Ämnesdidaktik för kinesiska
Kursen utgörs av ämnesdidaktiska föreläsningar och seminarier med syfte att introducera de studerande i yrket som lärare i rikskinesiska.
Kursen utgörs av ämnesdidaktiska föreläsningar och seminarier med syfte att introducera de studerande i yrket som lärare i rikskinesiska.
KIND02 bygger vidare på innehållet i kursen KIND01, Ämnesdidaktik för kinesiska I. Kursen utgörs av ämnesdidaktiska föreläsningar, övningar och seminarier med syfte att introducera de studerande i yrket som lärare i rikskinesiska. Undervisningen ges i form av föreläsningar, gruppövningar och seminarier med obligatorisk närvaro vid gruppövningarna (2-3) och seminarierna (2-3)
The course delves into the uneven and diverse nature of China’s global push, examining a range of topics, such as labour regimes, environmental issues, logistics/supply chains, digital globalisation, informal/illicit industries, foreign policy, and human rights. Various active actors beyond the state and the Communist Party are also analysed, including state and private businesses, civil society a
Som student vid Lunds universitet har du möjlighet att studera vid något av våra partneruniversitet under sommaren. Genvägar till sidans innehåll:Om sommarkurser utomlandsSå ansöker duNär du har skickat in din ansökan Om sommarkurser utomlandsEn sommarkurs kan vara ett utmärkt alternativ för dig som inte vill eller kan vara borta en hel termin men som ändå vill bredda din utbildning. Ansökningsper
https://www.lu.se/studera/internationella-mojligheter/sommarkurser-utomlands - 2025-01-30
Issue of study: There is no clear framework for IPR negotiation to support the establishment of I-U collaboration by balancing their competing interests. For I-U collaborations within the same country, several sets of guidelines have been produced to emphasize IPR-issues in R&D collaborations. These have helped to increase awareness, but corporations and universities still report problems when
Performance measurement system, especially the Balanced Score Card (BSC) is gaining increasing popularity among various kinds of organizations, especially these years more and more non-profit organizations such as: schools, hospitals, labor unions, etc., are putting emphasis on the implementation of performance measure system to improve their practice. It was demonstrated that a great amount of ac
The study of pragmatic markers attracts many scholars within the field of pragmatics, in particular in the area of radical pragmatics. Pragmatic markers are often perceived by speakers as having vague meanings that are hard to pin down in words. A pragmatic marker marker also often seem to contribute in different ways to the explicit or implicit message that the speaker wants to convey depending o
The purpose of this thesis is to analyze how corporate branding as the organizational resource with different dimensions used for attracting employees. Corporate branding is the cutting-edge organizational and marketing research field and lacking of empirical work, many researches make focus on the relationship between the organizations and its customers, few empirical researches make the contribu