

Din sökning på "SASH92 – Social AI through the Looking Glass" gav 48994 sökträffar

Practising with landscape: between inside and outside

Practising with landscape: between inside and outside | Fiona Harrisson | Friday 31/1 | Welcome! Hoppa till huvudinnehåll Den här webbplatsen använder cookies för att förbättra användarupplevelsen. Genom att fortsätta använda webbplatsen samtycker du till att cookies används enligt vår cookie-policy (på LTH:s webbplats) . Absolut nödvändiga cookies Dessa cookies är nödvändiga för att webbplatsen s

https://www.abm.lth.se/article/practising-with-landscape-between-inside-and-outside-fiona-harrisson-friday-311-welcome/ - 2025-02-28

Ta rädslan på allvar – Vetenskap och Hälsa

Ta rädslan på allvar – Vetenskap och Hälsa Populärvetenskapligt om forskning inom medicin och hälsa. Läs mer. Meny Visa navigation Teman Podd Tidskrift Föreläsningar Prenumerera Forskningens dag Vad forskar du om? Unga intervjuar forskare Prenumerera Om webbplatsen Tillgänglighetsredogörelse Behandling av personuppgifter Mer Forskningens dag Vad forskar du om? Unga intervjuar forskare Om webbplats

https://www.vetenskaphalsa.se/ta-radslan-pa-allvar/ - 2025-01-28

Norma Research Programme

The Norma Research Programme is an interdisciplinary research environment at the Faculty of Law, and a research centre affiliated with the Labour Law Research Network (LLRN). The focus is on the legal regulation of everyday life and social integration at national, EU, and international level, and on labour markets, social welfare, ageing societies, and families. The research environment includes a

Antioxidants in Andean food and meals

Popular Abstract in English Popular scientific summary Interest in food and plants as sources of antioxidants has increased in recent years, since antioxidants are believed to have major health benefits. Food and plants have complex matrices made up of different compounds (polyphenols, antocyanidin, carotenoids, etc) that individually or jointly can act as antioxidants. Polyphenols and anthocyaniAbstract The constant need to improve health and to prevent disease in Bolivia, especially in the Andean region with its extreme environmental conditions (high altitude and lower temperatures), motivated us to extend studies of antioxidant sources in foods and plants, since antioxidants are believed to have major health benefits. Spectrophotometric methods, such as ABTS (2, 2’- azinobis-3-ethyl

Contested Boundaries

An ethnographic study of activist practices for the inclusion of excluded migrants in Sweden, Denmark and the UK. (2012-2015) Sager, Maja. 2012-2015. Contested Boundaries. An ethnographic study of activist practices for the inclusion of excluded migrants in Sweden, Denmark and the UK. Projektet finansieras av FAS Marie Curie International Postdoc Programme, COFAS och kommer genomföras på Lancaster

https://www.genus.lu.se/contested-boundaries - 2025-02-27

Attempts at using Bayesian neural networksfor uncertainty assessments of temperature forecasts

This thesis describes attempts at estimating the uncertainty of the 2-metre temperature forecast error from a probabilistic point of view, utilizing Bayesian neural networks. Bayesian neural networks are a type of machine-learning algorithms used to find patterns in data and make probabilistic predictions. Multiple fields of output data from the ECMWF IFS global model, along with temperature measu

Psykiatriska paradigm och diagnosen depression: pengar, politik och piller

The purpose of this study is to examine depression in regard to the shifting paradigms of psychiatry, which could possibly be tied to the shifting economic policies in western society at large. The methodological approach in doing this has been one of studying literature regarding past and present psychiatric paradigms, as well as literature on the economic paradigms of recent history, and interpr

Special Area Study (SAS) courses

Nominated exchange students can apply for so-called 'Special Area Study' (SAS) courses in a wide range of subjects across eight out of nine faculties at Lund University. These courses are a wonderful opportunity for you to learn more about subjects outside your major. The course offerings include courses mostly focusing on one discipline as well as interdisciplinary courses tackling contemporary s

https://www.lunduniversity.lu.se/admissions/exchange-and-study-abroad/exchange-studies/special-area-study-sas-courses - 2025-02-27

