

Din sökning på "chinese" gav 6895 sökträffar


Osvath M, Němec, P., Brusatte, S. L., Witmer, L. M. (2024) Thought for food: the endothermic brain hypothesis, TICSSome publications from the different teams, relevant for deep time cognition:Cognitive ZoologyOsvath M, Johansson M (2024) A short natural history of mental time travels: a journey still travelled? Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society BRejsenhus Jensen T, Anikin A, Osvath M

https://www.deeptimecognition.lu.se/publications - 2025-02-21

What Anna says about the Master's in Food Technology and Nutrition

Anna from Italy, alumna of the Master's in Food Technology (2017), now Production Manager at Kvibille Mejeri, Arla FoodsWhy did you decide to take this Master's at Lund University? "Before starting with my Master's in Food Technology and Nutrition at Lund University, I completed a Bachelor's in Biotechnology in Italy. Biotechnology is a really broad field where can go into many directions, but I s

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-taliv/what-anna-says-about-masters-food-technology-and-nutrition - 2025-02-21

Courses in economic history

We offer a large number of courses in our subject area that provide indispensable and broad knowledge of economics, society and history, but which also facilitate the understanding of many other subjects, such as economics, sociology, political science. Immersing yourself in economic history is not only the most interesting thing you can do, but has proven to be a successful venture to get a good

https://www.lusem.lu.se/organisation/department-economic-history/study-economic-history/courses-economic-history - 2025-02-22

Peace and International Politics Research Group

The Peace and International Politics (PIP) research group convenes approximately once a month. The disciplinary home of the research group is the intersection of International Relations and Peace Research broadly conceived, and we discuss and read theoretical as well as empirical work. We invite members to present work in progress at our seminars, and we invite guests as well as discuss topical re

https://www.svet.lu.se/en/research/research-groups/peace-and-international-politics-research-group - 2025-02-21

What Anshul says about the Master's in Embedded Electronics Engineering

Anshul from IndiaCould you please tell us a little bit about yourself?"My name is Anshul, and I'm from India, where I completed my Bachelor's degree in Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering in 2022."Why did you choose Lund University and why did this particular programme appeal to you?"I have always been drawn to fields that allow me to engage with both software and hardware components, and

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-taeee/what-anshul-says-about-masters-embedded-electronics-engineering - 2025-02-22

What Jesús says about the Master's in Production and Materials Engineering

Jesús from SpainCould you tell us a little bit about yourself and your educational background?"Hi! My name is Jesús. I’m from Sevilla, in southern Spain. There, I studied a double degree in Physics and Materials Engineering. Right after I finished the programme, I decided I wanted to pursue my Master’s and to do it abroad sounded really interesting."Why did you choose Lund University and why did t

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-taprr/what-jesus-says-about-masters-production-and-materials-engineering - 2025-02-22

Alumniprogramme13oct 0

annalumniprogramm.xlsx Thursday,  15  October When   What   Venue 08:30  -­‐  09:00 Registration Palaestra  et  Odeum,   Paradisgatan 09:00  -­‐  09:15 09:15  -­‐  10:15 Key  note: "The  history  and  future  of  global  climate  governance:  towards   Paris  and  beyond"   Joyeeta  Gupta Professor  of  environment  and  development  in  the  global  south   at  the  Amsterdam  Institute  for  Soc

https://www.lumes.lu.se/sites/lumes.lu.se/files/alumniprogramme13oct_0.pdf - 2025-02-23

Emp b24 thesis defence schedule 190926 x

MSc Thesis Presentation Schedule Monday 30th September – Thursday 3th October 2019 MONDAY 30 SEPTEMBER TUESDAY 1 OCTOBER WEDNESDAY 2 OCTOBER THURSDAY 3 OCTOBER Time/Student/Room Thesis title Chairperson Opponent 10.15 - Nayma Jahan - 133 The prospect of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Energy Trading in microgrids: two Swedish cases Thomas Lindhqvist Thomas Parker, WA3RM 10.15 - Madison Wright - Aula Food waste

https://www.iiiee.lu.se/sites/iiiee.lu.se/files/emp_b24_thesis_defence_schedule_190926_x.pdf - 2025-02-23

COSM34 Schedule 2021

Microsoft Word - COSM34 2020 Schedule (2020.11.16).docx 1 COSM34 Development Theories and Issues in Asia Autumn Semester 2021 Course director: Nicholas Loubere E-mail: Nicholas.loubere@ace.lu.se Period: 1 November – 30 November 2021 Office hours: By appointment Teaching 9 Lectures 2 Seminars Readings Students are required to complete all the required readings prior to class. Students, in groups, a

https://www.ace.lu.se/sites/ace.lu.se/files/2021-10/COSM34_Schedule_2021.pdf - 2025-02-23


Page 1 University Admissions in Sweden FE 20102 839 87 Östersund SWEDEN +46 771 550 720 Notification of Selection Results Autumn Semester 2016 2016-08-02 Application no. Personal code no. 8902130 19930427-T134 ERIC ANDRESEN ULRIKEDALSVÄGEN 28B 1008 224 58 LUND Notification of Selection Results for the autumn semester 2016 You have received this admissions notification for one of the following reas

https://www.luaccommodation.lu.se/sites/luaccommodation.lu.se/files/ht2016-application.pdf - 2025-02-23

