammography refers to the X-ray examination of the human breast, and is considered the single most important diagnostic tool in the early detection of breast cancer, which is by far the most common cancer among women. There is good evidence from clinical trials, that mammographic screening can reduce the breast cancer mortality with about 30%. The side effects include a small and age related risk

Interaction between the biological effects of high- and low-LET radiation dose components in a mixed field exposure

Purpose: The relative biological effectiveness of two epithermal neutron sources, a reactor based source at Studsvik, Sweden, and a proton accelerator-based source in Birmingham, UK, was studied in relation to the proportional absorbed dose distribution as a function of neutron energy. Evidence for any interactions between the effects of biological damage induced by high- and low-linear energy tra

Riktlinjer beskrivning av forskningsoutput 2.0

Riktlinjer för beskrivning av forskningsoutput i LUCRIS Riktlinjer för beskrivning av forskningsoutput i LUCRIS 0 Riktlinjer för beskrivning av forskningsoutput i LUCRIS LUB:s arbetsgrupp för forskningsoutput i LUCRIS (AGROL) Version 2.0 Inledning Detta dokument innehåller de lokala riktlinjerna för beskrivning av forskningsoutput i LUCRIS, vilket avser hur de olika fälten i registreringsformuläre

https://www.medarbetarwebben.lu.se/sites/medarbetarwebben.lu.se/files/2024-05/Riktlinjer_beskrivning_av_forskningsoutput_2.0.pdf - 2025-02-20

Gender and Political Culture - om politisk kultur i tidigmoderna Europa. Ny bok ute nu!

Gender and Political Culture - om politisk kultur i tidigmoderna Europa. Ny bok ute nu! Gender and Political Culture - om politisk kultur i tidigmoderna Europa. Ny bok ute nu! Publicerad den 30 september 2016 Svante Norrhem är en av redaktörerna för den nya antologin Gender and Political Culture in Early Modern Europe, 1400-1800, (eds. James Daybell & Svante Norrhem, Routledge, 2016). Svante har ä

https://www.historiska.lu.se/article/gender-and-political-culture-om-politisk-kultur-i-tidigmoderna-europa-ny-bok-ute-nu/ - 2025-02-18

Activity report 2019

SASNET Activity Report 2019 SWEDISH SOUTH ASIAN STUDIES NETWORK 2 SASNET ACTIVITY REPORT 2019 3SASNET ACTIVITY REPORT 2019 Table of Contents SASNET ACTIVITY REPORT 2019 5 SEMINARS AND PUBLIC EVENTS 6 WORKSHOPS AND CONFERENCES 8 Symposium on the Indo-Pacific in Singapore 8 South Asia across the Nordic Region (SANR) 2019 8 Workshop on Challenges to Media in South Asia 9 Workshop on Afghanistan: Migr

https://www.sasnet.lu.se/sites/sasnet.lu.se/files/activity_report_2019.pdf - 2025-02-20

Torbern Tagesson

Researcher Contact details Email: torbern [dot] tagesson [at] nateko [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 48 23 Mobile: +46 70 499 39 36Organisation Dept of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science Room number: 370 Service point: 16 WebpageTorbern Tagessons profile in Lund University research portalOther affiliations Principal investigator BECC: Biodiversity and Ecosystem services in a Changing Cli

https://www.nateko.lu.se/torbern-tagesson - 2025-02-20

Lennart Olsson

Professor, Docent Contact details Email: lennart [dot] olsson [at] LUCSUS [dot] lu [dot] se Phone: +46 46 222 05 11 Mobile: +46 70 646 27 12Organisation LUCSUS (Lund University Centre for Sustainability Studies) Visiting address: Josephson, Biskopsgatan 5, Lund Room number: Josephson, 118 Service point: 59 WebpageLennart Olssons profile in Lund University research portalLennart Olsson is Professor