Nytt grepp för att förbättra hälsan i utsatta områden – Vetenskap och Hälsa

Nytt grepp för att förbättra hälsan i utsatta områden – Vetenskap och Hälsa Populärvetenskapligt om forskning inom medicin och hälsa. Läs mer. Meny Visa navigation Teman Podd Tidskrift Föreläsningar Prenumerera Forskningens dag Vad forskar du om? Unga intervjuar forskare Prenumerera Om webbplatsen Tillgänglighetsredogörelse Behandling av personuppgifter Mer Forskningens dag Vad forskar du om? Unga

https://www.vetenskaphalsa.se/nytt-grepp-for-att-forbattra-halsan-i-utsatta-omraden/ - 2025-02-28

Litar patienten på doktor dator? – Vetenskap och Hälsa

Litar patienten på doktor dator? – Vetenskap och Hälsa Populärvetenskapligt om forskning inom medicin och hälsa. Läs mer. Meny Visa navigation Teman Podd Tidskrift Föreläsningar Prenumerera Forskningens dag Vad forskar du om? Unga intervjuar forskare Prenumerera Om webbplatsen Tillgänglighetsredogörelse Behandling av personuppgifter Mer Forskningens dag Vad forskar du om? Unga intervjuar forskare

https://www.vetenskaphalsa.se/litar-patienten-pa-doktor-dator/ - 2025-02-28

Lorena Melgaço

Biträdande universitetslektor Kontaktinformation E-post: lorena [dot] melgaco [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] seOrganisation Institutionen för kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografi Hämtställe: 16 WebbplatsLorena Melgaços profil i Lunds universitets forskningsportal Publikationer Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel. Filtrera efter typ AllaArtikel i tidskriftArtikel i uppslagsverkBokBok

https://www.keg.lu.se/lorena-melgaco - 2025-03-01

Margin of Appreciation - en diskriminerande doktrin

The European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR) has up till now been signed by 47 of its member states. By signing the convention the member states undertake to follow the regulations regarding the freedom and rights of the individual, which the convention prescribes. The European Court of Human Rights is the highest condemnatory instance in Europe, with its seat in Strasbourg, where cases regardin

Field Measurements for Verification of the Impact of Renovation and Maintenance Measures on Buildings : - regarding Energy Efficiency, Indoor Environment and Moisture Safety

Renovating the European building stock has for almost two decades been a matter of importance to the European Union. Reduction of energy use for existing buildings can be achieved through applying energy efficiency renovation measures. Besides this, there is quite a large renovation need in Sweden due to building materials and services reaching (or having passed) the end of their service life.Inco

Medelålders kvinnor dricker mer än tidigare – Vetenskap och Hälsa

Medelålders kvinnor dricker mer än tidigare – Vetenskap och Hälsa Populärvetenskapligt om forskning inom medicin och hälsa. Läs mer. Meny Visa navigation Teman Podd Tidskrift Föreläsningar Prenumerera Forskningens dag Vad forskar du om? Unga intervjuar forskare Prenumerera Om webbplatsen Tillgänglighetsredogörelse Behandling av personuppgifter Mer Forskningens dag Vad forskar du om? Unga intervjua

https://www.vetenskaphalsa.se/medelalders-kvinnor-dricker-mer-an-tidigare/ - 2025-02-28

Informal caregivers of older persons with dementia in eight European countries. Experiences, support, well-being and burden.

The overall aim was to investigate informal caregivers providing care for older persons with dementia (≥ 65 years of age) in eight European countries. Focus was on their experiences of formal care, access to support and factors that were associated with caregivers’ psychological well-being and burden. Caregivers’ experiences of formal care were investigated in a qualitative study with four focus gThe overall aim was to investigate informal caregivers providing care for older persons with dementia (≥ 65 years of age) in eight European countries. Focus was on their experiences of formal care, access to support and factors that were associated with caregivers’ psychological well-being and burden. Caregivers’ experiences of formal care were investigated in a qualitative study with four focus g