

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 49294 sökträffar

Probing Electron Collisions in Nanostructures

We live in a time of wireless technologies, robotics and small computers with very high computing power. This is mainly due to a large emphasis given towards the study of semiconductor materials which are the building blocks of today's electronic industry. One of the secrets behind creating faster computers is the ability to integrate more and more transistors on a small semiconductor chip. GordonThis thesis studies the role of interaction between charged particles for transport and optical properties in nanostructures. Simulations are provided for a quantitative description of the system dynamics probed by either current spectroscopy or light absorption. In the first part of the thesis (Part I) the basic theories are described and in the second part of the thesis (Part II) the papers list

Sociala rättigheter och boende för den åldrande befolkningen

Ett av våra tematiska samverkansinitiativ Den åldrande befolkningen är en global samhällsutmaning. Inkluderande bostäder och bostadsområden, och möjligheten att leva ett hälsosamt liv i alla åldrar, kräver kunskap och forskning om boende för en mångfasetterad åldrande befolkning ur ett socialt rättighetsperspektiv. Vi utvecklar ny kunskap om utmaningar och möjligheter som rör bostäder och bostadso

https://www.lu.se/forskning/tematiska-samverkansinitiativ/sociala-rattigheter-och-boende-den-aldrande-befolkningen - 2025-02-26

Labour In-Between Gift And Commodity – Reproducing And Resisting Precarity In The Digital Games Industry

The paper investigates the phenomenon of double exploitation in ’passionate work’, where workers are exploiting themselves in their dedication to work and colleagues, simultaneously as being exposed to exploitation by employers and the industry at large. The study is based on an analysis of semi-structured interviews with game developers employed in the Swedish digital games industry. The digital The paper investigates the phenomenon of double exploitation in ’passionate work’, where workers are exploiting themselves in their dedication to work and colleagues, simultaneously as being exposed to exploitation by employers and the industry at large. The study is based on an analysis of semi-structured interviews with game developers employed in the Swedish digital games industry. The digital

Assessment cultures in higher education : reducing barriers and enabling change

A series of worldwide projects concerning assessment, student outcomes and quality in higher education has revealed the need for a change in how higher education institutions assess student outcomes; however, many academics remain unconvinced. The success of assessment change arguably depends on the assessment culture within the institution. This qualitative investigation of assessment cultures drA series of worldwide projects concerning assessment, student outcomes and quality in higher education has revealed the need for a change in how higher education institutions assess student outcomes; however, many academics remain unconvinced. The success of assessment change arguably depends on the assessment culture within the institution. This qualitative investigation of assessment cultures dr

Welcome to the Sacrifice Zone(s): Fear and Militarism in Okinawa

26 mars 2025 15:15 till 17:00 | Föreläsning Open lecture with Marius Palz, Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Japanese Studies, University of Oxford American and increasingly Japanese militarism is an ever-present feature of people’s daily lives in Japan’s southernmost prefecture, Okinawa. Being located closer to Taiwan than to Tokyo, these islands have been of strategic importance for the US presenc

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/welcome-sacrifice-zones-fear-and-militarism-okinawa - 2025-02-26


Om du upplever att du har ett problematiskt förhållande till mat kan det handla om en ätstörning. Här kan du läsa mer om tecken på ätstörningar, vad du själv kan göra samt när och hur du bör gå till väga för att söka hjälp. Genvägar till sidans innehåll:Vad är en ätstörning?När bör jag söka vård?Vad är en ätstörning?Det är inte ovanligt att studenter tänker på sin vikt eller provar olika dieter el

https://www.lu.se/studera/livet-som-student/service-och-stod/studenthalsan/kost-och-motion/atstorningar - 2025-02-26

Changing Conditions for Gender Studies

7 februari 2024 13:15 till 16:00 | Seminarium Academics from the field of gender studies will discuss the adaptations, continuities, challenges and impacts of gender studies in today’s societal and political landscape. Participants include Professor Elisabeth L Engebretsen, Professor Ulrika Dahl, Professor Mia Liinason together with Doctor Niclas Järvklo. Reflecting over the time and place of gend

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/changing-conditions-gender-studies - 2025-02-26

Global Public Theology - A Roundtable on Experimental and Explorative Approaches

12 september 2024 13:15 till 16:00 | Seminarium ProgrammeThis roundtable explores state and significance of public theology in the current geopolitical situation. The increasingly interdisciplinary field of public theology investigates the role of religions in the public square. Particularly in controversies that are stirred up or perceived to be stirred up by religious diversity, such investigati

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/global-public-theology-roundtable-experimental-and-explorative-approaches - 2025-02-26

Surviving the Apocalypse: Researching Ancient Catastrophes In SW Japan

29 januari 2025 15:15 till 17:00 | Föreläsning Open lecture with Peter Jordan, Department of Archaeology and Ancient History, Lund University AbstractThe Japanese archipelago is situated in the ‘Pacific Ring of Fire’, one of the world’s most tectonically active zones. With dense urban populations living in close proximity to different volcanic geohazards, living with elevated environmental risk is

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/surviving-apocalypse-researching-ancient-catastrophes-sw-japan - 2025-02-26

Optical Studies For Synchrotron Radiation Beamlines

Synchrotron radiation sources have greatly contributed to the progress in many fields of science. The development of the storage ring technologies has made possible to obtain very low emittance electron beams, which together with the use of undulators allow guiding a very high photon flux into a very small spot required by the experiments. Development of the sources has been accompanied with equa

Romsk musik som fristad

26 januari 2024 13:00 till 15:00 | Konsert Välkomna till årets minnesstund med temat Romsk musik som fristad. Under Romska rådets årliga minnesstund med anledning av Förintelsens minnesdag bjuder romska musiker tillsammans med Musikhögskolan i Malmös studenter och lärare på en konsert på temat överlevnad, sorg och berättande.Detta är ett samarrangemang mellan Malmö stads romska råd och Musikhögsko

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/romsk-musik-som-fristad - 2025-02-26

Alumn: Shafagh Elhami

Vad arbetar du med idag?– Jag är anställd på Regeringskansliet där jag arbetar som hot- och riskhandläggare på Kansliet för krishantering vid Justitiedepartementet. På kansliet samordnar vi regeringens och Regeringskansliets arbete med beredskap och krishanteringsfrågor. Mina arbetsuppgifter innefattar bland annat att tidigt fånga upp händelser som skulle kunna föranleda krishantering för regering

https://www.lu.se/lubas/i-uoh-lu-sgpol/alumn-shafagh-elhami - 2025-02-25

The Emergence of European Culture

During prehistory Europe changed and developed in several ways, especially in connection with the introduction of new technological and social complexes. This course consist of a number of thematic lectures and seminars concerning different central questions in European prehistory. Among them we find; the introduction of agriculture the emergence of metallurgy the emergence of complex soci

Global hälsa och mänskliga rättigheter

How can a global health program apply a right based approach? Is health a necessity for the enjoyment of human rights? These are some of the questions that you will have the opportunity to explore through web-based lectures, seminars and self-studies in the course. The course welcomes students from different disciplines. Maybe you are working with public or global health and would like to learn mo