

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 49298 sökträffar

X-Lab CAD for 3D-printing Workshop

14 maj 2024 17:15 till 19:00 | Övrigt Join us for a workshop delving into the realm of Computer-Aided Design (CAD) tailored specifically for 3D printing! In this workshop, we'll focus on designing models optimized for 3D printing. You'll learn what to have in mind when designing a model for 3D printing. This will include tolerances, layer direction, support structures & more. The workshop will not

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/x-lab-cad-3d-printing-workshop-2 - 2025-02-26

Open house at Malmö Art Academy/ Öppet hus på Konsthögskolan i Malmö

23 januari 2025 14:00 till 16:00 | Övrigt Välkommen till öppet hus på Konsthögskolan i Malmö! Vi ger en rundvandring av verkstäder och ateljéer och det finns möjlighet att ställa frågor till lärare, personal och studenter.Rektor Maj Hasager inleder med att presentera skolan från klockan 14.00.Båghallarna, Föraregatan 4 i Malmö mellan kl. 14.00 och 16.00.Här kan du läsa mer om våra utbildningar i f

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/open-house-malmo-art-academy-oppet-hus-pa-konsthogskolan-i-malmo-0 - 2025-02-26

Opting out: Educational mobility and the pursuit of a happy childhood among Singaporean families

This paper explores the dilemmas of upward social mobility from the perspective of opting out of conventional middle-class aspirations in search of better lives. East Asian education systems are globally renowned for their high academic standards and for producing students who score at the top on international assessment tests and rankings. It is well established in previous research that (middle-

Ghosts, Dreams, and Hauntings: Reconciling Indonesia’s 1965-66 Anti-Communist Violence

29 oktober 2024 15:15 till 17:00 | Föreläsning Open lecture with Grace Leksana, Assistant professor in Indonesian History at Utrecht University Ghosts and mysticisms are not distinct phenomena of Southeast Asian societies. What is unique, however, in the context of Southeast Asia and particularly Indonesia is the use of these spiritual experiences. Early records of colonial explorers in the Dutch

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/ghosts-dreams-and-hauntings-reconciling-indonesias-1965-66-anti-communist-violence - 2025-02-26

European and International Trade and Tax Law - Magisterprogram

The Master’s in European and International Trade and Tax Law builds on previous studies in Law, Economics, Business Administration, Political Science or International Relations The programme provides an in-depth understanding of both the practical and theoretical aspects of trade and tax law within the EU as well as globally. International trade evolves rapidly. Those interested in doing busiThe Master’s in European and International Trade and Tax Law builds on previous studies in Law, Economics, Business Administration, Political Science or International Relations The programme provides an in-depth understanding of both the practical and theoretical aspects of trade and tax law within the EU as well as globally. International trade evolves rapidly. Those interested in doing busi

Samhällsgeografi: Kritisk urbangeografi

I kursen undersöks sambanden mellan rum, plats, byggda miljöer, urbanitet och samhälle. Genom föreläsningar, seminarier, exkursioner och textläsning utforskas kritisk stadsteori. Kursens syfte är både att utveckla en övergripande förståelse för t ex historiska urbaniseringsprocesser och att ge insikter i samtida urbana aspekter, frågor, utmaningar och konflikter som uppmärksammats av forskare, plThis course examines interrelations between space, place, built environment, urbanity and society. Through lectures, seminars, excursions and readings, students will explore critical urban theory. The course seeks to advancing both comprehensive understandings of e.g. historical urbanization processes, as well as stimulating insight into contemporary urban dimensions, questions, challenges and co

Human Rights Lunch Online: Human rights of older persons in long-term care

25 oktober 2024 12:15 till 13:00 | Seminarium Welcome to Human Rights Lunch Online where you can get new insights from the field of human rights research while enjoying your lunch! The two LU profile areas Human Rights and Proactive Ageing will team up together with The Swedish Institute for Human Rights. Brittis Edman, project leader, will present the latest report of The Swedish Institute for Hu

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/human-rights-lunch-online-human-rights-older-persons-long-term-care - 2025-02-26

Språk och språkvetenskap, Moderna språk - Masterprogram

The MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. An additional goal is to develop the student’s language proficiency and knowledge of the language. Students can choose between seven different specializations and 18 subject areas. Note however that not alThe MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions. An additional goal is to develop the student’s language proficiency and knowledge of the language. Students can choose between seven different specializations and 18 subject areas. Note however that not al