https://www.lucsus.lu.se/lennart-olsson - 2025-02-20

Roman Pasechnik

Senior lecturer Contact details Email: roman [dot] pasechnik [at] fysik [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Particle and nuclear physics Visiting address: Sölvegatan 14 A, Lund Room number: K344 Service point: 14 WebpageRoman Pasechniks profile in Lund University research portalMy research is focused on various theoretical and phenomenological aspects of the Standard Model and beyond, as well as their c

https://www.particle-nuclear.lu.se/roman-pasechnik - 2025-02-20

Ulf Johansson

Professor, Centrumföreståndare, Centrum för handelsforskning Kontaktinformation E-post: ulf [dot] johansson [at] fek [dot] lu [dot] se Telefon: +46 46 222 39 16 Mobil: +46 70 522 73 74Organisation Marknadsföring Rumsnummer: Alfa1:3085 Hämtställe: 10 WebbplatsUlf Johanssons profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportalAndra roller Affilierad forskare Centrum för handelsforskning vid Lunds Universite

https://www.ehl.lu.se/ulf-johansson - 2025-02-20


AbstractsAnn   1   Parallel  session  A  –  Deciphering  Landscape   This  paper  concerns  ex-­‐urbanites’  rural  in-­‐migration  associated  with  imaginations  and…   Chia  Sui  Hsu,  batch  13   This  paper  concerns  ex-­‐urbanites’  rural  in-­‐migration  associated  with  imaginations  and  practices  of   agricultural  lifestyles.  To  illustrate  these  in-­‐migrations  I  offer  an  acc

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/abstracts13oct.pdf - 2025-02-20

Forskning som står upp för humaniora får Einar Hansens forskningspris

Forskning som står upp för humaniora får Einar Hansens forskningspris Forskning som står upp för humaniora får Einar Hansens forskningspris Publicerad den 10 november 2021 Johan Östling. Foto:Marie Cronqvist Einar Hansens svenska forskningspris tilldelas i år kunskapshistorikern Johan Östling. Han får det för sin forskning och för sitt engagemang i det offentliga samtalet – insatser som vill påver

https://www.historiska.lu.se/article/forskning-som-staar-upp-foer-humaniora-faar-einar-hansens-forskningspris/ - 2025-02-18

Kommunismen på film efter murens fall - vad kunde visas?

Kommunismen på film efter murens fall - vad kunde visas? Kommunismen på film efter murens fall - vad kunde visas? Publicerad den 22 maj 2015 Sune Bechmann Pedersen Foto: Anamaria Dutceac Segesten Hur gör man upp med sitt kommunistiska förflutna via film? Historikern Sune Bechmann Pedersens avhandling undersöker hur den kommunistiska tiden representeras på film efter 1989 i Tyskland och i Tjeckien.

https://www.historiska.lu.se/article/kommunismen-paa-film-efter-murens-fall-vad-kunde-visas/ - 2025-02-18

Yuanqiao wu

Titel MASTER THESIS FOR LUMES Lund University Master’s Program in International Environmental Science Green Purchasing to Achieve Corporate Sustainability - Case study on Swedish large companies Author: Wu Yuanqiao Supervisor: Arben Mullai LUND, SWEDEN, 2008 MAY 1 http://images.google.se/imgres?imgurl=http://www.nanotech-now.com/images/Lund.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.nanotech-now.com/products/nanone

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/yuanqiao_wu.pdf - 2025-02-20

Public Administration Theory Research Group

Studying the government and organisation of society Departing from key concepts such as power, democracy, government and ethics, the members of this research group studies a range of different political processes, mainly in a Swedish context but also with an international outlook. This group brings together researchers in political science and law, based in Lund, Malmö, Göteborg and Växjö. Past an

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/research/research-groups/public-administration-theory-research-group - 2025-02-20


The latest dissertations back to the very first! Below you will find a list of dissertations from the latest back to 1996.View older dissertations back to the year 1960Follow the links to view a summary and in many cases read the thesis in its entirety.Most of the Political Science Department's doctoral dissertations are published in the series Lund Political Studies.The latest dissertationsBelow

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/research/publications/dissertations - 2025-02-20