Tjerita and Novel. Literary Discourse in Post New Order Indonesia

Popular Abstract in Swedish Arbetet undersöker utvecklingar i romanen och novellen av författare som växte upp under New Order (1966-1998). Det är baserat på en survey av de båda genrerna, främst novellen som är tämligen omfattande. Avhandlingen övergår i en diskursanalys av form och innehåll som är relaterade till frågor ställda i inledningen, vilka rör förändringar och riktningar, och specifikt The work examines developments in the novel and the short story of writers who grew up during the New Order era (1966-1998) in the period of reform post 1998. It is assumed and subsequently affirmed that the genres are developing, modern genres in dialogue with the past and present. The work's main use of theory is that of M. M. Bakhtin's ideas of dialogism. The assumption of 'novelization' is fra

No title

Total pages of required readings (marked with *): 746 Total pages of student-selected readings (chosen from the below list): 350 Total pages of reading required by students in the course: 1096 Abraham, I. 2020. “Host Communities and Refugees in Southeast Asia: Report on a Workshop held at the National University of Singapore (NUS), 10-11 May 2019.” Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast As

https://www.ht.lu.se/media/utbildning/dokument/kurser/COSM33/20242/COSM33_literature_list.pdf - 2025-02-23

Wag the WeiWei - A US boot in the Asian door

The growing interdependence and interconnectedness of the global community set the pace and frame for the evolution of foreign policy. Diplomacy formerly being the reserve of international communication has consequently been forced to change and branch out. This essay attempts to view these changes and their context at the example of US foreign policy in Pacific Asia. Both hard power translating i

The Establishment of Macrobenthic Faunal Communities in Planted Mangroves of Increasing Age

Mangroveskogens ekosystem är ett tropiskt kustsamhälle bebott av organismer anpassade till den stressfulla miljön i tidvattenszonen. Mangroveskogen har på senare år blivit erkänd för de viktiga ekosystemtjänsterna den erbjuder. Trotts detta hotas den av mänskliga aktiviteter, och en tredjedel av världens naturliga mangroveskog uppskattas redan ha gått förlorad. Ansträngningar har gjorts för att beThe mangrove ecosystem is a tropical coastal community inhabited by organisms adapted to the stressful environment of the tidal zone. Mangrove ecosystems has in recent years been noted for the important ecosystem services they offer. Still, they are threatened by anthropogenic activities and it has been estimated that a third of the world’s natural mangrove cover has already been lost. Efforts hav

En framtida IS-tribunal – tomma ord eller en reell möjlighet?

Islamiska Staten har de senaste fem åren orsakat oerhört mycket smärta och sorg. Krigsförbrytelser, brott mot mänskligheten och folkmord ska ha begåtts i de områden rörelsen kontrollerat i Irak och Syrien. Nu när kalifatets sista fästen besegrats står det internationella samfundet inför en ny utmaning; hur och var ska de ansvariga individerna straffas? Vissa politiker har numera hävdat att en IS-tDuring the past five years, the Islamic State has been responsible for a large amount of pain and suffering. War crimes, crimes against humanity and genocide have been committed in the areas the group controlled in Iraq and Syria. Now as the Kalifate’s last strongholds have been defeated, the international community stands before a new task; how and where shall the individuals responsible be punis

Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Energy Payback Time for multi- and mono-Si Photovoltaic Systems - A Study on Solar Energy from Photovoltaic Systems Located in Sweden

Solceller – en miljövänlig energikälla? Miljöförstöring i form av växthusgasutsläpp är en gigantisk utmaning som mänskligheten står inför och vi måste agera NU! Solceller innebär en fantastisk möjlighet att utvinna stora mängder “ren” energi från solen. Men hur miljövänliga är egentligen solceller och är det ett effektivt alternativ i Sverige? Varje timme träffas Jorden av tillräckligt mycket eClimate change is one of the greatest environmental challenges at the present time and is currently an issue affecting the entire global population. Alternative renewable energy sources are vital to be able to deal with this challenge. Solar energy is one of the most promising renewable energy sources and is therefore also one of the fastest growing industries in this field. However, solar energy

The distribution of shorebirds and their benthic food underscore the importance of heterogeneity in habitat conservation

Distribution patterns of resources and their role in determining species distribution are not only fundamental to the understanding of ecological patterns, but also of practical significance in conservation management. Shorebirds are experiencing precipitous declines globally, especially along the East Asian-Australasian Flyway (EAAF), where the major threats include the loss and degradation of ti

Modelling Time-Dependent Effects for Segmentally Constructed Prestressed Concrete Bridges

Tidsberoende effekter, såsom krypning, krympning och stålrelaxation, är ofta svåra att prediktera när det kommer till förspända betongkonstruktioner. Krypning som ett fenomen är komplicerat och förenklas därför i gällande byggnormer (Eurocode), för att underlätta konstruktörens arbete. När det gäller etappvis spännarmerade betongbroar har dessa förenklingar visat sig ge felaktiga prognoser av de tLong-term effects, such as creep, shrinkage, and steel relaxation, are often difficult to predict for prestressed concrete structures. Creep as a phenomenon is complicated to describe and is therefore simplified in the current building standards, to better accommodate the designer. When dealing with segmentally constructed prestressed concrete bridges, these simplifications have shown to provide i