Litteraturvetenskap - Kandidatprogram

Kandidatprogrammet i litteraturvetenskap ger en bred och fördjupad litteraturvetenskaplig utbildning. I programmet förenas ämneskunskaper med yrkesinriktade färdigheter och kompetenser såsom textbearbetning, skrivande i olika genrer och litteraturförmedling av olika slag. Förutom de teoretiska kurserna får du läsa praktiska kurser och göra projektarbeten och studiebesök. Det finns också möjlighet

Cecilia Nordlund & Fullmånen Från Helvetet VS Elin Maria Johansson

24 januari 2024 12:15 | Konsert A visual and musical study of the five elements in darkness The experimental band Fullmånen Från Helvetet with lead singer Cecilia Nordlund and cello players Åsa Gjerstad and Christine Owman will together with visuals artist Elin Maria Johansson research how a collaboration could look and sound like. The aim with this project is to investigate what can happen in the

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/cecilia-nordlund-fullmanen-fran-helvetet-vs-elin-maria-johansson - 2025-02-26

Genusvetenskap: Feministiska metodologier och metoder

The course aims to provide the student with theoretical and practical knowledge on methods for research design, data collection and data analysis. The course also aims to consolidate the students’ ability to analyse, reflect on and assess the relationship between methods, methodology and feminist and gender research theory of knowledge. Through lectures, seminars and workshops the course explores

Hebreiska: Nybörjarkurs I

Kursen behandlar övergripande hebreiska språkets historiska utveckling i samband med att du börjar lära dig de hebreiska skrifttecknen, alef-beit, i kursiv stil och i uttal. Med bara några få ord kommer du att kunna säga och skriva dina första meningar på hebreiska. Med hjälp av enklare texter får du lära dig att analysera grundläggande grammatiska fenomen. Dessa får du även tillämpa i översättnin As a student you will begin from scratch with an introduction to the Hebrew script, alef-bet, both how to read and write (cursive). With just a few words you will be able to say and write your first sentences in Hebrew. We will read simple texts and analyse Hebrew characteristic grammatical phenomena. You will learn to apply these characteristics in translation and conversational exercises.

Språk och språkvetenskap, Lingvistik - Masterprogram

The MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions.  Students can choose between seven different specializations and 18 subject areas. Note however that not all specializations and subject areas are offered every year. For the intake in 2024, the folloThe MA in Language and Linguistics is intended for students who are interested in increasing the knowledge of language in a broad sense and the theoretical understanding of linguistic questions.  Students can choose between seven different specializations and 18 subject areas. Note however that not all specializations and subject areas are offered every year. For the intake in 2024, the follo

Ekonomisk historia: Konsekvenser av demografisk förändring

The course examines the impact of demographic change on the social and economic fabric of society, with a focus on issues of importance to today's policymakers. The impact of population aging will be examined in detail, as will the possible benefits / pitfalls of migration as a potential solution to population aging. The course will also examine the impacts of demographic change on individuals, th

Sömndagboken (The Sleep Journal) by Karin Lindstén, Nadja Ericsson

12 januari 2024 19:00 till 13 januari 2024 17:00 | Utställning Friday, 12 January, 19:00 to 22:00 / Live performance at 19:15Saturday, 13 January, 12:00 to 17:00Two archives containing selected and stored footage, two parallel lines drawn out. Images interlacing, corresponding, merging and separating. Momentarily, duplicates emerge as reflections and double exposures. Sometimes the image acts as a

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/somndagboken-sleep-journal-karin-lindsten-nadja-ericsson - 2025-02-26

Introduction to the use of the humanoid robot Epi in ongoing cognitive research by Birger Johansson

29 januari 2024 10:00 | Föreläsning, Seminarium The session includes hands-on experiments with Epi at the IAC and features both guidance and lecture by Birger Johansson, Director of the Cognitive Robotics Lab at Lund University What are robots good at? What are they not quite as good at? The lecture will present some of the advancements and challenges in robot research with a focus on the research

https://www.lu.se/evenemang/introduction-use-humanoid-robot-epi-ongoing-cognitive-research-birger-johansson - 2025-02-26